May 30th, 2024 Music Parent Meeting Minutes:
October 10th, 2024
September 19th, 202
April 18th, 2024 Music Parent Meeting Minutes
**Please just cut and paste the below address to get to MINUTES…we are unable to hyper link for some strange reason…
February 22nd, 2024 Music Parent Meeting Minutes
**Please just cut and paste the below address to get to MINUTES…we are unable to hyper link for some strange reason…
January 25th, 2024 Music Parent Meeting Minutes
**Please just cut and paste the below address to get to MINUTES…we are unable to hyper link for some strange reason…
November 24th, 2023 Music Parent Meeting Minutes
**Please just cut and paste the below address to get to MINUTES…we are unable to hyper link for some strange reason…
October 26th, 2023 Music Parent Meeting Minutes
September, 2023 Music Parent Meeting Minutes
May 11th, 2023 Music Parent Meeting Minutes
April 2023, no meeting
March 17th, 2023 Music Parent Meeting Minutes
February 16th, 2023 Music Parent Meeting Minutes
January 19th, 2023 Music Parent Meeting Minutes
November 17th, 2022 Music Parent Meeting Minutes
October 13th Music Parent Meeting Minutes:
Music Parent’s Committee
Meeting Date: September 22nd, 2022
Review Minutes from the previous meeting (June 2nd). Any amendments?
Vote to accept:
Moved to accept: Joy Brown Seconded: Dan Thomas
- Review agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve
Moved to accept: Seconded:
- Welcome from Mr Schill:
Old Business
- Parent Committee Roles yet to be filled:
President: Jacquelyn Curtis & Vanessa Gottfriedson
Vice President: not yet filled
Treasurer: Karla Robertson
Fundraising Coordinator(s): Karyn Heit, Tracy Hanry
Trip(s) Coordinator: Liz Taylor & Jacquelyn Curtis, PLUS Mr. Schill assists.
Communications: Jessica Ens
Secretary(s) (Minute Takers): Olga Kastioukevich +Julia Slater + Randie Bekstrom(?)
Specific individual fundraising organizers: # of people needed varies, currently unfilled
Clothing Coordinator: Liz Taylor, Karyn Heit, Irene Dhaliwal
Kelowna Jazz Trip Coordinator: Jacquelyn Curtis
- Treasurer Report: Balance of accounts as of September 22nd, 2022
Parent’s account – $5863.44
Student’s account – $18,716.80
($1091.73 was previously moved to Parent account for 10% tithe of previous year’s fundraising)
Student amounts will be on the blog-found by student number…2022/23 new students will be added by our treasurer soon.
- Kelowna Interior Jazz Festival (April 13-15th, 2023…1-2 nights) $400 per child (hopefully we can do this MUCH cheaper) this year (not including food) perhaps private vehicles can be arranged to reduce costs
Supposing 15 students, 4 vehicles rather than a bus for transport.
PAC may help with registration fees or transportation.
Likely 1 parent to organize this festival (separate from Whistler parent): Jacquelyn Curtis
Joy will request $$ from PAC. **Joy reminder that we need to complete the form ASAP.
& Whistler Cantando Festival (April 27-30, 2022)…we are self organizing to save $$
$650 estimated per student for 3 nights/4days-this may change in announcement of not needing to hire a tour company. Tour companies can quote a firm price.
Chaperones (11/12) will be needed, an invitation will be sent in January
Gr7-9 Choir & Band attends, including Beginner Band 🙂
Whistler Deposit schedule:
- Wednesday, October 12th -$150 non-refundable cash deposit #1
- Wednesday, November 9th -$150 deposit #2
- Wednesday, December 7th -$150 deposit #3
- Wednesday, February 1st -$200 final payment
- Final payment will depend on balance owing, taking fundraising into consideration
- a) Family volunteer time MAY be used as credit toward student deposits. A formula is still being worked out for this. Will be discussed October meeting.
- b) Deposit overpayment will be refunded AFTER the trip. Overpayment may arise from extraordinary fundraising efforts. Refunds are not given from fundraising dollars.
- c) Reminder, a 10% tithe is placed in the parent account after each fundraiser….helping those students who have worked VERY hard in class, display an excellent attitude AND have participated in all fundraising to the absolute best of their ability. Students whose families may fall short in terms of payment need to submit to Mr. Schill a Financial Assistance Request form located on the music dept BLOG
- d) Keep track of your students’ fundraising efforts and deposit amounts.
- e) Legacy funds may be available towards some of the costs. TBD.
- f) Legacy funds may also be used to aid in equipment purchases.
- G) Interior Jazz Festival Payment Schedule will need to be set up as well….
To be set up once there is a festival organizer
September- Sat., Sept. 24th Bottle Drive #1 10:00am
Bring a driver and get extra credit. Drivers must show liability of $3 million 1 million. Students and drivers must sign in to receive credit. Maps and bags will be provided. When your route is complete, drivers head to General Grants on the North Shore, students are to go into the store and communicate they are with Brock Music Department and the gate will be opened for you – no sorting is needed.
Our group has an account at this location, so if you have family and friends that want to support our group, they can drop off their returns and donate to the Brock Music Department.
All dates are tentative for upcoming fundraisers, and prices will be shared once information becomes available. Emails have been sent to these businesses and awaiting replies from some.
October – 5th-21st Global Coffee (confirmed dates for this)
Delivery 28th
This is great coffee, comes in multiple roasts both ground and whole bean. Hot chocolate is also available. Order forms will be available from the music room and online -it can be shared online to increase your sales.
Co-ordinator and distributors 3 people total: Carla Connor to coordinate, help: Jessica Ens, Jay MacPhail
Value Village (individuals can start gathering & organizing items now)
Fundrive-gather and arrange items from friends and family. Items are weighed per category. You must organize items in this way:
Soft Goods in bags: clothing, shoes, accessories, linens ($0.15/lb)
Housewares in boxes: kitchen items, décor, toys, games, small appliances ($0.10/lb)
Books and Media in Boxes (please separate) ($0.02/lb)
There will be a pre-arranged drop off date & time. We provide an accurate bag and box count 2-weeks prior to drop-off to guarantee the delivery date. There’s a truck rental fee of $100 for a 2000lb weight OR if someone has a truck or trailer (for extra credit) to volunteer the drop off. Volunteers needed for loading and unloading (extra credit).Like the bottle drive, monies would be divided to those that participate. First part of November is available and we can arrange a second date. Average of $500 is paid per group.
Truck and Trailer: Jaquliene Curtis
Roxanne Herperger
Tom Freedmon
Kelly Berwin
November- 9th-16th Gary’s Deli (confirmed dates for this)
Delivery November 23rd
Garlic Sausage, Pepperoni, and Smokies. Great for freezing before Christmas entertaining.
Co-ordinator: Tim Mavor
Distributors people: Carla Connor, Victoria Olson,
December 13th (Tentative)- Christmas Concert Bake Sale
Liz said she’d do shirts at the christmas concert
-Bring your Christmas baking wrapped and ready for sale at the Christmas concert. Sales will be distributed equally between those who bring baking. Place your students’ name, grade, and block on the baking and communicate with the sellers for credit.
-50/50 sale
-Gift Baskets -Co-ordinator to ask retailers for donations &/or participants can purchase items for themed baskets (ex: movie night, home spa day, culinary) and co-ordinator gathers and presents baskets. Participants get equal distribution of raffle sales.
Karen Height: 50/50 &Gift Baskets.
*Who will submit BCLC forms?
Glen Smith: Traffic director
-Donation Jar & Program: Joy Brown
Bake Sale Help:
Kelly Berwin
Angel Traxel
Roxanne Herperger
Jay Mcphail
Julia Tengum
Victoria Olsen
Tom Freedmon
Chaperone: Tracy H, Jennifer Tercplat, Len King, Karla Kurtis, Irene Dhaliwhal, Jessica Ens, Brian Tweedhope,
Rene Connor,
January- Sat., Jan. 7th Bottle Drive #2, Karen Heit –
Coordinators 2 people: to get City permits and maps, purchase bags, contact General Grants, and distribute permits and maps the morning of the drive
Fresh is Best January 18-25 (need confirmation for these dates)**To be decided at October’s meeting.
Communicate with Fresh is Best for pick up around February 8-10 timeframe for Superbowl on Feb 12 (Final Whistler payment Feb 1)
It’s possible we will have their fresh products (if we make a bulk order) with no exchanges/refunds/returns/liability -but we need volunteers to make this work.
Also have a gift card option
Co-ordinator and distributors 3 people total:
Penguin Meats: We’ll know more in January
It works well as the temperatures are cool so the product will remain frozen. A good quality product that if you post on social media that you are fundraising this, you may find that complete strangers in Kamloops will want to order this from you.
Application submitted to TruEarth eco-strips (laundry strips-can run all year, no distribution, free delivery to those who order, we get 20% of sales, ~$4 profit per $20 box does 32 loads, likely monies would go into the group rather than individual accounts)
Growing Smiles sells plants with the winter collection being most popular. Need to register by October 15, fundraise between Oct-Nov, delivery Nov-Dec. Spring options available too. (again, likely monies would go into the group)
Joy mentioned a plant fundraiser at a local retailer as a possibility. Country Gardens sells GC’s for $10 -we get $2 profit. They also have a hanging basket option in Spring (Mother’s Day?) $23/basket (13 inch, 7 plants/basket) & we can add any amount to that (ex. Sell for $30 with $7 profit) We need to pre order early (like January?) as the grower starts his ordering now.
All monies and forms are to be given to the office, NOT MR SCHILL. Please have your phone number and name on all order forms and it’s good advice to take a photo of all order forms you hand in. We cannot accept late orders, so please note dates in your calendar. You can always hand in order forms early. Keep track of the money you raised and the times you helped with driving, co-ordinating, and distributing. We also have a treasurer to do this, but it’s helpful to cross-reference.
Communication Avenues:
Hardcopy notices are ineffectual in middle school….therefore….
- Facebook Group
“Brock Music Parent/Student Group 2022/23
For information sharing only; Admins will be from the Parent Committee.
** Music CLASS & confidential questions can be forwarded to Mr Schill’s email:
- Mr Schill’s Blog via the school main website
– All notices are posted here under the newsletter tab. Also it is important
to keep checking your email for updated information.
Next meeting: Thursday, October 13th in the music room!
***Winner of tonight’s draw is: Jacquelyn Curtis
Music Parent’s Committee Minutes
Meeting Date: June 2nd, 2022
1. Review Minutes from the previous meeting (Apri l14th). Any amendments?
Vote to accept
Moved to accept: Dan Seconded: Joy
2. Review agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve
Moved to accept: Dan Seconded: Christy
3. Welcome from Mr Schill:
Old Business
4. Parent Committee Roles yet to be filled
President: SOON to be vacant as of September, 2022
Vice President: Unfilled
Treasurer: SOON to be vacant as of September, 2022
Fundraising Coordinator: Unfilled
Trip(s) Coordinator: In a year with 2 trips, we should have TWO, or it can be a shared
responsibility. Mr. Schill assists.
Communications: Unfilled
Secretary: Unfilled
Specific individual fundraising organizers: # of people needed varies, currently
Please consider being a committee member next year!
5. Fundraising
a. Thank you to all who made fundraising possible this year.
b. Fundraising opportunities for next school year can include:
September- Sat., Sept. 24th Bottle Drive #1
October- Global Coffee? Penguin
November- Poinsettias? Gary’s Deli? Purdy’s? Chapter’s -have a code
(promo?)-can be all year
December- XMAS concert bake sale (split equally between all participants),
January- Sat., Jan. 7th Bottle Drive #2, Purdy’s
Fresh is Best (early enough to arrive for Superbowl on Feb 12th, and to make
cut-off for Feb. 1st FINAL PAYMENT for Whistler)
February- Superstore bagging? Tracy will call in January
March- Penguin meats?
April-Penguin meats, Plants from a local grower like Lyon’s -could also be
arranged for student’s to perform & have a donation available. Ollek
nurseries-mother’s day. Joy will ask about plant fundraisers. Kids planting &
Be careful that participation of fundraisers may drop once final payment is
c. 10% of the order goes into parent account
6. Today’s meeting will draw for a prize for all attendees
a. Draw is for coffee & is now available to tonight’s attendees as well as Christy &
Karyn from the previous meetings -thank you for your patience
7. Saturday, April 23rd was the Kamloops Symphony orchestra performance of Beethoven
and Tabla. A good time was had by all and the performance was inspiring!
8. Spring Concert Tuesday, June 14 Kamloops Full Gospel at 1550 Tranquille Road. The
call time for our young musicians is 6:15pm. The show starts at 7 p.m.! Volunteers to arrive
5:45. Concert should complete approximately at 8:30
Parent volunteer roles that need to be filled are as follows:
a. Front door greeter/director (1 person – Mr. Schill will instruct this person)
Robinder Gill…thank-you!
b. Concert shirt distributors (Tracy Stimac + Dan Thompson)
c. Program distributor/donation jar minder
Joy Brown
d. Co-Emcees: Gr. 12 Brock Music Alumni – Alex Uije and Brynn Harrison!
e. Room 1: THREE chaperones for F block beginner band
f. Room 2: TWO MORE chaperones for G block beginner band (thx Karla R.)
g. Room 3: THREE chaperones for E block grade 9 band
-There could be students lined up in the seating area with chaperones pre/post
performance in green rooms with students being monitored in all areas of the
2 green room chaperones with a chaperone in the seated area.
Therefore, 3 chaperones total may be possible.
Liz Taylor & Karla R. (for which band block?)
Richard Taylor, Carol, Dan Thompson, Jessica
3 chaperones in the green rooms, and chaperone in audience, 2 chaperones per
room to relieve another chaperone.
h. 3:15 set up crew (chairs, music stands, seats on stage) Joy & Monroe & Liz.
Berwin/Varty family
i. After concert clean-up crew (ALL STUDENTS WHO DID NOT HELP SET-UP)
j. Program designer – ONE person to make a memorable keepsake program!
Joy Brown’s father will do:)
k. Refreshment table sellers (3 people needed) (i.e. cold water etc.)Renee Connor,
Ashley Helliwell, Danielle Campbell, Jonathan (student -Dom’s little brother)
Jarrett will bring a float
l. Purchaser of refreshments (will obviously be reimbursed)- Karla Robertson (250) 434-1375 200 bottles of water
m. Parents to help with shirt sizing: Karyn Heit and Chelsea Mertelik…DONE
n. Raffle Seller for Gift Basket / 50/50 seller: Karyn Heit (Mr. Schill arranging license
– done)Jarrett is going to check on the physical tickets to check if more need to
be purchased
o. Laundering of shirts after the performance: Dan Thompson,
There will not be a guest count for audience
9. Treasurer Report: Balance of accounts as of May 25, 2022
Parent’s account – $5061.64
Student’s account – $18,716.80
($1091.73 moved to Parent account for 10% tithe of this years fundraising)
Student amounts will be on the blog-found by student number
10. Kelowna Interior Jazz Festival (April 21-23, 2022) $400 per child this year (not including
food) perhaps private vehicles can be arranged to reduce costs
Supposing 15 students, 4 vehicles rather than a bus for transport.
PAC may help with registration fee or transportation.
Likely 1 parent to organize this festival (separate from Whistler parent)
Joy will request from PAC.
& Whistler Cantando Festival (April 27-30, 2022) alternative tour company can be
chosen/right parent organizing may reduce costs
a. First meeting Music Parent’s Meeting on Thursday, September 22nd
b. Families must attend to show interest-Emcee will announce at concert; Joy will ask PAC
to announce need
c. $650 estimated per student for 3 nights/4days-this may change in announcement of not
needing to hire a tour company. Tour company can quote a firm price.
Chaperones (11/12) will be needed, an invitation will be sent in January
Choir & Band attends
Whistler Deposit schedule:
I. Wednesday, October 12th -$150 non-refundable cash deposit #1
II. Wednesday, November 9th -$150 deposit #2
III. Wednesday, December 7th -$150 deposit #3
IV. Wednesday, February 1st -$200 final payment
V. Final payment will depend on balance owing, taking fundraising into
d. Family volunteer time is used as credit towards student deposits
e. Deposit overpayment will be refunded after the trip. Overpayment may arise from
extraordinary fundraising efforts. Refunds are not given from fundraising dollars.
f. Reminder, a 10% tithe is placed in the parent account.
g. Keep track of your students’ fundraising efforts and deposit amounts.
h. Legacy funds may be available towards some of the costs.
i. Legacy funds may also be used to aid in equipment purchases.
J. Interior Jazz Festival Payment Schedule will need to be set up as well….
To be set up once there is a festival organizer
● Facebook Group
“Brock Parent/Student Music Group 2021/22
For information sharing only; Admins will be from the Parent Committee.
Questions can be forwarded to Mr Schill’s email
● Mr Schill’s Blog
All notices are posted here under the newsletter tab. Also important
to keep checking your email for updated information.
Next meeting: Thursday, September 22nd in the music room! Winner of tonight’s draw is:
Music Parent’s Committee Minutes
Meeting Date: April 14, 2022
- Review Minutes from the previous meeting (March 17th). Any amendments?
Vote to accept
Moved to accept: Christy Seconded: Karyn
- Review agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve
Moved to accept: Christy Seconded: Karyn
- Welcome from Mr Schill:
Old Business
- Parent Committee Roles yet to be filled
President: SOON to be vacant as of September, 2022
Vice President: unfilled
Treasurer: SOON to be vacant as of September, 2022
Fundraising Coordinator: Unfilled
Trip(s) Coordinator: In a year with 2 trips, we should have TWO, or it can be a shared responsibility. Mr. Schill assists.
Communications: Unfilled
Specific individual fundraising organizers: # of people needed varies, currently unfilled
Consideration of being a Committee member next year
- Fundraising
- Global coffee completed April 12, order delivery April 22, with distribution to be announced
- Order to be distributed by Julia Slater (
- 10% of the order goes into parent account
- Today’s meeting will draw for a prize for all attendees
- Draw is for coffee & will be available once the order arrives
- Christy was winner from last meeting
Karyn is winner of tonight’s meeting!
- Saturday, April 23rd is the Kamloops Symphony orchestra performance of Beethoven and Tabla. Grade 9 students will be eating at Kelly O’Bryan’s restaurant at 5:00 then walking to the theatre for the 7:30 performance. For those attending separately from the grade 9 group, please arrive at __7:15 p.m.___to pick up your ticket with theatre appropriate clothing and behaviour. As per Sagebrush theatre recommendations, ‘mask wearing is highly encouraged for all audience members.’ Here is a link to Symphony 101: A Newcomer’s Guide
Reservations were made for the restaurant.
- Spring Concert, Tuesday, June 7th Kamloops Full Gospel at 1550 Tranquille Road. The call time for musicians is 6:15pm. The show starts at 7 p.m.!
Parent volunteer roles that need to be filled are as follows:
- Front door greeter/director (1 person – Mr. Schill will instruct this person)
- Concert shirt distributors (Tracy Stimac + 1 more)
- Program distributor/donation jar minder
- Emcee: Alumni – Josh Morris (Gr. 11)
- Room 1: THREE chaperones for F block beginner band
- Room 2: TWO MORE chaperones for G block beginner band (thx Karla R.)
- Room 3: THREE chaperones for E block grade 9 band
There could be students lined up in the seating area with chaperones pre/post performance in green rooms with students being monitored in all areas of the venue.
2 green room chaperones with chaperone in seated area.
Therefore, 3 chaperones total may be possible.
- 3:15 set up crew (chairs, music stands, seats on stage)
- After concert clean up crew (ALL STUDENTS WHO DID NOT HELP SET-UP)
- Program designer – ONE person to make a memorable keepsake program!
- Refreshment table sellers (3 people needed) (i.e. cold water etc.)
- Purchaser of refreshments (will obviously be reimbursed)- Karla Robertson
- Parents to help with shirt sizing: Karyn Heit and Chelsea Mertelik
- Raffle Seller for Gift Basket / 50/50 seller: Karyn Heit (Mr. Schill arranging license)
- Laundering of shirts after the performance: __________________
Need more volunteer reach out
- Treasurer Report: Balance of accounts as of April __13__, 2022
Parent’s account – 3979.91
Student’s account – 20662.51
Was Global Coffee paid for last year? The invoice has now been paid. :):)
Totals will be clear once Global Coffee is finalized
Question for Christy: Might it be possible to post on the Blog, and in the music room, the current fundraising totals for all grade 7’s and 8’s who have fundraised during the current & previous academic year?
- Grade 9 band options:
- Letter was sent recently to Kamloops Seniors Village for possible on site performance…thank-you Tracy! They have responded, and I have requested a Monday, 1 p.m. performance on May 16th, 2022. I have also requested $160 from them to assist with student transportation costs. Currently waiting to hear back…
- Ideas for gaining more family support to join meetings, fill committee roles, help with fundraising?
- Perhaps next year with going to Whistler (& Kelowna Int. Jazz Festival), will incentivize greater involvement
New Business:
Fundraising Calendar for 2022/2023-
NB…All fundraising is subject to a 10% tithe to help deserving students who might be coming up a bit short in terms of money to pay for their trip(s).
September– Sat., Sept. 24th Bottle Drive #1
October- Global Coffee?
November- Poinsettias? Gary’s Deli? Purdy’s?
December- XMAS concert bake sale (split equally between all participants),
January- Sat., Jan. 7th Bottle Drive #2,
Fresh is Best (early enough to arrive for Superbowl on Feb 12th, and to make cut-off for Feb. 1st FINAL PAYMENT for Whistler)
February- Superstore bagging? Tracy will call in January
March- Penguin meats?
Whistler Deposit Schedule- Estimated @ $650.00 per student for 3 nights/4 days…all in.
September first meeting,Thursday, September 22nd – families must attend to show Festival interest
- Wednesday, October 12th – $150 (Non-Refundable CASH Deposit)
- Wednesday, November 9th – Deposit #2 for $150
- Wednesday, December 7th – Deposit #3 for $150
- Wednesday, February 1st – Final Payment of $200 (or balance owing, after fundraising taken into consideration)
Amounts need to be paid Feb/March prior to April festival
Could parent volunteer time be used as ‘payment’ for their students’ deposits?
Bottle drive drivers get extra credit.
Families that participate in concerts etc, also get extra credit.
*All overpayments (actual cash) will be refunded after total fundraising is subtracted….i.e. someone pays $600 upfront – an overpayment may be the result due to extraordinary fundraising efforts by that individual…and will result in the refund being applied during early May, 2023 (post trip). Most families keep track of their fundraising efforts, and can tell if they need to make, for example, the final payment #4, and can avoid the entire overpayment refund process.
**N.B. There is a significant “legacy credit” available to be distributed amongst all Cantando participants, and also perhaps something extra for students who will be attending the Kelowna Jazz Festival….as this will be an extra costly year for those particularly dedicated jazz students. I would like to see them receive something towards their Kelowna trip, based upon their dedication to being in this extra-curricular ensemble. These amounts can only be determined once the total number of initial $150 Whistler deposits are received, and Mr. Schill has an idea of the number of Sr. Jazz band students that will be traveling to Kelowna.
Once Mr. Schill looks at the names of current 7’s and 8’s (who have fundraised this year), and adds up that total amount, the balance can be utilized as “legacy funds” in order to “lower” the **estimated** cost ($650.00) for Whistler’s Cantando festival.
Is additional equipment needed?
Rental fees help with needed equipment
Unknown at this time if more equipment is needed
- Facebook Group
“Brock Parent/Student Music Group 2021/22
For information sharing only; Admins will be from the Parent Committee.
Questions can be forwarded to Mr Schill’s email
- Mr Schill’s Blog
All notices are posted here under the newsletter tab. Also important
to keep checking your email for updated information.
Next meeting: Thursday, May 26th- @ 7 p.m. in the music room! Zoom attendance will be an option (hybrid model) for the remainder of the school year.
Winner of tonight’s draw is: Karyn Heit
Music Parent’s Committee
Meeting Date: March 17, 2022
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (February 17,) Any amendments?
Vote to accept
Moved to accept: Christy Seconded:
- Review agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve
Moved to accept: Seconded:
- Welcome from Mr Schill:
Old Business
- Parent Committee Roles yet to be filled
Vice President: unfilled
Treasurer: Christy Morris is in interim role
Secretary: Chelsea Mertelik (gr. 7 parent) – THANK-YOU!!!!!
- Fundraising
- Global coffee will begin in April -Tracy can organize.
- Need a volunteer to distribute the order
- All money, for all events, all year – payable in either CASH or CHEQUE only at the main school office – not to Mr. Schill.
- Be sure to include your phone number along with your name, on forms
- No late orders will be accepted
- Today’s meeting will draw for a prize for all attendees
- Volunteer to take names and draw at the end of meeting
- McQueen Lake Day Trip for Grade 9 Band April 8
- Sagebrush Theatre Live Video Recording of Festival Piece
- Friday, June 3rd
- Volunteers to help with this concert.
- Roles to be filled:
CANCEL Sagebrush…go with June 14th! :):):)
New Business
- Spring Concert at Kamloops Full Gospel (1550 Tranquille Rd)…[by firehall]
-Concert date is Tuesday, June 7th, 7 p.m. (6:15 p.m. call time for musicians)
-Shirt sizer(s) is NEEDED for TWO grade 7 classes (E and G blocks)
Additional Roles Needed Filling:
- Greeter / Director of traffic as people enter front door __________________
- Emcee (Mr. Schill will provide notes): _Josh Morris (alumni)
- Shirt Distribution Parents (x2) at venue Tracy & _______________
- Front Door Donation Jar Monitor / program distributor: _________________
- Raffle Seller for Gift Basket / 50/50 seller – Karyn Heit
- Gift Basket Creator x2 – Karyn Heit
- Mr. Schill will apply for 50/50 license
- 6[six] parent chaperones for minding green rooms….we need to be super certain that parents who volunteer for these rolls stay in the rooms with the kids, if they need to leave someone spells them off, and that no equipment / toys are played with by students. This is an important request that we need to honour from KUC, so that we are deemed a respectful group that will ALWAYS be welcomed back. 🙂
Room 1 Beginner Band F Block X 3___________________
Room 2 Beginner Band G Block X 3___________________
Room 3 Band 9 E Block Parents X 3___________________
- 3:15 p.m. Set-up Crew: Parents______________________
- SHIRT SIZING parent Volunteers: ____________________
- Concert Program Designer: ___________________
- Refreshment Table People (chilled bottled water and juice box sellers):
-People to purchase these items….._____________
- Treasurer Report: Balance of accounts as of March 16, 2022
Parent’s account – 4032.41
Student’s account – 20989.53
- Grade 9 band options:
- KSO performance with dinner
Beethoven & Tabla April 23 7:30 p.m.
- Dinner at Kelly O’Bryan’s 5:00 p.m.
- Walking 2.2kms, 26mins (maybe carpool?)
- Performing at Kamloops Seniors Village outdoors. Any response yet from them?
- Facebook Group
“Brock Parent/Student Music Group 2021/22
For information sharing only; Admins will be from the Parent Committee.
Questions can be forwarded to Mr Schill’s email
- Mr Schill’s Blog
All notices are posted here under the newsletter tab. Also important
to keep checking your email for updated information.
Next meeting: Thursday, April 14th – @ 7 p.m. in the music room! Zoom attendance will be an option (hybrid model) for the remainder of the school year.
Winner of tonight’s draw is: Christy Morris
Music Parent’s Committee Minutes
Meeting Date: February 17, 2022
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (January 20,) Any amendments?
Vote to accept
Moved to accept: Olga Seconded: Chelsea
- Review agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve
Moved to accept: Chelsea Seconded: Gila
- Welcome from Mr Schill:
Old Business
- Parent Committee Roles yet to be filled
Vice President: unfilled
Treasurer: Christy Morris is in interim role
- Plea went out in newsletter for volunteers
- Any attendees today willing to become Treasurer or Vice president?
Also could use a volunteer for a new secretary to take minutes. Alisha has family conflicts now.
- Recording may happen with grade 7’s & 9s and placed on the YouTube channel for the spring June show. Sr. Jazz & Beginner Jazz band also participating! On Feb 18th, a Public Health announcement MIGHT be made which will allow for spectators at a LIVE concert! Mr. Schill keeping fingers crossed for this, as this is preferable by far. Proposed concert date would be Tuesday, June 7th or 14th (depending on Kamloops Full Gospel’s [1550 Tranquille Rd] availability).
This can now happen at 50% capacity! More changes may come in the next few months.
- Linear courses happening next year!
- Fundraising
- Fresh Is Best was completed at the beginning of the month. A small order was collected. $129 profit.
- All money, for all events, all year – payable in either CASH or CHEQUE only at the main school office – not to Mr. Schill.
- Be sure to include your phone number along with your name, on forms
- No late orders will be accepted
- Next fundraiser in April for Global Coffee
Not yet sure who is running this, looking for volunteers to help out.
- Today’s meeting will draw for a prize for all attendees
- Alisha to take names and draw at the end of meeting
- Spring Cantando Festival Sun Peaks canceled. What information has been communicated about the 10K credit?
-good news!
We are getting this money back instead of having a credit in May. This money will be available moving forward to supplement the cost of future trips, hopefully Whistler.
New Business
- Treasurer Report: Balance of accounts as of February 16, 2022
Parent’s account –
Student’s account –
- McQueen Lake Day Trip for Grade 9 Band April 8
- What is needed for this trip?
- Other options for Grade 9 Band Include:
- Riverside Park performance
- KSO workshop @ McQueen Lake? #1 April 8th
- Watch a KSO performance at Sagebrush either matinee or evening, including a meal #2
*Cree musician from Manitoba
7:30 pm, Thursday, April 21
Sagebrush Theatre
*There is one piece with explicit lyrics, so we “might”choose to attend another offering of three different shows…..KSO will be announcing these (plus dates) in the next few days….
No cost to grade 9 students for this. Either need to select a different concert or have parents sign a waiver for the explicit lyrics.
- PLUS: Perform outdoors at a residential home. I have yet to contact any facilities
- Should the Grade 9 band vote on their preferred choice? Or focus on McQueen Lake and a video recording?
- Sagebrush Theatre Live Video Recording of Festival Pieces?
- Is this a possibility? Yes…I booked for Friday, June 3rd…only weekday
This is now PLAN B! March meeting will be looking for volunteers to help with this concert.
MAYBE a live performance in JUNE??
- Naden Band LIVESTREAM – FREE Workshops for Band Students from CFB Esquimalt!!
-Wed. March 2nd – Elementary Brass @ 10:30 a.m. (Gr. 7 F block during class)
-Wed. March 2nd – Secondary Brass @ 10:30 a.m. (gr. 9 band during class)
-Thursday, March 3rd – Elementary Brass @ 1:00 p.m. (G block during class)
-Wednesday, March 9th – Elementary Woodwinds @ 10:30 a.m. [F &G Beginners come to H block 2nd half)
-Thursday, March 10th – Secondary Woodwinds @ 10:30 a.m. (gr. 9 band during class…depending on what happens with half day for PT interviews)
-Thursday, March 17th – Jazz Band at 1 p.m.
Will have to pull some students out of other classes but this works really well with the long class lengths this year.
General notes: students should have brought their instruments home by now. Wind instruments should have reeds.
Encourage your child, despite the sounds you hear. Music stands are highly recommended.
Kamloops Music Collective is offering KISSM 3 week program in July. Unsure of location, but hopeful to have it at Kamloops School of the Arts. About $600 for the whole program. Good deal for 3 weeks! Financial assistance is available.
Next year students can do band AND choir!
- Facebook Group
“Brock Parent/Student Music Group 2021/22
For information sharing only; Admins will be from the Parent Committee.
Questions can be forwarded to Mr Schill’s email
- Mr Schill’s Blog
All notices are posted here under the newsletter tab. Also important
to keep checking your email for updated information.
Next meeting: Thursday, March 17th @ 7 p.m. on Zoom or in person “maybe” depending on the separate rules for schools….
Winner of tonight’s draw is: Gila!
Music Parent’s Committee Minutes
Meeting Date: January 20, 2022
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (December 16) Any amendments?
Vote to accept
Moved to accept: Christy Morris Seconded: Olga
- Review agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve
Moved to accept: Alisha Critchley Seconded: Tammy Gregory
- Welcome from Mr Schill:
Welcome to new parents!
Going out from this semester on a good vibe. Might do a recording with the grade 8s, will put it up on the YouTube channel. Hoping current students select band again for next year. Excited to see grade 9s again. Jazz band has started, including beginner.
All courses will be linear next year, which will be much easier for planning.
Old Business
- Parent Committee Roles yet to be filled
Vice President: unfilled
Treasurer: Christy Morris is in interim role
- Plea went out in newsletter for volunteers
- Any attendees today willing to become Treasurer or Vice president?
Tracy (President) will be likely moving on next year so a vice president would be great to
have to learn the role for potentially being president for next year and have a smoother
- Fundraising
- Currently running Fresh Is Best due January 25th in order to be picked up in time for Superbowl February 13th
Coordinator: Kelly 250-500-1368
Chantelle helping with organizing & distribution
No dips or salsas available because other organisations weren’t keeping the product cool and the food was being spoiled.
Gift card option: $10 from each $25 gift card goes to the student
- All money, for all events, all year – payable in either CASH or CHEQUE only at the main school office – not to Mr. Schill.
- Be sure to include your phone number along with your name, on forms
- No late orders will be accepted
- Next fundraiser prior to March break; vote on Global Coffee or Penguin Meats
Vote goes to coffee!
- Low turnout at December meeting -today’s meeting will draw for a prize for all attendees
- Alisha to take names and draw at the end of meeting
- Spring Cantando Festival SunPeaks April 29-May 1 -Grade 9 Band -JUST RECEIVED WORD it has been CANCELLED by Cantando. Our $1000 is being returned, and we will be told about the future of our 10K credit 🙁
Sad news for grade 9 band students 🙁
New Business
- Treasurer Report: Balance of accounts as of January 20, 2022
Parent’s account – $3032.41
Student’s account – $11432.77
As of Jan 19, 2022
This will increase with Fresh is Best totals. Student account is huge because of trips being cancelled due to the pandemic. Parent account is for students with financial need.
- PLAN B: McQueen Lake Day Trip for Grade 9 Band?
No overnight trips currently allowed
Perform at Bandshell in Riverside Park?
Go to a KSO performance at the Sagebrush? Matinee or evening show with dinner?
KSO workshop with students?
Play outdoors for a senior’s residential home?
Play indoors for a senior’s home if covid restrictions ease?
Tracy: email various seniors’ homes to see what’s available
- Sagebrush Theatre Live Video Recording of their Festival Pieces? Mr. Schill to look at booking a time and date….”hopefully” one is available….
Video recording of festival pieces in June. Pending restrictions as usual. Would love to do grade 9s, 7s, maybe Jazz too. Sagebrush may have the recording equipment.
Coast hotel possibly has a theatre with recording equipment.
- Kelowna Jazz Festival
Not sure if it’s been canceled, but since no overnight field trips are allowed, this likely won’t be happening.
- Facebook Group
“Brock Parent/Student Music Group 2021/22
For information sharing only; Admins will be from the Parent Committee.
Questions can be forwarded to Mr Schill’s email
- Mr Schill’s Blog
All notices are posted here under the newsletter tab. Also important
to keep checking your email for updated information.
Next meeting: Thursday, Feb. 17th
Winner of tonight’s draw is: Joy
Music Parent’s Committee Minutes
Meeting Date: December 16, 2021
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (November 21) Any amendments?
Vote to accept
Moved to accept: Christy Seconded: Olga
- Review agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve
Moved to accept: Olga Seconded: Christy
- Welcome from Mr Schill:
Old Business
- Parent Committee Roles yet to be filled
Vice President: unfilled
Treasurer: Christy Morris is in interim role -need to fill with volunteer to transition role from Christy
- Fundraising
- Next fundraiser Fresh Is Best mid January prior to February 13th Superbowl
Coordinator: Kelly 250-500-1368
- All money, for all events, all year – payable in either CASH or CHEQUE only at the main school office – not to Mr. Schill.
- Be sure to include your phone number along with your name, on forms
- No late orders will be accepted
- Low turnout at November meeting -today’s meeting will draw for a prize for all attendees
- Alisha to take names and draw at the end of meeting
- Spring Cantando Festival SunPeaks April 29-May 1 -Grade 9 Band
- Permission forms due yesterday
- Shannon Olfert coordinating
- Volunteers needed to help: grade 7 & 8 families can gain knowledge for coming years when their students participate -so consider helping
- Potential for Okanagan Interior Jazz Festival (April 7-9)? Need to ensure we have a full rhythm section: i.e. drums, bass, piano if we are to consider…
- Possible participation in Tuesday, January 11th SD73 Band Festival (Live at the Sagebrush) for grade 8’s! Stay tuned….if it’s a “go” we will need a parent to hand out / retrieve shirts at the Sagebrush itself….not sure when I’ll know if it’s a go or not…hopefully soon 🙂
- Santa Claus Parade
- Thank you to all guardians/volunteers that made this work
- Any lessons for next year? Reminder to parents meeting at the parade terminus to arrive before the parade begins in order to park
- Christmas Concert “Stay Warm, Be Cool’
- Recorded on the 9th & 10th
- Debuted Tuesday, December 14th
- Any changes to consider for next year? Video record concerts each time and post on our YouTube channel 🙂
- Great posters were created by students. Congratulations to Makiya Thistlethwaite for winning the poster design.
- Olga has volunteered to launder shirts -they will need laundering again, mid January perhaps? Sizing will need to be done for the Feb 1st beginner bands (x2) + grade 9 band________________-
New Business
- Treasurer Report: Balance of accounts as of December 16th, 2021
Parent’s account – $3,032.41
Student’s account – $12,181.84
- Facebook Group
“Brock Parent/Student Music Group 2021/22
For information sharing only; Admins will be from the Parent Committee.
Questions can be forwarded to Mr Schill’s email
- Mr Schill’s Blog
All notices are posted here under the newsletter tab. Also important
to keep checking your email for updated information.
Next meeting: _______________Thursday, January 20th________________
Winner of tonight’s draw is: Olga and Christy
Music Parent’s Committee Minutes
Meeting Date: November 18, 2021
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (October 21) Any amendments?
Vote to accept
Moved to accept: Christy Morris Seconded: Alisha Critchley
- Review agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve
Moved to accept: Christy Morris Seconded: Alisha Critchley
- Welcome from Mr Schill:
- Remembrance Day ceremony went fairly smooth. New venue, different recording session. Grade 8s pulled it off!
- Getting busy planning for Stay Warm Be Cool concert
- Concert venue getting ready
- Staff member from Henry Grube bringing professional recording equipment, room will be decorated with lights
- TBD: Dimmed lights with stand lights or lights on
- Recording times listed below (item 9)
Old Business
- Parent Committee Roles yet to be filled
Vice President: unfilled
Treasurer: to be addressed in ‘New Business’
- Fundraising
- Next fundraiser Gary’s Deli November 17th-30th. Pick up December 8th. Chantelle Coughtrey is coordinating
Mr. Schill to put on an announcement
- Fresh Is Best mid January prior to February 13th Superbowl
Coordinator: _______________________
Only five people at the meeting, will put a plea out on FB group
- All money, for all events, all year – payable in either CASH or CHEQUE only at the main school office – not to Mr. Schill.
- Be sure to include your phone number along with your name, on forms
- No late orders will be accepted
- Is the online payment system available – For “Gary’s Sausages, the answer is unfortunately, still no.
- November 5th McQueen Lake Day Retreat & Remembrance Day Ceremonies completed
McQueen Lake Retreat was fabulous. Excellent weather.
- Spring Trip Meeting -Grade 9 Band
- Meeting completed
- Mr Schill to contact families to determine student attendance for SunPeaks Cantando Festival
Should be able to do this festival. Waiting for quote from Sun Peaks on cost. They need to know and have the deposit before Christmas. Waiting for confirmation from all 16 families.
- Is the Okanagan Interior Jazz Festival (April 7-9) IS an option….proper balance is an issue. We have only one trumpet player, and one trombonist….everything else is good….
Need all students there if this is going to happen
- Santa Claus Parade -Band 8 + some Band 9s
- Sunday November 28-note corrected date
- Spirit Square parking lot 3:15pm -meet & warm up
- Parade begins @ 4:30pm
- Olga to bring percussion, empty cases, scarves & toques, collect & launder
– will meet at terminus (600 block of Victoria Street)
New plan: Olga responsible for signing out and laundering
Jeff to pick up items from school on Friday
Tracy transporting empty cases from beginning to end of parade
Utilise additional people who volunteered to get hot chocolate and Timbits
- Purchase Dollar Store lighting in advance & be sure it doesn’t interfere with the ability to play
Mr. Schill bought some to give out. Kids can add more if they like. Everyone needs lights somehow!
- WALK to terminus location to pick up your student
- Hot chocolate & TimBits for students at terminus.
Parent Volunteer to call Tim Hortons, pick up items & deliver is: _______________
26 students are involved. Plus parent volunteers 🙂
- Dress Warm -black pants not required, thin gloves work for some instruments, performance toques & scarves provided -Mr Schill will bring hot packs
- Christmas Concert “Stay Warm, Be Cool’
- Pre-recorded ZOOM
- Debuts Tuesday, December 14th
- Beginner Band, Band 8, Choir 8, Sr Jazz Band
- Recording dates :
–Thursday, December 9th: Afternoon D Blocks-12:15-1:32 (CHOIR 8),
1:47-3:04 (Beginner Band 7)
-Friday, December 10th: Morning B Blocks-8:35-9:52 (Band 8),
10:07-11:25 (Sr. Jazz Band)
- Performance attire must be worn
- SOLID BLACK pants/skirts, shoes/socks/nylons, caution -high heels can be a safety concern carrying expensive instruments particularly on stairs
- Borrowing, thrift shopping, are great options for purchasing attire
Need a student volunteer to make a poster for the concert. Mention on FB page? Black and white preferred but Mr. Schill is willing to go to Staples to print in colour.
One grade 10 student who has done it twice before coming to help out.
New Business
- Need a volunteer for Treasurer
Description includes:
(a) Work in conjunction with the President and Vice President;
- To ensure that funds are properly accounted for and a financial book of accounts is maintained (spreadsheet).
- to ensure the rendering of a detailed account of receipts and disbursements to the Parent’s Group or other members when required.
(Recommend meeting with Rhonda in the office for a greater detailed explanation)
Dan is unfortunately unable to continue helping out as treasurer. Put out plea on FB and add to newsletter as well. Time commitment can be a bit busy all at once, but then no work for a while. Christy Morris willing to help out, but she thinks it would be better if a grade 7 or 8 parent can help out too (her kid is in grade 9).
- Treasurer Report: Balance of accounts as of November 17th, 2021:
Parents account – $4,042.40
Students account – $13663.21
Not sure if there’s any information on this
Tracy is waiting for a corrected invoice from Global Coffee to be reimbursed so totals
may not be accurate at time of meeting
- Need a volunteer to launder performance shirts prior to Christmas Concert recording
- Involves laundering of shirts worn for Remembrance Day Ceremony
- Place shirt back in bag & return to school
If a parent could make sure all the shirts have been returned that would be helpful. Only worn for 1.5 hours, so may not need to be laundered now. Definitely after the Christmas concert. Olga to pick up and launder when she has time.
13.Tomorrow: McQueen Lake Band 8
Pizza lunch provided
Bring music, INSTRUMENT & weather appropriate clothing (expect cold
Bus leaves 8:35 & returns by 3:00
Pizza lunch still happening despite food supply issues! Gyldis still open. Local Brock shop.
- Facebook Group
“Brock Parent/Student Music Group 2021/22
For information sharing only; Admins will be from the Parent Committee.
Questions can be forwarded to Mr Schill’s email
- Mr Schill’s Blog
All notices are posted here under the newsletter tab. Also important
to keep checking your email for updated information.
Next meeting: ________Thursday, Dec. 16th @ 7 p.m._____________________
Music Parent’s Committee Minutes
Meeting Date: September 23, 2021
- Welcome from Mr Schill:
- Parent Committee Role Descriptions & “Elections”
Refer to document labeled ‘Job Descriptions for the Music Parents’ Group of Brocklehurst Middle School’
President: Tracy Stimac:
Vice President: unfilled
Secretary: Alisha Critchley
Treasurer: Dan Thompson
Fundraising Chair: unfilled
Communications Chair: Shannon Olfert
Trip Coordinator: Shannon Olfert for Whistler. Unfilled for other trips.
Performance Shirts / Toques / Scarf Organizers (3 people): unfilled
- Treasurer Report: Balance of accounts as of September 23rd, 2021
Music Program Student account: $10,635.00
Music Parent account: $4042.00
New Business
- Review Safety Protocols
- Discuss this year’s theme & performances (No overnight travel permitted, at present, by SD73)
*Nov. 10th – School ZOOM Remembrance Day Ceremony performances Band 8 and Choir 8
*Nov. 5th – McQueen Lk 1 day retreat for Choir 8
*Nov. 19th – McQueen Lk 1 day retreat for Band 8
*Kamloops Blazers ‘Teddy Bear Toss’ Game: O Canada anthem for Choir 8 members…..a possibility in a normal year….vaccination status will be an issue, as teachers are not allowed to ask about a student’s status, and for entry to games at the Sandman Center, dbl vaccination is mandated. It may also not be offered this year, and SD73 restrictions on “assembly size may apply.….Mr. Schill to investigate further…
*Santa Claus Parade for Band 8: Mr. Schill has reached out to see if there will be one this year, if so, I will see if we are allowed by SD73 to perform (or not). The Downtown Business Association of Kamloops said they will have a definitive answer by the end of this month (Sept)…
*Beginner Band 7 (section 1), plus all other semester one ensembles, ‘pre-recorded’ ZOOM Christmas Concert on Tuesday, December 14th, at 7 p.m. (unless BC public school restrictions change, and in person concerts of more than 50 people in attendance are allowed.)
- Unknown potential opportunities for students
- McQueen Lake Specifics- at the moment, ‘Friday’ 1 day retreat, for Choir 8 on Nov. 5th (DC block order), and Band 8 on Nov. 19th (AB block order)
- Whistler Festival (dates running are April 21-24’22)- Quote obtained – a possible go, if restrictions change, Band 9 only. There are soon to be discussions about this being possible, at the upper admin level, based upon possible outcomes for sport team overnight tournament trips. Mrs. Perry will ask for us in about 2 weeks time….just so we don’t get a “definitive, Brock music specific, no (because we asked too early.
- Sun Peaks Festival – Quote not yet ready – a possible go, if restrictions change, for Friday, and / or Saturday “day trips”
- Penticton Concert Band Festival – Gr. 9 Band (March 1st….a little too tight for a class that begins rehearsal (after an 8 month hiatus)
- Okanagan Interior Jazz Festival – Kelowna – mid-April (Senior Jazz Band?? It is not confirmed yet whether this festival is a go….I have put in a request for what the specific dates might be, if in fact it is a ‘go’…
- Purpose of fundraising
- Maintaining and building the program through festival trip enrichment opportunities (integral to a students musical education)
- Paying it forward
- Students’ have individual accounts to pay for travel expenses – one year only plan to carry forward individual fundraising for a spring music trip next academic year – 2023). If restrictions exist, in 2022/2023, then monies can be used towards day trips…Kelowna Jazz Festival, Penticton Concert Band Festival
Review fundraising options for the year. Fill coordinator roles.
Fundraiser | Start Date | Money/Forms In By | Pick Up Date | Coordinator & Contact info |
Global Coffee | Sept 29th | Oct 13th | Oct 21st | Chantelle Coughtrey |
Gary’s Deli | Nov 17th | Nov 30th | Dec 8th | Chantelle Coughtrey |
Fresh Is Best (waiting for response) | 3rd week Jan | Early Feb | Prior to Feb 13th Superbowl | |
Penguin Meats | Feb/Mar | Prior to Mar 21 | ||
Tentative:Global Coffee | Beginning Apr | Mid Apr | End April |
Coordinators role:
- Work with the fundraising chair
- Be main contact for vendor
- Create and copy forms for distribution w/envelopes. Always include space for name and PHONE NUMBER
- Pick up forms from the office at closing date
- Review and collate orders, then submit to vendor
- Coordinate pick up with vendor
- Coordinate delivery and distribution with other volunteers
- NEVER deal with money.
* All money, for all events, all year – payable in either CASH or CHEQUE only at the main school office – not to Mr. Schill. There is the possibility of on-line payments occurring for fundraising this year, but our head steno said we should hold off until the system’s bugs are worked out…
Old Business
- YouTube channel
Posting should go through Mr. Schill, and should primarily be for concert videos and recordings of our students.
- Affinity tours & Cantando festival update
- List of kids who were in grade 7 in the 2019/20 year to access fundraising funds to apply to a festival/travel in 2021/22. Mr. Schill has this list in his office.
- Older siblings who raised money will be used by the younger sibling.
- Facebook Group
“Brock Parent/Student Music Group 2021/22
For information sharing only; Admins will be from the Parent Committee.
Questions can be forwarded to Mr Schill’s email
- Mr Schill’s Blog
All notices are posted here under the newsletter tab. Also important
to keep checking your email for updated information.
Next meeting: Thursday, October 21st, 7 – 8 pm, 2021
Music Parent’s Committee Minutes
Meeting Date: January 28th, 2021
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (December 17th, 2020) Any amendments
Vote to accept them.
Moved to accept: Christy Seconded: Jarrett
- Review agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve Agenda
Moved to accept: Jessica Seconded: Tracy
- Welcome from Mr Schill
- Lots going on in the department as they prepare for the recording.
Old Business
- Carry over from last meeting
- There will be a gift-draw for meeting attendees.
- Collection of volunteer list. Please contact with your contact information for future events where extra hands are needed.
- Thank you to the volunteers executing the fundraisers and organizing,distributing,laundering shirts.
- Fundraising
- Penguin Meats fundraiser completed & delivered January 21st.
- General Grants has an account under ‘Brock Music’ for those who wish to contribute their returns.
iii. February fundraiser is yet to be finalized. Options include: Global coffee: CONFIRMED and Nu Leaf juice.
- Please support and thank the businesses that have contributed to our fundraisers.
vi.Reminder: All money is payable at the office -not Mr Schill.
- Lockers for students: Please email administration directly if you wish to have lockers for instrument storage.
- Treasurer’s Report: Balance of accounts as of JANUARY 19TH, 2020
$ 4,185.89 (-$55.00 for hoodies) & STUDENT $17,540.00
Coffee fundraiser total: $2875
Gary’s Deli fundraiser total: $905
Penguin Meats fundraiser total: $ 3,972.00 gross sales; profit approx $550 + a bit more
RECORDING PROJECT: Doug Perry is now putting together a quote for us, since I now know what pieces we will be recording, and how many groups exactly will be involved. We should know a dollar figure by the February meeting.
- Making a contest to create cover art for the album
- ACTION: for end of February get an announcement to go out for the contest
- Parent committee to create a prize for the winning cover, too.
Consideration: Create a YouTube channel for students to view and upload their own music/recordings, etc. Jarrett will look into the possibilities related to privacy, etc.
- Christmas Concert Recordings: Link was sent out on December 18th for those who missed it 🙂
New Business:
- Vinylette Music Folder Orders! Parent volunteer make order form?
ACTION: Tracy to check with Communications Person about form and announcement
Band Size: $ 28.00 (includes embossing – first & last name and corner, includes pencil holder)
Choral Size: $ 36.00 (includes embossing – first & last name and corner, includes TWO pencil holders)
There is a gift tonight for tonight’s attendendees. The winner is Kailee!
Reminder: There are multiple communications that are available through “Brock Parent/Student Music Group 2020/21” on Facebook, and emails to keep us all organized. Mr Schill’s school blog contains the minutes of the meetings as well as newsletters.
The next ZOOM meeting is: Thursday, February 25th 2021, 7pm.
There will be another draw for attendees of the next meeting -we look forward to seeing you.
Music Parent’s Meeting Minutes
Meeting Date: October 15th, 2020
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (September 24, 2020). Any amendments?
Vote to accept them.
Moved to accept: Ricki B. Seconded: Tracy S
- Review agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve Agenda
Moved to accept: Matt F. Seconded: Jessica E
- Welcome from Mr Schill
Old Business:
- Carry-over from last meeting:
- Role of the Parent Committee Role of Fundraising Coordinator needs to be filled.
- Tracy agreed to oversee for now.
- Collection of contact information of Parent Committee Roles: Tracy received phone numbers from last meeting
- Collection of contact information for a Volunteer List
Balance as of two days ago was $13,048.06 in the Music department account. Much is holdover from last year. Does not include payout to NuLeaf.
- Fundraising update
NuLeaf Apple Fundraiser
- 115 boxes sold @$5/box Total: $575
- We have availability for juice as a fundraiser from NuLeaf at any point in the year.
Epicure Fundraiser
- Currently underway, forms are being distributed & connected to the Facebook Group – “Brock Parent/Student Music Group 2020/21”
- October 26th is the deadline
- Ricki Beisel coordinating
Next fundraiser: Global Coffee
- Starts November 2nd
- Ends November 16th
- Jaime Wilcox-Horne coordinating. Ongoing.
Coordinator Roles Unfilled for:
- Fresh Is Best in January. Jessica to contact previous coordinator for info.
- Global Coffee in February (tentative)
Gary’s Sausage is coming up before Christmas.
- Hoodie order underway
- End date: October 23,2020
- Order forms can be found on Mr. Schill’s blog
New Business:
- Shirt Sizing: Happening which day(s) / times? Mr. Schill will provide class lists so exact shirt size may be written beside names.
Jarrett/Matt contact shirt committee and times and days with be set up.
- “Uniform” Short Newsletter (Shannon) to go out asap…SOLID black pants, SOLID black shoes, SOLID black socks (no heels please), no jewelry (stud earrings ok, nothing ‘blingy’). Feel free to take a picture at home of your clothing items in order to show Mr. Schill / Fichter if not sure. Uniform clothing needed for Nov. 10th (Remembrance Day Ceremony observance at Brock Middle which will all performed live on ZOOM)
- Same newsletter (Shannon) to include a *PDF of the practice planner from Mr. Fichter. Matt will send the September Newsletter template to Shannon
- Xmas / December Concert Plan: Hoping to see if there is a way to work a type of online meeting with some kind of closed or password accessed recording, much like it is going to happen on Remembrance Day.
- January Bottle Drive? Jarrett and Matt to ask admin again if possible given known examples of Victoria area band programs who had successful September bottle drives. Some considerations: ask neighbourhood to come to us. Consider multiple drop-off locations, using volunteer trucks and then all bring to General Grants truck to the school. We’ll need someone to book the bottle drive with General Grants.
Continued reminder: All money is payable at the office – not Mr. Schill.
- Communication Reminders: Facebook Group is “Brock Parent/Student Music Group 2020/21. Minutes and Newsletters are posted to Mr Schill’s school blog and emails will often have time-sensitive reminders so please keep an eye on those.
- Matt to forward newsletter template to Tracy who will include ask for additional secretary to upcoming newsletter.
Next meeting via ZOOM: 7pm Thursday, November 19th, 2020.
Music Parent Meeting Minutes
September 24, 2020
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (Feb 20, 2020). Any amendments?
Vote to accept them.
Moved to accept: Jessica E Seconded: Ricki B
- Review Agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve Agenda
Moved to accept: Tracy Seconded: Ricki B
- Welcome from Mr Schill
- Parent Committee Role Descriptions & “Elections”
Collect contact information for individuals
President: Tracy Stimac
Vice-President : Jason
Secretary: Jessica Ens half-time only. Second secretary needed
Treasurer: Ricki Biesel
Fundraising Coordinator: not yet filled
Shirt Committee: Erin Schaff, Ricki Biesel, Alyssa Barclay
- Treasurer Report: No specific information available at this time. Payouts of paid portions were made back in spring. $10000 was held back by the touring company. The remaining fundraised portions are still held to be applied for future events.
New Business
- Review Safety Protocols
- Discuss this year’s theme: Out of this World
- Review of the “what for” and “why” of fundraising this year.
- Maintaining program, paying it forward
- Collective vs. individual
- Recording Project
- Review fundraising options for the year. Fill coordinator roles.
Fundraiser | Start Date | Money/Forms In By | Pick Up Date | Coordinator & Contact info |
NuLeaf Apples | Sept 22 | Oct 7th | Mid-Oct. TBD | Tracy Stimac |
Epicure – Weekday Meal Kits | Oct 13th | Oct 26th | TBD | Ricki |
Global Coffee | Nov 2nd | Nov 16th | About 2 weeks later | Jaime Wilcox-Horne |
Gary’s Deli | Nov 18th | Nov 30th | Dec 10th Confirmed | Jaime Wilcox-Horne (possible second) |
Fresh Is Best | Jan 8th | Jan 22nd | Feb 3 deliver* need to confirm | TBD |
Tentative: Global Coffee | Feb 1st | Feb 16th | About 2 weeks later | TBD |
Coordinators role:
- Be main contact for vendor
- Create and copy forms for distribution w/envelopes. Always include space for name and PHONE NUMBER
- Pick up forms once all have arrived and track down any that do not have adequate funds
- Collate orders and submit to vendor
- Coordinate pick up/delivery and distribution with other volunteers
- NEVER deal with money.
* All money, for all events, all year – payable in either CASH or CHEQUE only at the main school office – not to Mr. Schill. 🙂
Hoodie order forms Monday, Oct. 5th start date
- Facebook Group – “Brock Parent/Student Music Group 2019/20
For information sharing only; Admins will be from the Parent Committee.
Questions can be forwarded to Mr Schill’s email
- Mr Schill’s Blog – All notices are posted here under the newsletter tab. Also important
to keep checking your email as information is sent out that way.
Next Meeting, 7 pm Thursday, October 15th, 2020 on ZOOM
Music Parent Meeting
February 20th, 2020
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (Jan 16th). Any amendments?
Vote to accept them.
Moved to accept: Monica Seconded: Rebecca
- Review Agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve Agenda
Moved to accept: Christy M. Seconded: Sylvia S
- Welcome
- Treasurer Report (Feb. 20th): Student Fundraising: $50,615.09 Music Parent: $4, 284.92
New Business:
- KISSM: three week music school in July. Promo packages available from Mr. Schill. Financial Assistance available. Applications online.
- Jazz Jam: One day Jazz event for voice and instrument for gr 8 and up on Fri. April 3rd. Register online for this event through Kamloops Music Collective. $20 for the day including lunch.
- Upcoming Festivals and parent helpers required:
- CHOIR (Treble & Mixed) Kamloops Festival of the Performing Arts Performances:
When: Monday evening, (March 2nd):
Where: Sagebrush Theatre (entrance through stage door) for performers.
How: Students are responsible to arrange their own rides from parents, friends (carpooling) and/or bus. Please make sure that your son/daughter has a back-up transportation plan if for some reason Plan A suddenly falls through.
When: 6:20 p.m. call time. Show starts at 7:00 p.m., and our festival class will be finished sometime around 8 p.m. We will begin warming up at 6:45 p.m.
Cost: Admission is FREE for all audience members. Donations will be accepted towards KFPA.
Performance Attire: Standard concert clothing (solid black pants, shoes, socks, and no jewellery). Brock Middle Music Department performance shirts will be distributed at 6:20 p.m.
Parent Help Required:
Parents to help with distributing and collecting performance shirts from 6:10 (just ahead of call time) and after the performance, at approximately 8:00 p.m.
Parent Volunteers – Shirts 6:10 @Sagebrush – Liz Jones and Chris Bergstrand
– Shirts 8:00ish @Sagebrush – Liz and Chris
– Pick up shirts from Brock, bring to Sagebrush by 6pm – Chris
– Return shirts to Brock on 3rd – Mr.Schill
A parent is also needed to transport choir performance shirts to Sagebrush and return them the following day.
Performance Attire: Standard concert clothing (solid black pants, shoes, socks). Brock Middle Music Department performance shirts will be distributed beginning at 7:50 a.m. (from the back music department storage room) and will continue to be distributed until 8:30 a.m..
When: Tuesday, March 3rd. School Bus Departs at 8:35 / 8:40 a.m. Performance begins on stage at 9:30 a.m. sharp, and we will begin warming up on stage at 9:15 a.m. Parents are welcome to come and watch for free in the audience. The return bus trip will depart at 10:50 a.m. (after our festival class is finished). As soon as students return to Brock, they must quickly return their performance shirts to their individual plastic ziploc bags, and report back to class.
Sr. Jazz Band students will remain at the Sagebrush with Mr. Schill until they perform at 1:00 p.m., and Mr. Schill will return with them on a bus departing the Sagebrush at 2:00 p.m.. When Sr. Jazz band students arrive, they must also hand in their performance attire before returning to class. Those awesome Advanced Band kids who have been volunteering to play with the Beginner Jazz Band must remain for the entire day (if they play in Senior Jazz), or until the Beginner Jazz band’s performance class is complete, and they may then return with them on the bus (if they are NOT in Senior Jazz).
Parent Help Required:
Intermediate/Advanced Bands
- Performance Shirt Distributor from 7:50 to 8:30 a.m. Parent Volunteer – Angela
- Collect Instruments – 8:30am departure – Jessica’s van
- Parent to ride on bus with students from Sagebrush back to Brock at 10:50 a.m. ______???_______________
- Collect Shirts @ 11ish – ____??_______
- Send parent email out for volunteers.
Performance Attire: Standard concert clothing (solid black pants, shoes, socks). Brock Middle Music Department performance shirts will be distributed beginning at 7:50 a.m. (from the back music department storage room) and will continue to be distributed until 8:30 a.m..
When: Tuesday, March 3rd. School Bus departs at 10:10 a.m. Performance begins on stage at 11:10 a.m. sharp. Parents are welcome to come and watch for free in the audience. The return bus trip will depart at 12:10 p.m. (after our festival class is finished). As soon as students return to Brock, they must quickly return their performance shirts to their individual plastic ziploc bags, and report back to class. Students must bring along their lunch (eating on bus). If students are on the school lunch program, they must indicate so to Mr. Schill, and those student’s lunches will be available prior to departure from the main office.
Beginner Jazz Band students will perform on stage immediately after the Combined Beginner Band is finished their performance.
Parent Help Required:
- Jessica E to take string bass and tuba to Sagebrush. Return Tuba after 12:10
- Parent to ride the bus with students from Brock Middle to Sagebrush Theatre. Bus departs school at 10:10 a.m. – Tammy
- Parent to help collect performance shirts from Beginner Band when they get back to school. – Tammy and Jessica
- Parent to ride on bus from Sagebrush to Brock Middle at 12:10 – Tammy
Old Business:
- Spring Concert: Wednesday, June 10th
2 New fundraiser potential: KLA Designs Sweater collections. – Rebecca Clara to collect/coordinate. – Post by spring break with information and expect to run it May.
- Website Link for professional Xmas concert photos available: Link to be posted to FB and email.
- Hoodie Order – Facebook poll posted to see if there is sufficient interest to make it a go. Mim order of 25.
- Whistler “Cantando” Trip Information
April 30th – May 3rd, 2020
Cost = $625 (exact amount TBA) & includes transportation, accommodation, events, festival fees, food, concerts, tax & gratuities. Students stay in quad occupancy rooms with other students & are chaperoned parents & school staff.
Mandatory parent and student meeting on April 26th at 7pm-8pm for Whistler “Cantando” Trip.
Whistler Trip Deposit Schedule:
- $125 non-refundable CASH commitment deposit, was due Sept. 27th, 2019
*The following can be paid in CASH or through Fundraising*
- $125 due on Oct. 25th, $125 due on Nov 22nd, $125 due on Dec 16th, $125 due on Jan 31st
- BALANCE OWING DUE on Tuesday, February 28th
- *Please note that if your child fundraises enough money to pay for their trip, or the combined cash payments and fundraising efforts exceed the required per student cost of the trip, you will be reimbursed any cash payments in excess of $10. Extra fund raising money will not carry forward from year to year, nor can it be reimbursed due to school policy. Overpayment refunds will be available beginning approximately 1 month after the trip has occurred.
- Fundraising Plan for 2019 / 2020
*Note that a tithe of 10% is taken from student fundraised totals that go to both the general account for music program equipment and possible financial assistance where warranted (according to Mr. Schill’s discretion).
Winter Bottle Drive: Final Total was $2151.26, $49.50 in cash donations.
Insect repellent (icaridin repellent) Fundraiser: Unfortunately, we had to cancel this due to circumstances beyond our control.
Global Coffee Round 2. Christy Morris to coordinate. Start: Monday February 10th.
Money due at the office on February 21st. We cannot accept late orders!
Anticipated delivery on March 4 – 5th.
Bagging Fundraiser opportunity is happening at Superstore. Students can bag groceries for tip. 11am to 3pm on Saturday, Feb 29th.
Coordinator: Tracy Stimac
Need mim of two parents throughout.
Students will serve in one or two hour shifts.
Donation Boxes – collected and are being decorated with Brock Music name since there is no room for table/chairs.
Collect performance shirts for students: Tracy S.
Number of students who can participate will be limited to the number of open tills. We’ll schedule first come/first serve if more students wish to participate than there are slots
Tracy to send a schedule out early in the week ahead of Sat. 29th and Include information on parent guidance on how to bag items.
- Old performance shirts available for sale at $5 each. Students pay at office, take receipt to Mr. Schill to pick up shirts. Plan is to keep them available until the Friday before Spring Break and we’ll donate them after.
- Communication Reminders: Facebook Group is “Brock Parent/Student Music Group 2019/20 and Minutes and Newsletters are posted to Mr Schill’s school blog and emails will often have time-sensitive reminders so please keep an eye on those.
- Continued reminder: All money, for all events, all year are payable at the office – not Mr. Schill. Please ask student to request & WAIT for a receipt when paying with cash.
- A link will be added to the Music Blog posting the professional photos from the winter concert.
Next Meeting: Thursday, March 26th, 7pm
Music Parent Meeting
January 16th, 2020
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (Dec 12th). Any amendments?
Vote to accept them.
Moved to accept: Monica Williams Seconded: Aaron Blacker
- Review Agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve Agenda
Moved to accept: Rebecca Clara Seconded: Adrienne Ilic
- Welcome
- Treasurer Report: Parent Account: $4284.92, Student Fundraising Account: $44,259.06
New Business
- THANK YOU to all who made the December fundraisers and Christmas concert happen.
- Bagging Fundraiser opportunity is happening at Superstore. (Thanks to Tracy Stimac for coordinating.) Students can bag groceries for tip. 11am to 3pm on Saturday, Feb 29th. Tracy will coordinate scheduling and be there for at least the first hour. We’ll need at least TWO parents to supervise at all times, ideally in one hour shifts.
Students will serve in one-hour shifts.
We’ll need to have a box to accept donations. Jen Seymour
Will store provide a table and chairs for parents? Tracey Stimac
Can use parade banner/sign. Who will take it to the store? Tracey Stimac
Students will need to wear either band hoodies or their performance shirts. Who can be in charge of taking shirts up? Tracey Stimac
Number of students who can participate will be limited to number of open tills. We’ll schedule first come/first serve if more students wish to participate than there are slots
Include information on parent guidance on how to bag items.
3. Arts in the High Country Concert and Jazz Bands (Int / Adv, Beg Jazz & Sr. Jazz)
March 2-4th
- Spring Concert: Wednesday, June 10th
- New fundraiser potential: KLA Designs Sweater collections. – Rebecca Clara to collect/coordinate.
- Website Link for professional Xmas concert photos available next week…stay tuned
Old Business:
- Second Hoodie order? We need a minimum order of 25 shirts to make it a go. – Jessica will speak to Shannon.
- Choir Festival will be happening on March 2nd in the evening at the Sagebrush Theatre.
Details to be determined.
- Whistler “Cantando” Trip Information
April 30th – May 3rd, 2020
Call for chaperones went out earlier this month. Mr. Schill will follow up after Jan 17th.
Typically, preference given to parents who have contributed in various ways but Mr. Schill makes the decision about who goes.
Cost = $625 (exact amount TBA) & includes transportation, accommodation, events, festival fees, food, concerts, tax & gratuities. Students stay in quad occupancy rooms with other students & are chaperoned parents & school staff.
Trip is FULL: 108 confirmed with cash payments of at least the first deposit, second and or funds raised.
Whistler Trip Deposit Schedule:
- $125 non-refundable CASH commitment deposit, was due Sept. 27th, 2019
*The following can be paid in CASH or through Fundraising*
- $125 due on Oct. 25th
- $125 due on Nov 22nd
- $125 due on Dec 16th
- $125 due on Jan 31st **Early January we’ll make a point of highlighting where everyone is at with their totals so everyone can plan accordingly.
- BALANCE OWING DUE on Tuesday, February 28th
- *Please note that if your child fundraises enough money to pay for their trip, or the combined cash payments and fundraising efforts exceed the required per student cost of the trip, you will be reimbursed any cash payments in excess of $10. Extra fund raising money will not carry forward from year to year, nor can it be reimbursed due to school policy. Overpayment refunds will be available available beginning approximately 1 month after trip has occurred.
Fundraising Plan for 2019 / 2020
*Note that a tithe of 10% is taken from student fundraised totals that go to both the general account for music program equipment and possible financial assistance where warranted (according to Mr. Schill’s discretion).
Winter Bottle Drive: happened on Saturday, January 11th with 47 students and 25 parents who helped fill the trailer throughout a snowy morning. Count is not yet complete.
Fresh Is Best Fundraiser – approximately $1700 gross profit
Pick Up is 3pm Jan 30th in Conference Room
Insect repellent (icaridin repellent) Fundraiser: Start Monday, February 10th, money due, Friday, February 21st
Delivery: late April
Coordinators: Jen Seymour & Rebecca Clara
Global Coffee Round 2. Christy Morris to coordinate. Tammy Gregory?
Start: Monday February 10th.
Money due at office on February 21st.
Anticipated delivery – March
- Old performance shirts available for sale at $5 each. Students pays at office, take receipt to Mr. Schill to pick up shirts. Plan is to keep them available until the Friday before Spring Break and we’ll donate them after.
6. Communication Reminders: Facebook Group is “Brock Parent/Student Music Group 2019/20 and Minutes and Newsletters are posted to Mr Schill’s school blog and emails will often have time-sensitive reminders so please keep an eye on those.
- Continued reminder: All money, for all events, all year are payable at the office – not Mr. Schill. Please ask student to request & WAIT for a receipt when paying with cash.
Next Meeting: Thursday, February 20th, 7pm
Music Parent Meeting
December 12th, 2019
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (Nov 14th). Any amendments?
Vote to accept them.
Moved to accept: Christie Seconded: Monica W.
- Review Agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve Agenda
Moved to accept: Tammy G Seconded:Rosemary B
- Welcome
- Treasurer Report: -Music Parent’s Account as of Dec. 11th: $4,376.25
-Student Fundraising as of Dec. 11th: $32, 204.46
Coffee – 55 participants, $1953 to students
Gary’s Deli – 48 participants, $1539 to students
Maurya’s Samosas – 38 participants, $1655.10
Total fundraised so far by students (Sept to Dec including Epicure but not bottle drive) – $6284.83.
New Business
- KSO Concert on January 10th. Permission forms will be available ahead in the weeks before Christmas break. Titled: KSO at the Opera!
- Choir Festival will be happening on either Mar 3 or Mar 4th in the evening at the Sagebrush Theatre. Likely the 3rd. Details to be determined.
- Option to use Full Gospel Chapel’s (venue’s) debit machine for concert. Discuss.
Revisit for spring bake sale
- Bottled Water for Winter Dream?
- Run coffee fundraiser with insect repellant fundraiser
Old Business:
- Christmas Concert! The entire music department will present their “Winter Dream” concert on Tuesday, December 17th at Kamloops Full Gospel Church (1550 Tranquille Road). Call time for all students is 6:15 p.m. (which is also the earliest drop-off time for bake sale items). The show begins promptly at 7 p.m. Regular concert attire for student musicians please. Shirts will be available for pick-up at 6:15 p.m., at Full Gospel. Bake sale and 50/50 draw are cash only. Various Parent Support Roles are needed to be covered in order to make this an amazing experience for our students and guests. – Jacqui Professional(Photographer)
- Shirt Coordinators: Delivery go with gear Mr.Schill and handing out, Rosemary Van Tol & Rebecca if needed
- Bake Sale Coordinator & 2 to 3 additional volunteers: Jenny Montgomery, Nicole D, Adriene Ilic, Dee Hay, Jessica
- Jessica will make sure there is enough stickers, plates, etc. for bake sale
- Xmas Concert VIP Seating & VIP parking auction – a group fundraiser (Communications Person – Eva & Jessica
- Xmas Concert Basket Raffle Coordinator: Shannon
Same themes as previous year? Sweet Tooth (Beginner Band), Movie Night (Choirs) &
Also using leftover coffee from fundraiser Volunteers – Shannon will coordinate
Jessica to email out prices for 50/50 and raffle
Monica 50/50 and donations
Kaylee Delorme to sell raffle tickets
Rosemary to pick up water.
- Xmas Concert 50/50 Raffle Coordinator (also look after donation container and sign): Monica
- License from BCLC for 50/50 draw has been confirmed.
Event volunteers:
- Greeters: Aaron Blacker, Sylvia Sherlock
- Flow Coordinator: Aaron Blacker, Sylvia Sherlock
- Choir Chaperones (2-3): Meagan Norton & Tammy Gregory
- Beginner Band Chaperones (2 – 3): Tracey Stimac, Shannon Olfert
- Intermediate Band Chaperones (2 – 3): Steve Stone, Sterling (Jacob)
Emcees: Brynn Harrison & Skye Bandura-Griffore
- Second Hoodie order. Maybe January. We need a minimum order of 25 shirts to make it a go.
- Whistler “Cantando” Trip Information
Mark your calendars! April 30th – May 3rd, 2020
Call for chaperones will go out by email in January. Individuals must respond by email to that particular email and Mr. Schill will follow-up. Typically, preference given to parents who have contributed in various ways thus far.
Mr. Schill makes the decision on parents going to Whistler
- This trip is optional, but is highly recommended for ALL Music Students.
Our exact hotel is TBA, based on our final numbers. Currently 11 gave made cash deposits, and 4 more students are certainly also coming, just payment is slightly behind.
- Cost = $625 (exact amount TBA) & includes transportation, accommodation, events, festival fees, food, concerts, tax & gratuities. Students stay in quad occupancy rooms with other students & are chaperoned parents & school staff.
- Note about cost: due to great fundraising efforts, we are anticipating being able to lower this amount! Specifics to come in the months ahead.
Trip is FULL: 101 confirmed with cash payments of at least the first deposit, second and or funds raised, plus 4 more that are really working hard to make it happen.
Whistler Trip Deposit Schedule:
- $125 non-refundable CASH commitment deposit, was due Sept. 27th, 2019
*The following can be paid in CASH or through Fundraising*
- $125 due on Oct. 25th
- $125 due on Nov 22nd
- $125 due on Dec 16th
- $125 due on Jan 31st **Early January we’ll make a point of highlighting where everyone is at with their totals so everyone can plan accordingly.
- BALANCE OWING DUE on Tuesday, February 28th
- *Please note that if your child fundraises enough money to pay for their trip, or the combined cash payments and fundraising efforts exceed the required per student cost of the trip, you will be reimbursed any cash payments in excess of $10. Extra fund raising money will not carry forward from year to year, nor can it be reimbursed due to school policy. Overpayment refunds will be available available beginning approximately 1 month after trip has occurred.
- Fundraising Plan for 2019 / 2020
*Note that a tithe of 10% is taken from student fundraised totals that go to both the general account for music program equipment and possible financial assistance where warranted (according to Mr. Schill’s discretion).
Global Coffee Fundraising: forms and funds collected. Still some bags outstanding – Christy is coordinating this.
Another coffee fundraiser in February along with insect repellant fundraiser
Aberdeen Mall Bottles: Still connecting with contact about this.
Gary’s Deli: Start Friday Nov. 22, Money due THURSDAY, DEC 5th* – note change in date.
Delivery: Friday Dec. 13th. Confirmed with Jurgen.
Coordinators: Lindsey Viala & Eva Wright
Maurya’s Samosas: Start Friday Nov. 22, Money due THURSDAY, DEC 5th* – note change in date.
9.50 minus tithe per order.
Delivery: Friday Dec. 13th Coordinators: Jessica Ens & Dusti Naud
Christmas Concert Events.
Fresh is Best: Thursday Dec 19th, Money due WEDNESDAY, January 15th
Forms to go out at concert
Delivery: January 30th
Coordinators Monica Williams & _Shannon & Christie________________________
Winter Bottle Drive: Saturday, January 11th
Coordinators 2-3: Angela Moss, Jessica Ens and ____________________
Permits and Maps already picked up from city.
Jessica to find out the exact name of the account at General Grants
Insect repellent (icaridin repellent) Fundraiser: Start Monday, February 10th, money due, Friday, February 21st
Delivery: late April
Coordinators: Jen Seymour & ______________________
Coffee will run along side – Christie
Tracy Stimac will be checking in to see about Superstore bagging opportunities for fundraising in the new year. May be for the 2020/21 school year.
Old performance shirts available for sale at $5 each. Students pay at office, take receipt to Mr. Schill to pick up shirts. Plan is to keep them available until the Friday before Spring Break and we’ll donate them after.
- Card signed by students as a token of thanks to PAC
- Communication Reminders: Facebook Group is “Brock Parent/Student Music Group 2019/20 and Minutes and Newsletters are posted to Mr Schill’s school blog and emails will often have time-sensitive reminders so please keep an eye on those.
- Continued reminder: All money, for all events, all year are payable at the office – not Mr. Schill. Please ask student to request & WAIT for a receipt when paying with cash.
Next Meeting: Thursday Jan 16th, 7pm
Music Parent Meeting
November 14th, 2019
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (Oct 10th). Any amendments?
Vote to accept them.
Moved to accept: Shannon Seconded: Monica
- Review Agenda. Any additions of new items? 1) Possibility of Super Store Fundraiser 2) Old Music Shirts – $5 donation per shirt? Donation? (Rebecca Clara)
Vote to approve Agenda
Moved to accept: Rebecca Seconded: Tammy
- Welcome
- Treasurer Report:
Music Department Account – $22,950.46 – up to Nov 14th.
Fundraiser Account – $2364.32 ( as of Nov 6th),
New Business
- Appreciation:
- Jen Seymour and Shannon Olfert for time with sizing and ordering for shirts.
- Brock PAC: Thank you for using funds for new performance shirts and to Shannon for extra hours in ordering, organizing and labeling new bags.
- Action: Card signed by students as a token of thanks to PAC
- Thanks for help on Remembrance Day: Sabrina Spinks and Monica Williams.
- Music Grant – Thank you David.
- Second Hoodie order? Maybe January. We need a minimum order of 25 shirts to make it a go.
- Possibility of Super Store Fundraiser – Rebecca will inquire in January.
Old Business:
- Pep Rally! Friday, Nov. 15th during ‘C’ block featuring both Advanced (and some Int) bands playing ”Final Countdown”. No required performance attire required.
- Santa Claus Parade: Sunday November 17th for Intermediate and Advanced Band members!
**Need a truck to pick up equipment on Friday….(tomorrow)…bring for Sunday 2:15**
Parade starts at 4 p.m. (This is a change from last year.) Volunteers – Tracey Stimac or Jessica Ens
Meeting Time: 2:15 p.m. for warm-up and toques/scarves.
Meeting Point: Kamloops Square in the OLD Kamloops Florist location. A sign will be posted to identify meet up spot.
Pick up: 4:30 p.m….meet your child on at the 600/700 block of Victoria
Attire: Band toques and scarves. Dress warmly and well.
Students also need head lamps and are being asked to get some short Christmas light strings for themselves/instruments for the dark.
Banner light decorating/Transport – Volunteer – Monica Williams
Hot Chocolate Co-ordinator: Ricki Beisel
Truck for Moving Empty Instrument Cases etc: James Seitz
Toques & Scarves: Monica Williams
Photographs: Angela Moss – confirmed
3. Choral Sharing Night: Monday, November 18th (6:30 p.m. concert) at the Oasis Church -1205 Rogers Way in ‘Upper Sahali’ (yes, it is no longer at the Alliance church). by the Overlander bridge. All choir students meeting in lobby at 6:00 p.m. Performance shirts to be distributed beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Shirt Distribution: (x3) Eva Wright AND Shannon Olfert & ____________________
- Treble Choir (F Block): ‘The Reluctant Dragon’ joint rehearsals with Vivace Chorale chamber choir at Kamloops United Church (421 St. Paul St.) on evening on Wed. Nov 27th from 6:30-8:30 p.m. …also 7 p.m. on Wed, Nov.13th and Nov 20th 7p.m.-8:30p.m.
- Kamloops Blazers Brock Choirs: Saturday Nov. 30th. Both choirs perform O Canada & Star Spangled Banner for the annual “Teddy Bear Toss” game opening game night tickets are free for students and up to 2 parents attending. Call time is 6 p.m. with shirt pick-up on main concourse at the top of Section “K & L “ (no later than 6:40 p.m. please.
Ticket Coordinator: Shannon Olfert
*Does Shannon need confirmation for numbers? Collecting them now…
Do we need a volunteer to transport keyboard and bench again? (Pick up on the Friday and return on Monday) Volunteer – Rebecca
Shirt Distribution Team (x3): Sabrina Spinks, Rebecca Clara, Adriene Ilic
- Christmas Concert! The entire music department will present their “Winter Dream” concert on Tuesday, December 17th at Kamloops Full Gospel Church (1550 Tranquille Road). Call time for all students is 6:15 p.m. (which is also the earliest drop-off time for bake sale items). The show begins promptly at 7 p.m. Regular concert attire for student musicians please. Shirts will be available for pick-up at 6:15 p.m., at Full Gospel. Bake sale and 50/50 draw are cash only. Various Parent Support Roles are needed to be covered in order to make this an amazing experience for our students and guests. – Jacqui Professional(Photographer)
- Bake Sale Coordinator & 2 to 3 additional volunteers: Jenny Montgomery, Shannon Olfert, Adriene Ilic
- Xmas Concert VIP Seating & VIP parking auction – a group fundraiser (Communications Person – Eva
- Xmas Concert Basket Raffle Coordinator: Shannon Olfert
Baskets: 1) Sweet Tooth (Beginner Band) 2) Movie Night (Choirs) 3) Lucky Charms (Int & Adv Band) 4) Spa Basket (Int & Adv Bands) – December 12th.
- Xmas Concert 50/50 Raffle Coordinator (also look after donation container and sign): Monica
- License from BCLC for 50/50 draw has been confirmed.
Event volunteers:
- Greeters: Aaron Blacker, Sylvia Sherlock
- Flow Coordinator: Aaron Blacker, Sylvia Sherlock
- Choir Chaperones (2-3): Meagan Norton, Nicole Doucette & Tammy Gregory
- Beginner Band Chaperones (2 – 3): Tracey Stimac, Shannon Olfert
- Intermediate Band Chaperones (2 – 3): Steve Stone, Sterling (Jacob)
Emcees are also needed. Brynn Harrison & Skye Bandura-Griffore
- Whistler “Cantando” Trip Information
Mark your calendars! April 30th – May 3rd, 2020
- This trip is optional, but is highly recommended for ALL Music Students.
Our exact hotel is TBA, based on our final numbers. Currently 11 gave made cash deposits, and 4 more students are certainly also coming, just payment is slightly behind.
- Cost = $625 (exact amount TBA soon) & includes transportation, accommodation, events, festival fees, food, concerts, tax & gratuities.
Students stay in QUAD occupancy rooms with other students & are chaperoned by parents & school staff.
Trip is basically full: 101 confirmed with cash payments of at least the first deposit, second and or funds raised,, plus 4 more that are really working hard to make it happen. Therefore looking at 105…so we are now FULL.
Whistler Trip Deposit Schedule:
- $125 non-refundable CASH commitment deposit, was due Sept. 27th, 2019
*The following can be paid in CASH or through Fundraising*
- $125 due on Oct. 25th
- $125 due on Nov 22nd
- $125 due on Dec 16th
- $125 due on Jan 31st
- BALANCE OWING DUE on Tuesday, February 28th
- *Please note that if your child fundraises enough money to pay for their trip, or the combined cash payments and fundraising efforts exceed the required per student cost of the trip, you will be reimbursed any cash payments in excess of $10. Extra fund raising money will not carry forward from year to year, nor can it be reimbursed due to school policy. Overpayment refunds will be available available beginning approximately 1 month after trip has occurred.
- Fundraising Plan for 2019 / 2020
Fundscripts Gift Certificate: Based on high parent involvement and low return, we’ve decided against running this fundraiser.
Epicure: Start Monday September 30th, Money Due Tuesday, October 15th.
Global Coffee Fundraising: forms and funds collected
Delivery: Nov 15th
Coordinators: Tammy Gregory & Christy Morris
Aberdeen Mall Bottles: Still connecting with contact about this.
Gary’s Deli: Start Friday Nov. 22, Money due THURSDAY, DEC 5th* – note change in date.
Delivery: Friday Dec. 13th. Confirmed with Jurgen.
Coordinators: Lindsey Viala & Eva Wright
Maurya’s Samosas: Start Friday Nov. 22, Money due THURSDAY, DEC 5th* – note change in date.
$15 for 5, approximately $1.60 per samosa goes to student
Delivery: Friday Dec. 13th Coordinators: Jessica Ens & Dusti Naud
Christmas Concert Events.
Fresh is Best: Thursday Dec 19th, Money due WEDNESDAY, January 15th
Delivery: January 30th
Coordinators Monica Williams & _________________________
Winter Bottle Drive: Saturday, January 11th
Coordinators 2-3: Angela Moss, Jessica Ens and ____________________
Permits and Maps already picked up from city.
Insect repellent Fundraiser: Start Monday, February 10th, money due, Friday, February 21st – deferred to Oct. Meeting
Delivery: late April
Coordinators: Jen Seymour? & _______________________
- Whole Note Program – Kamloops Music Collective – they get 10 free music lessons, get to go to KISM summer 2020 for 3 weeks
- Communication Reminders: Facebook Group is “Brock Parent/Student Music Group 2019/20 and Minutes and Newsletters are posted to Mr Schill’s school blog and emails will often have time-sensitive reminders so please keep an eye on those.
- Continued reminder: All money, for all events, all year are payable at the office – not Mr. Schill. Please ask student to request & WAIT for a receipt when paying with cash.
Next Meeting: Thursday Dec. 12th, 7pm
Music Parent Meeting
October 10, 2019
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (Sept 21st). Any amendments?
Vote to accept them.
Moved to accept: Monica Williams Seconded: Steve
- Review Agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve Agenda
Moved to accept: Sterling Seconded: Dave
- Welcome
- Treasurer Report:
Bottle Drive Total Raised: $3,608.03 (incl. $103.85 cash)
Tithe: $360.80
Students’ Total: $3,247.43
Participants (students and drivers): 121
$3,247.43/121 = $26.83/portion ($53.66 for student + driver)
Fundraising account total:$15,882.28 (includes bottle drive money and deposits entered by office as of October 3/19)
School music dept account: TBA (waiting for this info)
New Business
Performance Shirt Sizing Needs to Occur in the week immediately following Thanksgiving (so we know we’re covered in case we need to order more…..)
-Volunteers? Jen Seymour, Shannon Olfert
- Treble Choir (F Block): ‘The Reluctant Dragon’ joint rehearsals with Vivace Chorale chamber choir at Kamloops United Church (421 St. Paul St.) on Wednesday evenings of October 30th, November 6th and 27th from 6:30-8:30 p.m..
- Bottle Drive Update: We have the opportunity to collect bottles from Aberdeen Mall but need to do so weekly. Trucks preferred. – Parent group volunteers for rotation pick up – Shannon Olfert ,Jenny Montgomery, Tracey Stimac (Ethan), Sylivia Sherlock , Rebecca (Simone).
3.SD73 Honour Band & Choir Concert at the Sagebrush Theatre on Tuesday, November 5th, at 7 p.m. Tickets are $5 each, available at the door for any interested.
- School Remembrance Day ceremonies happen on Friday, Nov. 8th in the morning. Intermediate & Advanced Bands, and both Choir classes will be performing. Performance attire please. Performance shirt pick-up will be from 7:45-8:25 a.m. in the music room. Poppies will be available for performers in the gym. Donations accepted, but not mandatory.
- KSO (Kamloops Symphony Orchestra) Concert “Love!” at the Sagebrush Theatre on Thursday, November 14th. The bus leaves at 9:15 a.m. and will be returning at approximately 11:10 a.m. Cost is $7.00. It is payable at the office where the signed permission form must be dropped off at the same time. Students will miss part of ‘H’ block, and all ‘G’ block. There is room for 45 students on the bus, and it will be on a first come, first serve basis. Permission forms will be distributed during mid to late October. The support of 4-5 chaperones is requested (no charge), and you can indicate your availability on the permission form.
- Pep Rally! Friday, Nov. 15th during ‘B’ OR ‘C’ block (TBA) will feature both Intermediate & Advanced bands playing ”Final Countdown”. No required performance attire required.
- Christmas Concert! The entire music department will present their “Winter Dream” concert on Tuesday, December 17th at Kamloops Full Gospel Church (1550 Tranquille Road). Call time for all students is 6:15 p.m. (which is also the earliest drop-off time for bake sale items). The show begins promptly at 7 p.m. Regular concert attire for student musicians please. Shirts will be available for pick-up at 6:15 p.m., at Full Gospel. Bake sale and 50/50 draw are cash only. Various Parent Support Roles are needed to be covered in order to make this an amazing experience for our students and guests. – Jacqui Professional(Photographer)
- Bake Sale Coordinator & 2 to 3 additional volunteers: Jenny Montgomery, Shannon Olfert, Adriene Ilic,
- Xmas Concert VIP Seating & VIP parking auction – a group fundraiser (Communications Person usually takes this – Eva
- Xmas Concert Basket Raffle Coordinator: Shannon
Same themes as previous year? Sweet Tooth (Beginner Band), Movie Night (Choirs) & Lucky Charms (Int & Adv Band)? Other ideas??- 4th Basket Spa Basket – Date TBA. Volunteers – Shannon will coordinate
- Xmas Concert 50/50 Raffle Coordinator (also look after donation container and sign): Monica
- License from BCLC needs to acquired for 50/50 draw: Jessica Ens
Event volunteers:
- Greeters: Aaron Blacker, Sylvia Sherlock
- Flow Coordinator: Aaron Blacker, Sylvia Sherlock
- Choir Chaperones (2-3): Meagan Norton
- Beginner Band Chaperones (2 – 3): Tracey Stimac, Shanno Olfert
- Intermediate Band Chaperones (2 – 3): Steve Stone, Sterling (Jacob)
Emcees are also needed. Roles usually filled by previous band students. Mr. Schill will look into this.
Old Business:
- Kamloops Blazers Brock Choirs (both) perform O Canada & Star Spangled Banner
for the annual “Teddy Bear Toss” game opening on Saturday, November 30th. Game night tickets are free for students and up to 2 parents attending. Call time is 6 p.m. with shirt pick-up on main concourse at the top of Section “K & L “ (no later than 6:40 p.m. please.
Ticket Coordinator: Shannon Olfert
*Does Shannon need confirmation for numbers?
Do we need a volunteer to transport keyboard and bench again? Rebecca Clara
Shirt Distribution Team (x3): Sabrina Spinks, Rebecca Clara, Adriene Ilic
- Choral Sharing Night: Monday, November 18th (6:30 p.m. concert) at the Alliance Church -200 Leigh Rd. by the Overlander bridge. All choir students meeting in lobby at 6:00 p.m. Performance shirts to be distributed beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Two more parents needed:
Shirt Distribution: (x3)Eva Wright AND Shannon Olfert & ________________
- Santa Claus Parade for Intermediate and Advanced Band members! Sunday,
November 17th. Parade starts at 4 p.m. (This is a change from last year.) Our meeting
point downtown is still TBA, but the call time will be 2:15 p.m..
Hot Chocolate Co-ordinator: Ricki Beisel
Truck for Moving Empty Instrument Cases etc: James Seitz
Toques & Scarves: Monica
Photographs: Angela Moss
- Christmas Concert: Tuesday, December 17th, beginning at 7 p.m.. All students need to arrive at 6:15 p.m.. Location is Kamloops Full Gospel (1550 Tranquille Rd) – great seating and great space.
Various Parent Support Roles are needed to be covered in order to make
this an amazing experience for our students and guests. We will start filling these spots
in our October meeting.
- Music Department Hoodies – Forms have been distributed and are due back into the main office no later than Friday, October 18th. Mr. Schill has all the info / forms.
Co-ordinator: Shannon Olfert
- Music Department Embossed Folders – Coordinator is Shanon Olfert. Forms have been distributed and are due back into the main office no later than Friday, October 18th. Hoodie and folder forms are stapled together.
- Whistler “Cantando” Trip Information
Mark your calendars! April 30th – May 3rd, 2020
- This trip is optional, but is highly recommended for ALL Music Students.
Our exact hotel is TBA, based on our final numbers.
- Cost = $625 (exact amount TBA soon) & includes transportation, accommodation, events, festival fees, food, concerts, tax & gratuities.
- Students stay in QUAD occupancy rooms with other students & are chaperoned by parents & school staff.
Whistler Trip Deposit Schedule:
- $125 non-refundable CASH commitment deposit, due Sept. 27th, 2019
*The following can be paid in CASH or through Fundraising*
- $125 due on Oct. 25th
- $125 due on Nov 22nd
- $125 due on Dec 16th
- $125 due on Jan 31st
- BALANCE OWING DUE on Tuesday, February 28th
- *Please note that if your child fundraises enough money to pay for their trip, or the combined cash payments and fundraising efforts exceed the required per student cost of the trip, you will be reimbursed any cash payments in excess of $10. Extra fund raising money will not carry forward from year to year, nor can it be reimbursed due to school policy. Overpayment refunds will be available available beginning approximately 1 month after trip has occurred.
- Fundraising Plan for 2019 / 2020
Fundscripts Gift Certificate. Runs throughout year. Start and end dates?
Coordinator: Monica
-kids sell gift cards for a variety of places, percentage goes to school account
-% is quite small
-More info coming
Epicure: Start Monday September 30th, Money Due Tuesday, October 15th.
Delivery: TBA
Coordinators: Ricki Beisel & Julie Blacker
Global Coffee Fundraising (We make up our own brand name!):
Begins: Monday October 28th, Money Due: Tuesday November 12th
$5 of every $15 bag goes to student
Delivery: ____________
Coordinators: Tammy Gregory & Christy Morris
Gary’s Deli: Start Friday Nov. 22, Money due Friday Dec 6th
Delivery: Friday Dec. 13th
Coordinators: Lindsey Viala & Eva Wright
Maurya’s “Samosas”: Start Friday Nov. 22, Money due Friday Dec 6th
$15 for 5, approximately $1.75 per samosa goes to student
Delivery: Friday Dec. 13th *Date confirmed by Jurgen at Gary’s Deli.
Coordinators: Jessica Ens & Dusti Naud
Christmas Concert Events.
Fresh is Best: Thursday Dec 19th, Money due WEDNESDAY, January 15th
Delivery: January 30th
Coordinators Monica Williams & Shannon will assist with pick-up.
Winter Bottle Drive: Saturday, January 11th
Coordinators 2-3:
Permits and Maps already picked up from city.
Insect repellent Fundraiser: Start Monday, February 10th, money due, Friday, February 21st – deferred to Oct. Meeting
Delivery: late April
Coordinators: _________________& _______________________
- Whole Note Program – Kamloops Music Collective – they get 10 free music lessons, get to go to KISM summer 2020 for 3 weeks
- Communication Reminders: Facebook Group is “Brock Parent/Student Music Group 2019/20 and Minutes and Newsletters are posted to Mr Schill’s school blog and emails will often have time-sensitive reminders so please keep an eye on those.
- Continued reminder: All money, for all events, all year are payable at the office – not Mr. Schill. Please ask student to request and WAIT for a receipt.
Next Meeting: Thursday Nov. 14th, 7pm.
Music Parent Meeting
September 21, 2019
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (June 6th). Any amendments?
Vote to accept them.
Moved to accept: Monica Seconded: Rebecca Clara
- Review Agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve Agenda
Moved to accept: Jessica Ens Seconded: Ricki Beisel
- Welcome from Mr. Schill: Advised beginner band students are receiving their instruments now, parents will get yellow form to sign once their child`s instrument is provided. Parents were asked to ensure they purchase reeds for their children by next class.
- Epicure fundraising explanation: Nicole Hale
- Samples brought for everyone
- Forms due back on Oct. 15, 2019
- 40% of sales go into student fundraising account
- Cheques payable to Brock Middle School
- Asked if we want a facebook group set up for this fundraiser – If people want to order from catelog, Nicole will donate 15% commission to the fundraiser (they aren`t normally fundraiser items in the catelog )
- Parent Committee Role Descriptions & “Elections”
- President: Jessica Ens
- Vice-president: Rebecca Clara, Angela Moss
- Secretary: Stacey Elgren, Nicole Doucette, The Blackers
- Treasurer: Ricki Beisel
- Fundraising Chair: Monica, The Blackers
- Communications Chair: Eva Wright
- Trip Coordinators: Mr. Schill, Shannon Olfert, Tracy Stimac, Adrienne Ilic, The Blackers
- Performance Attire: Jennifer Seymour (washing), Dana Marcano, Monica, Sabrina Spinks
- Treasurer Report: Music Parent’s Account Balance as of Sept. 20th is $4663.20. A $1900 xylophone was purchased over the summer, which is reflected in this amount. Also reflected in this amount is the $1000 which was fronted last spring in order to reserve our spot for the 2020 Whistler Cantando festival.
New Business
- * All money, for all events, all year are payable at the office – not Mr. Schill.
Please ask student to request and WAIT for a receipt.
- Kamloops Blazers Brock Choirs (both) perform O Canada & Star Spangled Banner
for the annual “Teddy Bear Toss” game opening on Saturday, November 30th. Game night tickets are free for choir students and up to 2 parents attending. Call time is 6 p.m. with shirt pick-up on main concourse at the top of Section “K & L “ (no later than 6:40 p.m. please.)
Ticket Coordinator: Shannon Olfert (tentative)
Shirt Distribution Team (x3): Sabrina Spinks, Rebecca Clara, Adrienne Ilic
- Choral Sharing Night: Monday, November 18th (6:30 p.m. concert) at the Alliance Church -200 Leigh Rd. by the Overlander bridge. All choir students meeting in lobby at 6:00 p.m. Performance shirts to be distributed beginning at 6:00 p.m.
Shirt Distribution (x3): Eva Wright (to add more at Oct. meeting)
- Santa Claus Parade for Intermediate and Advanced Band members! Sunday,
November 17th. Parade starts at 4 p.m. (This is a change from last year.) Our meeting
point downtown is still TBA, but the call time will be 2:15 p.m..
Hot Chocolate Co-ordinator: Ricki Beisel
Truck for Moving Empty Instrument Cases etc: James Seitz
Toques & Scarves: Monica
Photos: Angela Moss
- Christmas Concert: Tuesday, December 17th,
beginning at 7 p.m.. All students need to arrive at 6:15 p.m. Location is
Kamloops Full Gospel (1550 Tranquille Rd) – great seating and great space.
Various Parent Support Roles are needed to be covered in order to make
this an amazing experience for our students and guests. We will start filling these spots
in our October meeting.
- Facebook Group – “Brock Parent/Student Music Group 2019/20
For information sharing only; Admins will be from the Parent Committee.
Questions can be forwarded to Mr Schill’s email
- Mr. Schill’s Blog – All notices are posted here under the newsletter tab. Also important to
keep checking your email as information is sent out that way.
- Music Department Hoodies – watch for information coming out about our famous
hoodies! You will definitely want to get one for your child & even yourself.
Mr. Schill has all the info / forms.
Co-ordinator: Shannon Olfert
- Music Department Embossed Folders – Coordinator: Shanon Olfert
Not required, optional.
9a. Music counts grant application: David Lui-Calver to work with Mr. Schill
- Whistler “Cantando” Trip Information
Mark your calendars! April 30th – May 3rd, 2020 shows the schedule
- This trip is optional, but is highly recommended for ALL Music Students.
Our exact hotel is TBA, based on our final numbers.
- Cost = $625 (exact amount TBA soon) & includes transportation, accommodation, events, festival fees, food, concerts, tax & gratuities.
- Students stay in QUAD occupancy rooms with other students & are chaperoned by parents & school staff.
Whistler Trip Deposit Schedule:
- $125 non-refundable CASH or CHEQUE commitment deposit, due Sept. 27th, 2019
*The following can be paid in CASH or through Fundraising*
- $125 due on Oct. 25th
- $125 due on Nov 22nd
- $125 due on Dec 16th
- $125 due on Jan 31st
- BALANCE OWING DUE on Tuesday, February 28th
- *Please note that if your child fundraises enough money to pay for their trip, or the combined cash payments and fundraising efforts exceed the required per student cost of the trip, you will be reimbursed any cash payments in excess of $10. Extra fund raising money will not carry forward from year to year, nor can it be reimbursed due to school policy. Overpayment refunds will be available available beginning approximately 1 month after trip has occurred.
- Fundraising Plan for 2019 / 2020
First Bottle Drive: Saturday, September 21nd (Jessica and Angela Moss)
Meet at the school at 10am.
Note: Mr. Schill checking with Aberdeen Mall
Fundscripts Gift Certificate. Runs throughout year. Start and end dates?
Coordinator: Monica
-kids sell gift cards for a variety of places, percentage goes to school account
-% is quite small
-More info coming
Epicure: Start Monday September 30th, Money Due Tuesday, October 15th.
Delivery: TBA
Coordinators: Ricki Beisel & Julie Blacker
Global Coffee Fundraising (We make up our own brand name!):
Begins: Monday October 28th, Money Due: Tuesday November 12th
$5 of every $15 bag goes to student
Delivery: ____________
Coordinators: Tammy Gregory & _____________________
Gary’s Deli: Start Friday Nov. 22, Money due Friday Dec 6th
Delivery: Friday Dec. 13th
Coordinators: Lindsey Viala & ___________________
Maurya’s “Samosas”: Start Friday Nov. 22, Money due Friday Dec 6th
$15 for 5, approximately $1.75 per samosa goes to student
Delivery: Friday Dec. 13th
Coordinators: Jessica Ens & Dusti Naud
Xmas Concert: Tuesday, December 17th
- Bake Sale: Xmas Concert VIP Seating & VIP parking auction – a group fundraiser (Communications Person_______________)
- Xmas Concert Basket Raffle
- Xmas Concert 50/50 Raffle
Fresh is Best: Thursday Dec 19th, Money due Friday, January 10th – deferred to Oct. Meeting
Coordinators ______________ & _________________________
Winter Bottle Drive: Saturday, January 11th – deferred to Oct. Meeting
Permits and Maps already picked up from city.
Insect repellent Fundraiser: Start Monday, February 10th, money due, Friday, February 21st – deferred to Oct. Meeting
Delivery: late April
Coordinators: _________________& _______________________
Whole Note Program – Kamloops Music Collective – they get 10 free music lessons, get to go to KISM summer 2020 for 3 weeks
Next Meeting Date: Thursday, October 10, 2019
Music Parent Meeting
June 6th, 2019
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (April 25th). Any amendments?
-Vote to accept
Moved to accept: Monica Seconded: Kristi
- Review Agenda. Any additions of new items?
-Vote to approve
Moved to accept: Jessica Seconded: Dave
- Treasurer Report:
General Parent Account (money to spend on equipment, seed money for deposits, financial assistance, etc…): Music Parent’s Account: $6966.68 + $1023.82 = $7990.50
Individual Trip Account (from all student deposits and fundraising efforts): $0.00
$1023.82 (transferred out today to general account….all expenses and overpayment refunds from trip have been paid out). Leftover money was from the 10% tithe.
Old Business:
- Walmart Grant for $1000 – Update from Charmaine Stone – we need the exact name to use on the application – Answer: Brocklehurst Middle School
Can apply for 1 grant per calendar year. Application will be submitted in September and then and another one can be put in after January
- Has Music Counts Grant been applied for? No…we need to have someone start on that….
Ricki will check in with Cara from the City of Kamloops to see what all is involved in the application process.
We are looking at someone to take on the application process with help from Mr Schill. Dave might be able to help. Mr Schill to send the link to him for him to check out.
- Spring Music Department Concert (Brock Rhapsody): Tuesday, June 11th at Full Gospel. Call time is 6:15 p.m. as usual. Water sold at intermission PLUS bake sale!
Volunteers need to be there by 6pm please.
Shirt Distributors: Jennifer & Chris B
50/50 Seller: Monica – tickets are leftover from the Christmas concert. We will need a float – Mr Schill to put together one for this and the bake sale. Heavy change if you can.
Front of House Donation Jar Minder & Program Distributor: Kristi
Greeter & Flow Co-ordinator: Aaron
Beginner Band Chaperones: Trent & Ricki-Lynn
Int/Adv Band Chaperones: Darlene Dyer & Laurinda Boyes
[Choir Chaperones: Jen Seymour &____________________
EMcee(s): Abbie Israel-Armand
Water Sales: Eva Wright (Charmaine to look into water)
Trent will be bringing some donated water for us to sell.
Bake Sale – Jessica Ens & Pam & Dee Hay
Shirts will be at the concert for distribution and collection at the end of the night
Setup will take place at 3:30pm – students and parents can help then. If you setup, you don’t need to stay at the end of the night.
IF you don’t show up for the setup, students are expected to stay to clean up.
NEW Business:
Fundraising this current year:
September 22nd – Bottle Drive
51 students (28 parents) – total $ 2065.43
October 15th – Epicure
Total $1026
November – Gary’s Deli
37 Students – Total $1101.60
December – Bake Sale
40 Students – Total $524.70
December – Raffle Baskets
37 Students – $484.20
$13.09 each
January 10th – Bottle Drive
30 students (20 parents) – Total $1510.02
$30.20 each
January – Fresh is Best
31 students – $1421
February – Vessy’s Bulbs
14 students – Total $426.15
2019/2020 Plan
People bringing forth new fundraising ideas, should be willing to run the program
New Ideas:
- Selling Gift Cards – Fundscripts – no time limit on running the program. 45 retailers are on board. Could be something to run throughout the school year. Gift card purchases can be directly mailed to purchasers. Monica to look into further.
- Lottery Draw – Dave – for cash prize. Sea Cadets has done this in the past and was quite successful. Dave will find out more information and bring info to the first meeting of the 2019/2020 school year
- Ford Test Drive event – Trent registered to get more information. It doesn’t look like there is an event in Kamloops. He is still waiting to hear back, he will give them a call to see if we can move forward with the idea.
Could combo this event with a garage sale or craft fair
4) Home Based Business – Bug Spray – Bug Guard Plus. Bottles sell for $9 and the kids get $5 per bottle. Orders can’t be placed until April of 2020. We would fundraise before this and place the order in March. Jen Seymour would forgo her commission – thank you!
5) Fair Trade Source Coffee – 3 types – Light, Medium and Dark, available in beans or ground up. Price is $15 per bag and students get $5.
Schedule for 2019/2020
- Parent Meeting Sept 19
- Monica bringing a brochure and info to launch the Fundscripts GC
- Bottle Drive Sept 21 – Jessica has supplies for the bottle drive she can bring
- $125 Non-refundable Deposit due FRIDAY, Sept 27
- Epicure starts Sept 30
- Ford Test Drive Event – Oct 5
- Epicure orders back on Oct 15
- $125 payment due Oct 25
- Coffee starts Oct 28
- Coffee orders back Nov 12
- Gary’s Deli starts Nov 22
- $125 payment due Nov 22
- Gary’s Deli orders back on Dec 6
- Gary’s Deli delivery on Dec 12
- Christmas Concert – Bake Sale & Raffle Baskets (Dec 17?)
- Fresh is Best starts Dec 16
- $125 payment due Dec 16
- Fresh is Best orders back Jan 10
- $125 payment due January 31
- Bug Spray out Feb 10
- Bug Spray orders back Feb 21
- Final balance ($125) due Feb 28
Music Parent Meeting
April 25th, 2019
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (March 14th). Any amendments?
-Vote to accept
Moved to accept: David Seconded: Steve
- Review Agenda. Any additions of new items?
-Vote to approve
Moved to accept: Aaron Seconded:Charmaine
- Treasurer Report:
General Parent Account (money to spend on equipment, seed money for deposits, financial assistance, etc…): Music Parent’s Account: $6966.88,
Charmaine Stone to look into $1000 grant from Walmart
Mr. Schill – Time to apply for $10,000 Music Counts grant
Individual Trip Account (from all student deposits and fundraising efforts):
-$1300 Sun Peaks TOC and Bus costs not yet debited
Old Business:
- Update on photos from Christmas concert: Email sent out to parents at end of March.
The photographer will be putting together a link for parent’s to make a purchase direct. Email has been sent! General collage posters have been reprinted as Jacqui felt they didn’t print that well (Hoping to have them displayed for the spring concert?)
- Choir concerts at Riverbend and Overlander:
B Block @ Overlander Thursday, June 6th during class (10:35 a.m. start time)
G Block @ Riverbend Friday, June 7th during class (12:45 p.m. start time)
*Mr. Schill will supervise shirt hand out and collection
- Can someone volunteer to wash the shirts before the big concert?
- Sr. Jazz Band: ‘Gutsy Walk’ concert. Sunday, June 2nd has been MOVED BACK TO MAC PARK. Arrival tennis courts parking area at 9:15 a.m., then set-up, walk begins at 10 a.m……quick 12-15 minutes playing, then hot dogs etc.
Kids can wear what they like to the walk. They do NOT have to wear formal band attire.
More info to come
- Spring Music Department Concert (Brock Rhapsody): Tuesday, June 11th at Full Gospel. Call time is 6:15 p.m. as usual. Water sold at intermission PLUS bake sale!
Shirt Distributors: Jennifer & Chris B
50/50 Seller: Monica
Front of House Donation Jar Minder & Program Distributor: Kristi
Greeter & Flow Co-ordinator: Aaron
Beginner Band Chaperones: Trent & Ricki
Int/Adv Band Chaperones:_________________&__________________
Choir Chaperones: ________________ &____________________
EMcee(s): Abbie Israel-Armand
Water Sales: _________________ Charmaine to look into water.
- Does anyone have a connection to where we can get water? Let us know.
Bake Sale – Jessica Ens & Pam & _____________
*Mr. Schill will apply for license for 50/50- License has been applied for
NEW Business:
District Jazz Jam Festival – Tomorrow April 26th
Conducting 101 school wide event (May 8th @ 9 a.m. and 10:30 a.m.) – It is other teacher’s choice if they would like to bring their classes. If a student asks their teacher and their teacher says their class isn’t going, the student could talk with Mr. Schill and see if just they could attend if they are super interested
Fundraising for 2018 / 2019
Vesseys Spring Bulbs:
Delivery yet to be determined (sometime in April…hopefully soon)
Aaron to look into Ford Fundraiser–
NOTE: June Meeting will set all fundraising dates for 2019/2020 school year- start thinking about which options you think are worth pursuing.
FINAL MEETING – Thursday, June 6? (earlier in June the better due to activities later on in the month)
2020 Trip is WHISTLER Cantando Festival: $625 ‘all in’ is best estimate at present (3 nights/4 days)….April 30th-May3rd
Next Meeting: _June 6 2019 (No May meeting)______________________________________-
Music Parent Meeting
March 14th, 2019
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (February 21st). Any amendments?
-Vote to accept
Moved to accept: Monica Seconded: Christy
- Review Agenda. Any additions of new items?
-Vote to approve
Moved to accept: Jessica Seconded: Kristi
- Treasurer Report:
General Parent Account (money to spend on equipment, seed money for deposits, financial assistance, etc…):
$7046.73 – Mr Schill is now able to purchase the safety railings for the risers.
Individual Trip Account (from all student deposits and fundraising efforts): $32,635.45 is still in the account, but the cheque is in the mail to pay for the balance of the trip, so it will be depleted soon.
Old Business:
- Update on photos from Christmas concert: Update on collage posters being created.
Email has been sent out via mass list asking for a response to if any parent does NOT wish for members of the Brock Music Parent community email list to have a link with access to view only photos of most students involved in the December Xmas concert. Response deadline is March 24th.
The photographer will be putting together a link for parent’s to make a purchase direct. Still a work in progress.
Arts in the High Country Festival – VENUE is Rayleigh Elementary gym: Monday, April 8th. Participating groups include: Beginner Band, Int / Adv Band and Beginner and Senior Jazz Bands (4 groups).
-Shirt Distribution – Nicole & Monica will distribute shirts in the Music Room starting at 8:00am. All groups will get their shirts BEFORE 8:30am
– Shirt return will be supervised by Jessica, shirt return for the second group will be supervised by Mr Schill
– There is NO evening concert due to the change in venue
-After ‘Arts in the High Country’, Jennifer will wash all shirts so they are ready for Sun Peaks
See performance times next page….
9:30 – 10:50: Band Session #1……bus departs Brock at 8:35 a.m., and leaves Rayleigh to return to Brock at 11:00 a.m. for these ensembles
Mr Schill – adult supervisor on the way to Rayleigh
We need one parent to come back on the bus when it returns to the school. Julie might be able to come back on that bus – will have to confirm
Time | Teacher | Grades | # of performers | School |
9:30 – 9:50 | Clarke/Powrie | 6/7 | 55 | Aberdeen |
9:50-10:10 | Schill(Beginner Concert Band) | 7/8 | 40 | Brock |
10:10 – 10:30 | Schill (Beg Jazz) | 7,8 | 9 | Brock |
10:30 – 10:50 | Hamblett | 6 | 34 | Rayleigh |
11:00 – 12:20: Band Session #2…bus departs Brock at 10 a.m., and returns to Brock at the end of these ensembles
Nicole will be on this bus to take the kids to Rayleigh
Time | Teacher/Ensemble | Grades | # of performers | School |
11:00 – 11:20 | Chase / Senior Band | 9-12 | 22 | Chase Sec |
11:20 – 11:40 | Schill / Sr. Jazz | 8-9 | 12 | Brock |
11:40 – 12:00 | Chase / Junior Band | 7,8 | 25 | Chase Sec |
12:00 – 12:20 | Schill /Festival Band | 7-9 | 50 | Brock |
1:00-2:00: Band Session
Time | Teacher/Ensemble | Grades | # of performers | School |
1:00 – 1:20 | Hamblett | 5 | 40 | Rayleigh |
1:20 – 1:40 | Bennett | 6/7 | 18 | Various |
1:40 – 2:00 | Hallett | 6/7 | 50 | South Sahali |
- Choir concerts at Riverbend and Overlander:
-B Block @ Overlander Thursday, June 6th during class (10:35 a.m. start time)
-G Block @ Riverbend Friday, June 7th during class (12:45 p.m. start time)
*Mr. Schill will supervise shirt hand out and collection
- Can someone volunteer to wash the shirts before the big concert?
- Sr. Jazz Band: ‘Gutsy Walk’ concert. Sunday, June 2nd at Riverside. Arrival tennis courts parking area at 9:15 a.m., then set-up, walk begins at 10 a.m……quick 12-15 minutes playing, then hot dogs etc.
Kids can wear what they like to the walk. They do NOT have to wear formal band attire.
- Spring Music Department Concert (Need a cool name!): Tuesday, June 11th at Full Gospel. Call time is 6:15 p.m. as usual. Water sold at intermission PLUS bake sale!
Shirt Distributors: Jennifer & Krista Kilborn (?) & Chris B
50/50 Seller: Monica
Front of House Donation Jar Minder & Program Distributor: Kristi
Greeter & Flow Co-ordinator: Aaron
Beginner Band Chaperones: Trent & Ricki
Int/Adv Band Chaperones:_________________&__________________
Choir Chaperones: ________________ &____________________
EMcee(s): Abbie Israel-Armand
Water Sales: _________________
- Does anyone have a connection to where we can get water? Let us know.
Bake Sale – Jessica Ens & Pam & _____________
*Mr. Schill will apply for license for 50/50
NEW Business:
- Music Hoodies: Hoodies have arrived and have been distributed. Mr Robertson’s will be presented to him at the Spring Concert
*Time Hoodie order for 1 month before the Whistler trip next year
Sun Peaks “Cantando” Trip Information
Mark your Calendars! April 12-14, 2019
- We will be staying at the Nancy Green Cahilty Lodge.
- Cost = $335 & includes transportation, accomodation, events, festival fees, food, concerts, tax & gratuities.
- Students stay in QUAD occupancy rooms with other students & are chaperoned by parents & school staff – Students will be getting their roommate selection forms soon – every effort will be made to put them with their choice, however, Mr Schill will make final decisions
- Chaperones have been chosen and we are so grateful for our wonderful volunteers!
- Medical Forms were sent home already
- Food Choice and Allergy forms will be sent home soon
- Friday night is Pizza
- Sat Breakfast – buffet
- Sat Lunch – buffet
- Sat Dinner – buffet
- Sun Breakfast – buffet
- Sun Lunch – bagged lunch
- MANDATORY Parent/Student trip meeting is on March 28th at 7pm in the gym. If you are unable to attend, prior arrangements need to be made with Mr Schill. Chaperones meeting in advance from 6-7 p.m. in conference room.
- A couple reminder emails will go out for parents the week of the meeting (Monday and day of)
- Some students who are not staying overnight will be coming up to perform with the rest of the group. Mr Schill will be looking into logistics of rides, meals, chaperone needs, etc…still TBD.
Fundraising for 2018 / 2019
Vesseys Spring Bulbs:
Delivery yet to be determined (sometime in April)
NOTE: June Meeting will set all fundraising dates for 2019/2020 school year- start thinking about which options you think are worth pursuing.
FINAL MEETING – Thursday, June 6? (earlier in June the better due to activities later on in the month)
2020 Trip is WHISTLER Cantando Festival: $600 ‘all in’ is best estimate at present (3 nights/4 days).
Capilano Jazz Festival Workshop – Thursday, May 2 at Norkam – 1pm – 2:45pm
- Cost might be $5 – $10 (could include concert)
- More details to come when plans are solidified
District Jazz Jam Festival – Likely at the Kamloops United Church
- Concert would be 5:30 – 7:00 on April 26th
- Workshop would be all day during the day (8:30am – 3pm)
- Optional event, must pre-register, cost is $20, covers lunch
- Open to band and choir kids
- Jessica to send out an email to group
Conducting 101 school wide event (Mid May) – may be happening…more details to follow
Next Meeting: MANDATORY Meeting for ALL students attending Sun Peaks at at least one parent/Caregiver Thursday, March 28th @ 7 p.m., in the gym
Chaperones meeting at 6 p.m. in the Conference room before GYM mtg
Music Parent Meeting
February 21st, 2019
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (January 24th). Any amendments?
Vote to accept.
Moved to accept: Dave Seconded: Ricki
- Review Agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve
Moved to accept: Monica Seconded: Jessica
- Treasurer Report:
General Parent Account (money to spend on equipment, seed money for deposits, financial assistance, etc…): $4814.74
Individual Trip Account (from all student deposits and fundraising efforts): $34867.44
- 46 students still have an outstanding balance to pay towards the trip
- Mr Schill will take another look at the list and forward to Ricki
- Money still includes the tithes, those need to be transferred to the General Account
Old Business:
- Update on photos from Christmas concert….collage posters being created as we speak.
- Photographer has offered to make a collage of posters
- Mr Schill to look into option of getting images sent out to parents in case they want to order individual shots
- Images will NOT be sent out publically
- Mr Schill to look into whether or not the media release form signed at the beginning of the year will cover these photos.
- Look into payment options, can we pay her directly? Instead of it going through the office.
- KFPA Choir Festival
Monday, MARCH 4th
Daytime (school hours) Festival Workshop with adjudicator Kim Denis In Brock music room. No performance shirts required.
-Mixed Choir from 8:55-9:55 a.m.
-Treble Choir from 10:30-11:30 a.m.
Evening Choir Festival VENUE CHANGE*
St Andrew’s Presbyterian church, DOWNTOWN on 6th & Douglas St (not to be confused with St. Andrew’s on the Square on 1st and Seymour
-on Monday, March 4th
Call time is 5:45 p.m. event finishes at 8:30 p.m.
School choirs participating include: Brock X 2, WSS, VSS, KSA x 2.
Students are expected to stay for entire time. Parents invited to watch. No cost (but there will be a place to make a donation).
Shirt Distribution Volunteers: Jennifer & Nicole
Shirt transport to and from school: Jennifer
Could be tight for parking and seating, best to come early
- Arts in the High Country Festival – VENUE TBA: April 8, 9 ,10 or 11th. Gut feeling is it will be on the Monday or Tuesday. Maybe a concert in the evening as well. Specifics TBA as they become available. Participating groups include: Beginner Band, Int / Adv Band and Beginner and Senior Jazz Bands (4 groups). All these groups have been registered.
Shirt Distribution – Monica will bring and distribute shirts during day & Monica and Nicole will both distribute for evening concerts
After Arts in the High Country Jennifer will wash all shirts so they are ready for Sun Peaks
- Choir concerts at Riverbend and Overlander: Dates TBA (likely in the 2 weeks preceding June 11th concert)
- Sr. Jazz Band: ‘Gutsy Walk’ concert. Sunday, June 2nd at Riverside. Time TBA.
- Held at Riverside Park this year
- Spring Music Department Concert (Need a cool name!): Tuesday, June 11th at Full Gospel. Call time is 6:15 p.m. as usual. Water sold at intermission.
Shirt Distributors: Jennifer & Krista Kilborn (?) & Chris B
50/50 Seller: Monica
Front of House Donation Jar Minder & Program Distributor: Kristi
Greeter & Flow Co-ordinator: (Not Nicole) Aaron
Beginner Band Chaperones: Trent & Ricki
Int/Adv Band Chaperones:_________________&__________________
Choir Chaperones: ________________ &____________________
EMcee(s): Usually get an alumni to do, ________________
Water Sales:
- Does anyone have a connection to where we can get water? Let us know.
Bake Sale – Poll put on Facebook this past week
- So far, people have been favourable to it – 13 YES / 0 NO
- Jessica will volunteer to take charge if the bake sale goes forward, 2 additional volunteers would be great
*Mr. Schill will apply for license for 50/50
NEW Business:
- Music Hoodies: Forms for Music Hoodies were sent out on February 11th and are due back on February 25th. Contact person in Shannon.
- Minimum 30 must be ordered in order to proceed. There are NO bags available this time
- NO Late Orders
- Ordering 1 as an appreciation gift for sponsorship of the bottle drives. Money to come out of the general account
Sun Peaks “Cantando” Trip Information
Mark your Calendars! April 12-14, 2019
- This trip is optional, but is highly recommended for ALL Music Students.
- We will be staying at the Nancy Green Cahilty Lodge.
- Cost = $335 & includes transportation, accomodation, events, festival fees, food, concerts, tax & gratuities.
- Students stay in QUAD occupancy rooms with other students & are chaperoned by parents & school staff
- Chaperone information night was held. We are still in need of 2 extra back-up chaperones. Current Chaperone count is 10. Not successful in obtaining a CEA (Certified Education Assistant) chaperone as of yet…not looking great, but we should still be ok without.
- MANDATORY Parent/Student trip meeting is on March 28th at 7pm in the gym. If you are unable to attend, prior arrangements need to be made with Mr Schill. Chaperones meeting in advance from 6-7 p.m. in conference room.
- Additional Chaperone meeting on March 14th at 6pm – in band room (before regular monthly meeting)
- BALANCE was due on February 19th – 46 students still yet to pay balance
Fundraising for 2018 / 2019
Vesseys Spring Bulbs: Fundraiser is completed. 15 students participated. Total sold was $957 which was $430.50 to students (more than last year). 2 week timeline to sell definitely helped and would recommend to continue with 2 week timeline.
- There is a fall order that we could participate in, perhaps look at this for an additional fundraising opportunity for the 2019/2020 school year (Whistler Trip ~ more expensive)
- Jennifer volunteered to help sort if needed.
- Delivery yet to be determined (sometime in April)
NOTE: June Meeting will set all fundraising dates for 2019/2020 school year- start thinking about which options you think are worth pursuing.
2020 Trip is WHISTLER Cantando Festival: $600 ‘all in’ is best estimate at present (3 nights).
Next Meeting: Thursday, March 14th @ 7 p.m., Chaperones meet at 6 p.m.
Music Parent Meeting
January 24, 2019
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (December 13th). Any amendments?
Vote to accept.
Moved to accept: Dave Seconded: Kristi
- Review Agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve
Moved to accept: Jessica Seconded: Monica
- Treasurer Report: (Account Balances as of January 24th, 2019 @ 3 p.m.)
- General Parent Account – $4814.74 (money to spend on equipment, seed money for deposits, financial assistance, etc…) – this account does not include the tythe from Fresh is Best yet
- Individual Trip Account – $21,894.76 (from all student deposits and fundraising efforts)
Old Business:
Pictures from the Christmas Concert – photos are still coming and being sorted. They will be available for purchase, more details to follow from Mr. Schill.
New Business:
- Choir festival workshop with adjudicator Kim Denis on Monday, March 4th during the school day: In Brock music room. No performance shirts required.
-Mixed Choir from 8:55-9:55 a.m.
-Treble Choir from 10:30-11:30 a.m.
- Choir Festival Night at Full Gospel on Monday, March 4th for both choirs. Call time is 5:45 p.m.
Event finishes at 8:30 p.m. School choirs participating include: Brock X 2, WSS, VSS, KSA x 2.
Students are expected to stay for entire time. Parents invited to watch. No cost (but there will be a place to make a donation).
Shirt Distribution Volunteers X2 needed: Jennifer & Justin
Shirt transport to and from school: Jennifer
- Arts in the High Country Festival @ Sagebrush Theatre: April 8,9,10 or 11th. Gut feeling is it will
be on the Monday or Tuesday. Maybe a concert in the evening as well. Specifics TBA as they
become available. Participating groups include: Beginner Band, Int / Adv Band and Beginner and Senior Jazz Bands (4 groups)
Shirt Distribution – Monica will bring and distribute shirts and Nicole will be able to help (evening concerts)
After Arts in the High Country Jennifer will wash all shirts so they are ready for Sun Peaks
- Choir concerts at Riverbend and Overlander: Dates TBA (likely in the 2 weeks preceding June 11th
- Sr. Jazz Band: ‘Gutsy Walk’ concert. Likely in May / June. Date and time TBA, usually on a Sunday. All details to follow.
- Spring Music Department Concert (Need a cool name!): Tuesday, June 11th at Full Gospel. Call
time is 6:15 p.m. as usual. Water sold at intermission.
Shirt Distributors: Jennifer & Krista Kilborn (?) & Chris B
50/50 Seller: Monica
Front of House Donation Jar Minder & Program Distributor: Kristi
Greeter & Flow Co-ordinator: (Not Nicole) Aaron
Beginner Band Chaperones: Trent & _________________
Int/Adv Band Chaperones:_________________&__________________
Choir Chaperones: Justin &____________________
EMcee(s): Usually get an alumni to do, Justin (backup)
Bake Sale – Do a poll of parents to see if we should have a bake sale at the concert. Jessica has volunteered to coordinate the bake sale. All money raised would go into the general account. We will put it to a vote.
Motion to put out a poll on Facebook: Nicole – unanimous – motion carried. Nicole will put the poll out.
*Mr. Schill will apply for license for 50/50
Sun Peaks “Cantando” Trip Information
Mark your Calendars! April 12-14, 2019
- This trip is optional, but is highly recommended for ALL Music Students.
- We will be staying at the Nancy Green Cahilty Lodge.
- Cost = $335 & includes transportation, accomodation, events, festival fees, food, concerts, tax & gratuities.
- Students stay in QUAD occupancy rooms with other students & are chaperoned by parents & school staff
- Chaperone information will be going out soon – watch out for email from Mr Schill
- All student accounts should have $250 in them as of today. Please try to get payments in if your student account is not. Cheques can be made out to Brocklehurst Middle School. Receipts are not automatically issued, if a receipt is required the student needs to ask immediately upon handing the money in.
-As of November 15, 2018, there are 90 students with $50 deposits submitted.
Sun Peaks Trip Deposit Schedule:
- $50 non-refundable CASH commitment deposit was due Tuesday, October 9th
- BALANCE OWING DUE on Tuesday, February 19th
Fundraising Plan for 2018 / 2019
Fresh is Best: Now completed. Pick up is Thursday, January 31st at 3pm in the Conference room. Monica is needing 2 other helpers please Jessica & ___________.
$1421.00 in profit.
Reminder for pick up for students to plan if they have a large order – lots of chips were sold!
Jessica will help pickup at Fresh is Best at 11am
Winter Bottle Drive: Happened on Saturday January 12th. We raised $1677!
Considerations of appreciation for Bottle Drive organizer for next year – VIP at concert or Brock Music Hoodie
Consider Muster point in the middle of the route for people to offload the bottles to instead of coming all the way back to school. Something to think about it next year.
Vesseys Spring Bulbs: Start Monday, January 28th, money due, Tuesday February 12th, delivery late April??
Christy Morris has volunteered to organize this fundraiser again this year. Eva Wright volunteered to help also.
50% profit for all orders
Jennifer volunteered to help sort if needed.
NOTE: June Meeting will set all fundraising dates for 2019/2020 school year- start thinking about which options you think are worth pursuing.
Next Meeting: Thurs, February 21st – 7 pm
Music Parent Meeting
December 13th, 2018
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (November 15th). Any amendments?
Vote to accept.
Moved to accept:Shannon Seconded: Monica
- Review Agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve Agenda
Moved to accept: Shannon Seconded: Monica
- Treasurer Report: Account Balances as of December 13th, 2018: Attached
- $4,864.74 in General Parent Account –
- $11,724.02 in Individual Trip Account –
- ____/147 kids have paid their trip deposits, Mr. Schill estimates that we will land around 100 kids in total (about average for trip attendance)
Email reminder out this week.
Old Business:
- Christmas Concert: The official date……Tuesday, December 18th.
Performance begins at 7 p.m.. Volunteers to Arrive by 5:45 pm please. All students need to arrive at 6:15 p.m….because students need have dropped off their baking, have their black shirts and have their instrument set-up in the green room by 6:30 p.m., as Jackie (our professional photographer) will be coming around to take group photos beginning promptly at that time. Location is Kamloops Full Gospel (1550 Tranquille Rd)
Various Parent Support Roles are needed to be covered in order to make
this an amazing experience for our students and guests.
- MC’s confirmed….Emma and Keegan (Gr. 12 Brock music alumni)
- Beginner band chaperone – Steven Stone, Trent Ems, Philip Shupe
- Intermediated band chaperones- 1 STILL NEEDED________________& Dee Hay
- Choir chaperones- 2 STILL NEEDED__________________&______________________
- Greeter – Aaron Blacker & Nicole Hale
- Flow Coordinator – Aaron Blacker & Nicole Hale
- Bake Sale Coordinator – Kristi Williams, Jessica Ens & Julie Blacker, Orelie Miller and her mom to help.
- 1 – 2 dozen per person. Each student will get 1 share of the fundraising dollars
- 50/50 – Monica Williams to utilize (PAC OK & license has been received…Mr. Schill has).
- Raffle Baskets Coordinator – Nicole Hale, but need person to sell @ concert – __________
- Dominos Card Sales – Melissa Kelm (can you also do 50/50)? – Nicole will ask.
- Seat & Parking Auction – Jessica Ens will oversee it all, including monitoring of bids
**One time only – Set-up of chairs REQUIRED (change of plans) at 3:30 and Mr Schill will talk to tstudents but no take-down – thanks to the Kamloops Christian
Shirts for concert: Monica is volunteering. Nicole will email shirt committee; Distribution to be split up by choir and band to help avoid one spot being too busy.
Discussion: Introducing use of technology like Square or the like to avoid using just cash for future concerts? Jarrett Schill to inquire with office staff whether this is viable. Perhaps “School Cash Online.”
Discussion: Concerns raised about missing apparent missing receipts from office when students pay at office. Jarrett will look into any way we can help to facilitate this with office.
- Music Department Hoodies & Drawstring bags – Distributed. 5 bags extra. Prizes at concert??
- JAZZ BAND TRIP: Revelstoke is one idea. Kristi, Monica, & Nicole willing to meet & discuss options with this possibility. Last year it was approximately $200 per student for everything. Mr. Schill has some dates now…email forwarded to these parents.
Sun Peaks “Cantando” Trip Information
Mark your Calendars! April 12-14, 2019
- This trip is optional, but is highly recommended for ALL Music Students.
- We will be staying at the Nancy Green Cahilty Lodge.
- Cost = $325-$350 (exact amount TBA early January) & includes transportation, accomodation, events, festival fees, food, concerts, tax & gratuities.
- Students stay in QUAD occupancy rooms with other students & are chaperoned by parents & school staff
-As of November 15, 2018, there are 90 students with $50 deposits submitted.
Sun Peaks Trip Deposit Schedule:
- $50 non-refundable CASH commitment deposit was due Tuesday, October 9th
*The following can be paid in CASH or through Fundraising*:
- $100 due on Tuesday, January 22nd
- BALANCE OWING DUE on Tuesday, February 19th
Fundraising Plan for 2018 / 2019
Gary’s Deli update
38 students participated
$1231 total raised
Fresh is Best: Start Monday, January 7th, money due Monday, January 21st, delivery January 30th. Conference room has also been booked for distribution. Fresh is Best was recently shown on Big Bang Theory!
- Monica will be running this fundraiser and has begun inquiring with Fresh is Bets.
Winter Bottle Drive: Saturday, January 12th (first Saturday back after break)
- Jessica Ens and Stephanie Gutierrez (with Nicole’s help)
- Ricki will pick up passes from City of Kamloops when they`re ready
Vesseys Spring Bulbs: Start Monday, January 28th, money due, Tuesday February 12th, delivery late April??
Christy Morris has volunteered to organize this fundraiser again this year. Eva Wright volunteered to help also.
Fundraiser Report will be updated (Treasurer) by next meeting.
Next Meeting: Thurs, Jan. 24th – 7 pm
Music Parent Meeting
November 15th, 2018
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (October 18th). Any amendments?
Vote to accept.
Moved to accept: Christy Morris Seconded: Jessica Ens
- Review Agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve Agenda
Moved to accept: Jessica Williams Seconded: Monica William
- Treasurer Report: Music Parent’s Account Balance:
- $_____________ in General Account – TBA next meeting
- $_____________ in Trip Account – TBA next meeting
- 90/147 kids have paid their trip deposits, Mr. Schill estimates that we will land around 100 kids in total (about average for trip attendance)
- Spreadsheet is on display in music room by student number
- Brock PAC currently has $380 in trust for the Music Department from 50/50 events. More to be added in upcoming 50/50 events this school year.
Old Business:
- Kamloops Blazer’s Brock Choirs (both) perform O Canada & Star Spangled Banner for game opening. Tickets are free for students and up to 2 parents attending on Saturday, Dec. 1st.
Students to arrive at 6:00 p.m.
-Ticket Co-ordinator: Shannon O – Yellow confirmation forms are coming in but many still missing.
Don’t forget to bring them in!
-Shirt Distribution: Monica & Krista (Mr. Schill to provide contact info to Monica to get in touch with Krista)
-Someone needed to transport the keyboard & bench (no amp needed) – VOLUNTEER NEEDED!
- Santa Claus Parade for Intermediate and Advanced Band members! On Saturday,
November 24th. Our meeting point downtown is SOON TBA….we are usually told 1 week out
Hot Chocolate Co-ordinator: Melissa Kelm. Mr. Schill to remind her to contact Tim Horton’s in advance.
Toque & Scarf Distributor: Monica Williams and Natalie Ehman. Monica to pick them up on Friday before parade.
Truck for Moving Empty Instrument Cases etc: James Seitz may be able to help with a
delivery van; Daniel Martin may also be available. Mr. Schill to contact them to confirm truck availabililty.
Students to be there by 9:30 am. Any warm footwear is ok, black or dark colours preferred if possible.
Parking Spot at Terminus of the parade – Mr. Schill has been assured that we can have a vehicle parked somewhere at the end of parade (600 block Victoria St.) Hot chocolate needs to be present in the same vehicle.
- SD73 music students can get tickets to the Kamloops Community Band’s
winter concert for the discounted rate of $5, provided they are in a group of 10
or more. Mr. Schill has a rehearsal conflict that night with Vivace
Chorale….but might a parent want to organize this? Mr. Schill will assist.
The concert is taking place on Wednesday, November 28 at 7:30 pm in the Kamloops
Full Gospel Tabernacle, 1550 Tranquille Road. Estimated time of ending is 9:00 pm
The deadline for ordering discounted tickets is Wednesday, November 21. Music
teachers can contact to order tickets, or with any questions, comments, concerns, or communications of any kind.
- Ricki: To contact Christy Morris as she works with Ryan Noakes.
- B Block Choir, “Riverbend” (Mayfair St.) performance on Tuesday, Dec. 11th at 10:35 a.m.
during their class time. Students will walk to and from venue, and Mr. Schill will supervise shirt
- G Block Choir “Overlander” Ext. Care (Southill) performance on Monday, Dec. 10th at 10:35
a.m. during their class time. Students will walk to and from venue, and Mr. Schill will supervise shirt
- Christmas Concert: The official date……Tuesday, December 18th.
Performance begins at 7 p.m.. All students need to arrive at 6:15 p.m.. Location is
Kamloops Full Gospel (1550 Tranquille Rd)
Various Parent Support Roles are needed to be covered in order to make
this an amazing experience for our students and guests.
- MC required. Mr. Schill might as Emma and Holly if they`ll do it again.
- Beginner band chaperone – Steven Stone, Trent Ems, Philip Shupe
- Intermediated band chaperones – Natalie Ehman volunteered. ONE MORE VOLUNTEER NEEDED!
- Choir chaperones – TWO VOLUNTEERS NEEDED!!
Jessica Ens to draft email for Mr. Schill to send out to recruit volunteers
- Greeter – Aaron Blacker & Nicole Hale
- Flow Coordinator – Aaron Blacker & Nicole Hale
- Bake Sale Coordinator – Kristi Williams, Jessica Ens & Julie Blacker
- Need to communicate that we are only looking for 1 – 2 dozen per person. Each student will get 1 share of the fundraising dollars no matter how much is brought in
- 50/50 – we have lots of leftover tickets for Monica Williams to utilize (PAC OK & license has been applied for). Brock PAC chair ‘Tibor Balogh’ updated that currently –
June. 2017 $170.00 Music 50/50 Jun 2017
Dec. 2018 $268.00 Music 50/50 Dec 2017
June. 2018 $212.00 Music 50/50 Jun 2018
Mar. 2018 ($270.00) paid out
$380.00 Total band trust held by PAC
- Raffle Baskets Coordinator – 1 person needed: _________________
– Sweet Tooth (Beginner Band), Movie Night (Choirs) & Lucky Charms (Int & Adv Band)
Jessica Ens to include in draft email for Mr. Schill to send out that all students who contribute will get an equal share of profits as all other students. Not based on total contribution. Donations to be in to Mr. Schill by 3:00 pm on Thursday, December 13. Remember to put student name on donations! Students in multiple music classes only need to bring one donation, they can not get multiple credits.
- Seat & Parking Auction – Jessica Ens will oversee it all, including monitoring of bids
**One time only – NO setup or take down required – thanks to the Kamloops Christian School’s concert!**
- Music Department Hoodies & Drawstring bags – All sweater and bags are ordered and as soon as Shannon gets the email that everything is in, she will get a cheque from the office, pick up product, then Mr. Schill will distribute.
JAZZ BAND TRIP: Kelowna is a no-go (date conflicts with Sun Peaks festival this year:( Maybe a trip to Revelstoke. Kristi and Monica to discuss options with this possibility. Last year it was approximately $200 per student for everything.
Sun Peaks “Cantando” Trip Information
Mark your Calendars! April 12-14, 2019
- This trip is optional, but is highly recommended for ALL Music Students.
- We will be staying at the Nancy Green Cahilty Lodge.
- Cost = $325-$350 (exact amount TBA early January) & includes transportation, accomodation, events, festival fees, food, concerts, tax & gratuities.
- Students stay in QUAD occupancy rooms with other students & are chaperoned by parents & school staff
-As of November 15, 2018, there are 90 students with $50 deposits submitted.
Sun Peaks Trip Deposit Schedule:
- $50 non-refundable CASH commitment deposit,was due Tuesday, October 9th
*The following can be paid in CASH or through Fundraising*:
- $100 due on Tuesday, Nov. 27th – by the end of Nov 27th your student should have $150 total between fundraising and deposits.
- $100 due on Tuesday, January 22nd
- BALANCE OWING DUE on Tuesday, February 19th
Fundraising Plan for 2018 / 2019
**Gary’s Deli: Start Monday, Nov. 19, Money due Thursday, Dec. 6th, sausage delivery Dec. 13th (Nicole) – change in dates – Nicole Hale, Monica Williams and Jessica Ens to help sort and distribute. Notice for mail-out is being prepared by Nicole. Discussion that perhaps we can do it at a different time or pick a new fundraiser next year because several schools and groups are doing this fundraiser around the same time. Possibly arrange to hand out order forms at first mandatory Music PAC meeting for next school year, same time as bottle drive.
Mr. Schill has booked the conference room for Dec. 13 (noon-4 pm) for distribution at end of school day.
Fresh is Best: Start Monday, January 7th, money due Monday, January 21st, delivery January 30th. Conference room has also been booked for distribution. Fresh is Best was recently shown on Big Bang Theory!
- Still looking for someone to run this fundraiser (and to help distribute the orders when the time comes): VOLUNTEER NEEDED!! Monica may be able to, depending on circumstances. She`ll know by Dec. 13th.
Winter Bottle Drive: Saturday, January 12th (first Saturday back after break)
- Jessica Ens and Stephanie Gutierrez (with Nicole’s help?)
- Ricki will pick up passes from City of Kamloops when they`re ready
Spring Bulbs: Start Monday, January 28th, money due, Tuesday February 12th, delivery late April??
Christy Morris has volunteered to organize this fundraiser again this year. Eva Wright volunteered to help also.
Next Meeting: Thurs, Dec. 13 – 7 pm
Music Parent Meeting
October 18th, 2018
- Review Minutes from previous meeting (September 20th). Any amendments?
Vote to accept them.
Moved to accept: Christy Seconded: Ricki
- Review Agenda. Any additions of new items?
Vote to approve Agenda
Moved to accept: Kristi Seconded: Ricki
- Treasurer Report: Music Parent’s Account Balance:
- $5264.74 in General Account
- $7723.60 in Trip Account
- 90/147 kids have paid their trip deposits, Mr Schill estimates that we will land around 100 kids in total (about average for trip attendance)
- Bottle Drive: Collected $2228.67 + $6625 in cash donation = total raised $2294.92
- $26.14 per student/ $52.28 with parent participant
- Hoodies and Drawstring Bags: $425 so far, all money will go towards General Account
- Dominoes Pizza Cards: Cards are $10, $7 of which goes directly to the students. Nicole has the cards. We need to put out an email to parents letting them know about the program and to contact Nicole if they would like to sell any. So far sales have just been word of mouth.
- Epicure Fundraiser: $1140.00 going towards the Trip account (in child specific accounts)
- 31 students participated
- Can we please have a printed copy of the student spreadsheet for Mr Schill to post in the class and one electronic copy to post on the blog
- ‘Communications’ Person Needed: Jessica Ens
Old Business
* all money for all events, all year are payable at the office
- “Are you Afraid of Classical Music”
Who: Intermediate & Advanced Band Students -When: Tuesday October 25th @ 10am
Cost $6
Details: Buses leave school at 9:15am for Sagebrush theatre and return by 11:20am. Permission slips needed. 8 Chaperones also needed. There will be room on the bus if you would like to travel with us as a chaperone (no cost).
This opportunity has been opened up to choir students now as well.
- Remembrance Day Ceremony at Brock: Friday, November 9 – Ceremony 1: 10:15 – 10:45 (Int/Adv Band + Mixed Choir [H block])
Ceremony 2: 10:55-11:25 (Int/Adv Band + Treble Choir [B Block])
-A ceremony dress rehearsal will begin at around 8:35 a.m. this same morning.
Shirt supervisors needed for below time slots:
– 8-8:45 a.m. for distribution: Monica Williams
-H block choir will return shirts at 10:45 (approx) before returning to class: Stephanie Gutierrez & Eva Wright
-Band and ‘B’ block choir returning shirts at 11:25 (approx) a.m: Stephanie Gutierrez & Eva Wright
- Kamloops Blazer’s Brock Choirs (both) perform O Canada & Star Spangled Banner for
for game opening. Tickets are free for students and up to 2 parents attending. Saturday,
Dec. 1st. Students arrive at 6:15 p.m.
Ticket Co-ordinator: Shannon O – Shannon needs to send out a confirmation form so that we know how many students and parents (1 or 2) are attending.
Shirt Distribution: Monica & Krista
- Choral Sharing Night (concert) at the Sagebrush Theatre (Wed., Nov. 14th, meet in
lobby at 6:30 p.m.). Performance shirts to be distributed beginning at 6:30 p.m.
Shirt Distribution: Daniel Martin (tentative, will confirm next month), Krista Kilborn
- Santa Claus Parade for Intermediate and Advanced Band members! On Saturday,
November 24th. Our meeting point downtown is still TBA….we are usually told 1 week out
Hot Chocolate Co-ordinator: Melisssa Kelm
Toque & Scarf Distributor: Monica Williams
Truck for Moving Empty Instrument Cases etc:James Seitz may be able to help with a
delivery van – will need to confirm still.
Parking Spot at Terminus of the parade – Mr Schill to look into seeing if we can have a spot for the truck at the end of the parade (to avoid what happened last year)
- SD73 music students can get tickets to the Kamloops Community Band’s
winter concert for the discounted rate of $5, provided they are in a group of 10
or more. MR. SCHILL has a rehearsal conflict that night with Vivace
Chorale….but might a parent want to organize this? Mr. Schill will assist.
The concert is taking place on Wednesday, November 28 at 7:30 pm in the Kamloops
Full Gospel Tabernacle, 1550 Tranquille Road.
The deadline for ordering discounted tickets is Wednesday, November 21. Music
teachers can contact me at to order tickets, or with any
questions, comments, concerns, or communications of any kind.”
- Ricki will look into getting more information and see what we can do
- B Block Choir, “Riverbend” (Mayfair St.) performance on Tuesday, Dec. 11th at 10:35 a.m.
during their class time. Students will walk to and from venue, and Mr. Schill will supervise shirt
- G Block Choir “Overlander” Ext. Care (Southill) performance on Monday, Dec. 10th at 10:35
a.m. during their class time. Students will walk to and from venue, and Mr. Schill will supervise shirt
- Christmas Concert: The official date……Tuesday, December 18th.
Performance begins at 7 p.m.. All students need to arrive at 6:15 p.m.. Location is
Kamloops Full Gospel (1550 Tranquille Rd)
Various Parent Support Roles are needed to be covered in order to make
this an amazing experience for our students and guests.
- Beginner band chaperone – Steven Stone, Trent Ems, Philip Shupe
- Intermediated band chaperones – 2 people needed
- Choir chaperones – 2 people needed
- Greeter – Aaron Blacker & Nicole Hale (? – to train)
- Flow Coordinator – Aaron Blacker & Nicole Hale (? – to train)
- Bake Sale Coordinator – Kristi Williams, Jessica Ens & Julie Blacker
- Need to communicate that we are only looking for 1 – 2 dozen per person. Each student will get 1 share of the fundraising dollars no matter how much is brought in
- 50/50 – Monica Williams – We need to check to see if we have tickets left. If not, can Monica please pick some up – keep receipt and submit it to be reimbursed
- We need to check with the PAC that we can use their gaming license to hold the draw
- Basket Coordinator – 1 person – more details will come out about this
- Seat & Parking Auction – Jessica Ens
One time only – NO setup or take down required – thanks to the Kamloops Christian School’s concert!
- Music Department Hoodies & Drawstring bags – The notices and order forms have now come home. Orders & money are due back in the office November 1st. Shannon O is the contact for these
Sun Peaks “Cantando” Trip Information
Mark your Calendars! April 12-14 2019
- This trip is optional, but is highly recommended for ALL Music Students.
- We will be staying at the Nancy Green Cahilty Lodge.
- Cost = $325-$350 (exact amount TBA soon) & includes transportation, accomodation, events, festival fees, food, concerts, tax & gratuities.
- Students stay in QUAD occupancy rooms with other students & are chaperoned by parents & school staff
-As of October 16th, there are 90 students with $50 deposits submitted.
Sun Peaks Trip Deposit Schedule:
- $50 non-refundable CASH commitment deposit,was due Tuesday, October 9th
*The following can be paid in CASH or through Fundraising*
- $100 due on Tuesday, Nov. 27th – by the end of Nov 27th your student should have $150 total between fundraising and deposits.
- $100 due on Tuesday, January 22nd
- BALANCE OWING DUE on Tuesday, February 19th
Fundraising Plan for 2018 / 2019
**Gary’s Deli: Start Monday, Nov. 19, Money due Thursday, Dec. 6th, sausage delivery Dec. 13th (Nicole) – change in dates – Nicole Hale, Monica Williams and Jessica Ens to help sort and distribute.
Mr Schill to book the conference room for Dec 13 (and for Fresh Is Best)
Fresh is Best: Start Monday, January 7th, money due Monday, January 21st, delivery January 30th
- Still looking for someone to run this fundraiser and to help distribute the orders when the time comes
Winter Bottle Drive: Saturday, January 12th (first Saturday back after break….who to run?)
- Jessica Ens and Stephanie Gutierrez (with Nicole’s help?)
- Ricki will pick up passes from City of Kamloops
Spring Bulbs: Start Monday, January 28th, money due, Tuesday February 12th, delivery late April??
Still looking for someone to run this fundraiser and to help distribute the orders when the time comes
Next Meeting: Thurs, Nov 15 – 7pm
If we can have an updated fundraising total for each student by this meeting that would be helpful so we can distribute before the next deposit it due
September 20, 2018 Meeting Minutes
- June 14th Meeting minutes passed by Shannon, seconded by Jessica Ens
- Agenda Approved? David K and Monica seconded
- Welcome from Mr Schill –
- Make sure you are on the email list, if not, please ensure you reach out to Mr Schill and he will add you to it
- Meeting Minutes and other music info will appear on Mr Schill’s music blog located on the Brock Website
- Roles and Responsibilities:
- President – Nicole Hale
- Vice President – Stephanie Gutierrez
- Secretary – Kristi Williams, Ricki Beisel
- Treasurer – Ricki Beisel
- Fundraising Chair – Melissa Kelm, Daniel Martin
- Communications Chair – VACANT (we need someone for this position please)
- Trip Coordinator – Shannon Olfert, Tama Menges
- Performance Attire Organizers – Daniel Martin, Monica Williams, Natalie Ehman, Krista Kilborn
- Treasurer’s Report
- Balance of $5264.00 – Mr Schill is planning to purchase some equipment with this money…about $1500 – $2000 worth. $1000 was a deposit for the Sun Peak’s Cantando Festival.
- 10% of ALL fundraising is kept as a tithe to go towards students that might need help, extra costs from the trip or misc classroom costs
- New Business
- ALL money coming in goes directly to the office before, during or after school. This must be exact change and labelled with your son/daughter’s first and last name.
- Are You Afraid of Classical Music – Oct 25th – cost is $6, preference will be given to Intermediate and Advanced Band, then will be opened to the rest of the music students.
- Blazer’s Game – choir performance will be singing the national anthems (CAN & USA) on December 1st. More information will be coming out
- Ticket Coordinator – Shannon O
- Shirt Distributors – Monica and Krista
- Choral Sharing Night – Wednesday November 14th – just for choir members.
- Sagebrush Theatre – Arrive at 6:30 in the lobby
- Shirt Distributors – Daniel Martin (tentative, will confirm next month), Krista Kilborn
- Santa Claus Parade – November 24th – Intermediate and Advanced Band ONLY
- Hot Chocolate Coordinator – Melissa Kelm
- Toque Distributors –
- Truck – Move instruments from the school to the beginning and end of the parade – James Seitz may be able to help with a delivery van – will get back to us Oct meeting
- Christmas Concert – Wednesday, December 12th or Tuesday, December 18th – more details to follow – Steven Stone – beginner band chaperone first volunteer!
- Facebook Group – Find us on “Brock Parent/ Student Music Group 2018/2019
-For information sharing
- Mr Schill’s Blog – All notices are posted here under the newsletter tab. Also important to keep checking your email as information is sent out that way.
- Music Department Hoodies – watch for information coming out about our famous hoodies! You will definitely want to get one for your child and even yourself. New this year…drawstring backpack bags…stay tuned!
-Co-ordinator – Shannon O
- Sun Peaks Cantando Music Festival – April 12 – 14, 2019
- Trip is optional, but is highly recommended for ALL Music Students
- We will be staying at the Nancy Green Cahilty Lodge
- Cost – $325 – $350 per child (Exact cost TBA) and includes transportation, accomodation, events, festival fees, food, concerts, tax & gratuities
- Students stay in Quad rooms, with other students, chaperones are in rooms of 2
- Deposit Schedule
- $50 Non-Refundable CASH donation due OCT 9th
- $100 due on Tuesday, Nov 27th
- $100 due on Tuesday, Jan 22nd
- BALANCE OWING DUE on Tuesday, Feb 19th
- Chaperones are needed – preference will be given to parents who attend the monthly meetings. All chaperones are paid for and subsidized by the student’s fundraising
- FIRST FUNDRAISER – Bottle Drive – This Saturday, September 22 – meet here at 10am
- Being Run by Nicole & Jessica
- Fundraising Opportunities will be announced at the next meeting, but here is an overview
- raising please bring forth at next meeting. If you bring an idea forth and it is carried, the expectation is that you would run it
- Next Meeting: October 18th, 2018 7:30pm – Band Room
Fundraising Plan for 2018/2019
Contact Information Sheets Due by Friday, September 14th
First Parent’s Meeting: Thursday, September 20th
First Bottle Drive: Saturday, September 22nd (Nicole and Misa)
Epicure: Start Tuesday, Oct. 2nd, Money Due Tuesday, October 16th
Gary’s Deli: Start Monday, Nov. 26, Money due Thursday, Dec. 10th, sausage delivery Dec. 13th
Xmas Concert: Tuesday, December 18th
Fresh is Best: Start Monday, January 7th, Money due Monday, January 21st, delivery January 30th
Winter Bottle Drive: Saturday, January 12th (First Saturday back after break….who to run?)
Spring Bulbs: Start Monday, January 28th, Money due, Tuesday February 12th, Delivery late April??
June 14th, 2018
Pass Previous Minutes (April 26th):
-Moved: Nicole
-Seconded: Mr. Schill
Financial report: Concert Door $156.50, 50/50 $222.00 (held in trust by Brock PAC), Music Parent’s Account $6,644.21
Fundraising Plan for 2018/2019
Contact Information Sheets Due by Friday, September 14th
First Parent’s Meeting: Thursday, September 20th
First Bottle Drive: Saturday, September 22nd (Nicole and Misa)
Epicure: Start Tuesday, Oct. 2nd, Money Due Tuesday, October 16th
Gary’s Deli: Start Monday, Nov. 26, Money due Thursday, Dec. 10th, sausage delivery Dec. 13th
Xmas Concert: Tuesday, December 18th
Fresh is Best: Start Monday, January 7th, Money due Monday, January 21st, delivery January 30th
Winter Bottle Drive: Saturday, January 12th (First Saturday back after break….who to run?)
Spring Bulbs: Start Monday, January 28th, Money due, Tuesday February 12th, Delivery late April??
Sun Peaks Trip Deposit Schedule:
- $50 non-refundable CASH commitment deposit, due Tuesday, October 9th
- $100 due on Tuesday, Nov. 27th
- $100 due on Tuesday, January 22nd
- BALANCE OWING DUE on Tuesday, February 19th
Adjourned: 8;15 p.m.
Music Parent’s Meeting Agenda
Thursday, April 26th 2018
- Review and vote on March 22 meeting minutes –
Moved: Chris Bergstrand Second: Jennifer Seymour
- Review Agenda & addition of new items
Moved: Jen Seymour Seconded: Chris Bergstrand
- Treasurer Report (Christine)
- General Music Parent’s account balance: $ – less than January
- ( $3200.00 approx after all overpayments refunded and final bills pd)).
-Nicole to email Christine for breakdown of final costs for BOTH trips
-MAKE SURE THAT NEXT YEAR IS $325.00 minimum (maybe $350) in order to make sure the costs for trip are fully covered.
Old Business updates:
Spring Concert: Confirmed for Wednesday, June 13th at Kamloops Full Gospel
- 7pm start, 6:15pm call for kids
- Green Room chaperones needed:
- Beginner Band x 2: Jennifer Seymour &________________
-Int/Adv Band x2______________&____________________
-Choir x2__________________&______________________
– 3 door ushers – these people watch each of the doors for students coming and going in between songs/performers, __________________________________
-‘Traffic Director’ – someone at the beginning sending kids to the right location: Nicole
-”Stage Manager/ Flow Coordinator” – while show occurs, this person keeps performers moving from one performance to the next, staying on track: Shannon
-50 / 50 & Donation Jar Person (Mr Schill will apply for licence):
-Emcee: Christa Lester….Mr. Schill to ask!
-Parking / Front Pew Auction: …thanks!
-Set-up (up at 3pm, they don’t have to stay to clean up at the end): Shannon
- Water Sales: Kristi W
*Interior Jazz Festival Kelowna Trip (Sr Jazz):
-Quick comments?
*Sun Peaks Cantando Trip:
-all students paid up who owed
-likely will change hotels next year to Nancy Green ‘Cahilty Lodge’
– NEW POLICY: $50 Deposit…NON-REFUNDABLE….PERIOD. By school spring break, any additional deposits made also become non-refundable.
Moved: Nicole Hale
Seconded: Jennifer Seymour
New Business:
-Tabled for June Meeting: Kristi WIlliams finding out more re: Sagebrush costs so we can decide KFG vs Sagebrush for Xmas 2018 concert
-CARE HOME concert dates for choirs –
-June 4th: All choir (combined blocks )students at Riverbend @12:45 p.m. start (leave immediately at beginning of ‘H’ block. (shirts pick up during lunch hour)…Mr. Schill will supervise
-June 8th: All choir (combined blocks) students at Overlander @10:30 a.m. start (leave immediately at beginning of ‘F’ block. (shirts pick up during long break….encouraged before 8:30 a.m.)…Mr. Schill will supervise
-District Jazz Jam – March 29th – all day – 8 students going from our school…all seemed to have fun…feedback
-felt a bit ‘compact’, but unavoidable due to the structure.
-Boogie the Bridge (Sr. Jazz)- Sunday April 29th – gig not happening
-Gutsy Walk (Sr. Jazz) – Sunday, June 3rd (Riverside Park)…10 a.m. meet….west end of park, between kitchen and the W/C/…(between tennis courts and beach) …BBQ afterwards provided by Rotary (complimentary)
-KISSM 16 registrants (this number is 4-5 weeks old) from BROCK! More likely to still be added.
– VESEY’s spring bulbs: Delivered and distributed!! Thanks Christy! There was 10 participants in total.
Adjourned at 7:50 p.m.
Next Meeting: Thursday, May 24th 7:00pm, Music Room
Music Parent’s Meeting Minutes
Tuesday, March 22, 2018
- Review and vote on Feb 22 meeting minutes – Shannon motioned to pass minutes, Nicole second motion – passed
- Review Agenda & addition of new items Principal’s Report for this month – Christy motioned to approve, Kristi second motion – passed
- Treasurer Report (Christine)
- General Music Parent’s account balance: $ – less than January
- ( $5705.09 as of Jan 2018).
Old Business/Fundraiser updates:
Spring Concert: Confirmed for Wednesday, June 13th at Kamloops Full Gospel
- 7pm start, 6:15pm call for kids
- Green Room chaperones needed
- Beginner Band x2__________________________________
-Int/Adv Band x2__________________________________
-Choir x2________________________________________
– 3 door ushers – these people watch each of the doors for students coming and going in between songs/performers, __________________________________
-‘Traffic Director’ – someone at the beginning sending kids to the right location: Nicole
-”Stage Manager/ Flow Coordinator” – while show occurs, this person keeps performers moving from one performance to the next, staying on track: Shannon
-50 / 50 & Donation Jar Person (Mr Schill will apply for licence): Christy
-Emcee: Krista Lester (?)
-Parking / Front Pew Auction_______________________________________
-Set-up (up at 3pm, they don’t have to stay to clean up at the end): Shannon
- Water Sales: Kristi W
Interior Jazz Festival Kelowna Trip (Sr Jazz): is confirmed!
- April 13th-15th
- Need to be in Kelowna for concert on Friday evening. Leave Kamloops by 3:15-3:30
- Back on Sunday the 15th by noon
- Medical forms/allergy forms completed, Nicole needs copy of filled out forms for us to keep with them on the trip
- 14 kids going, 3 vehicles with Chaperones (Nicole, Rebecca, Christina) and Mr Schill
Sun Peaks Cantando Trip Update
- April 20 -22, 2018
- Final payment from Brock to Affinity Group tours is due March 1/18; Roommate selections completed. Meal selection complete
- Schedule is almost done, waiting on confirmation of final details. Hoping to give out to parents at the mandatory meeting next week
- Need packing list to hand out at meeting as well
- Chaperone mtg. 6 p.m. on April 5th
- Room mate selection is complete
Mandatory meeting for all Students attending Sun Peaks with one Parent/Caregiver is set for April 5th 7pm in the gym
- Please note that all trip payments are all past due. Please contact Mr Schill if you have not already done so.
New Business
-Care home concert dates for choirs – TBA …but likely occurring late May / Early June
-District Jazz Jam – March 29th – all day – 8 students going from our school
-Boogie the Bridge (Sr. Jazz)- Sunday April 29th – MAYBE based on bass player’s availability. More details to follow on where to set up and what will happen.
-Gutsy Walk (Sr. Jazz) – Sunday, June 3rd (Riverside Park)…time in the a.m…..meeting likely 10 a.m. or slightly later…BBQ afterwards provided by Rotary (complimentary)
-KISSM 16 registrants from BROCK! Early bird discount ends March 31st
– Spring bulbs should be being shipped to us by the end of April or early May .
Next Meeting: Thursday, April 26th 7:00pm, Band Meeting
Music Parent’s Meeting Agenda
Thursday, February 22nd, 2018
- Review and vote on January 22nd meeting minutes – Nicole motions to pass, Lucy second
- Review Agenda & addition of new items; vote to approve Agenda – Kristi motions to approve, Lucy second
- Principal’s Report for this month – none
- Treasurer Report (Christine)
- General Music Parent’s account balance: $5705.09 as of Jan 2018. No access to actual numbers for the meeting
- All Fundraising is completed
- Fresh is Best – – send out an electronic copy of order form, extend ordering period, add size of bags
- General – more prompts and emails for communicating with parents to make sure deadlines were made
Old Business/Fundraiser updates:
Scheduled fundraisers:
- Bottle Drives January 13th earned – $1249.50
- Spring Bulb fundraiser earned – $234.90
- Fresh is Best fundraiser earned – $831.01
- Fall Bottle Drive – $1864.28
- Epicure – $1115.00
- Gary’s Deli – $1572.60
- Christmas Bake Sale – $694.50
- Christmas Raffle Baskets – $294.00
- Domino’s pizza cards fundraiser earned – $431.00
New Business:
Spring Concert: Confirmed for Wednesday, June 13th at Kamloops Full Gospel
- 7pm start, 6:15pm call for kids
Arts in the High Country Festival Performance:
-March 5-7 (Monday-Wednesday)…general chaperones and 1 truck / day concert needed for instrument transport…looking for volunteers from permission forms and any others
-Please see email notices / hard copies / Blog (distributed Feb. 19th) for full details.
-Full concert attire (blacks) needed…..except dress rehearsal / clinic Monday afternoon Int / Adv band and Sr. Jazz
Tuesday, March 6th
Treble Choir & Mixed Choirs
(no rehearsal at Sagebrush during day)
Be at Sagebrush for 6pm. Performance at 6:30pm – 8:30pm. Students must stay for Mass Choir at end.
Int/Adv Bands & Sr Jazz Band – rehearse Monday, March 5th during day at Sagebrush theatre (students are bused there and back) and perform in evening. Need to be at theatre at 6pm. Concert goes until 8:30pm. All students must stay until the end for the final ensemble please.
Volunteers needed for shirt distribution for dates below:
-Monday March 5th Int/Advanced and Sr Jazz at Sagebrush: 6pm. distribution assistance at Sagebrush Theatre: Lucy Johnson, Kristi Williams (Kristi Shirts)
-Tuesday March 6th Choir (Evening) at Sagebrush (upstairs green room): Nicole Hale
-Wednesday March 7th Beginner Band AM at Brock: ________________(shirt parents?)
Interior Jazz Festival Kelowna Trip (Sr Jazz): is confirmed!
- April 13th-15th;
- cost is $175 per student
- Pizza card fundraiser held and only 1 student participated.
- Only one payment date remaining – Feb 28th
- Other possible fundraiser suggestions were made, but no time now
- Need to be in Kelowna for concert on Friday evening. Leave Kamloops by 3:15-3:30
- Medical forms/allergy forms need to be completed asap
Sun Peaks Cantando Trip Update
- April 20 -22, 2018
- Final payment from Brock to Affinity Group tours is due March 1/18; Roommate selections completed. Meal selection needs to be early March – trip committee to look after, medical forms also sent out at same time. Email plus hard copy sent out
- NEXT Trip committee will be on:March 13th 7pm
- Room mate selection is complete
- Medical forms/allergy info needs to be completed. Will be sent out ASAP.
- Final cost is $305 per child
- T-shirts: $17 with Cantando logo; option to have school logo on back; at this time are opting to not pursue this as the additional cost to parents was not factored in and Mr. Schill recognizes that the financial costs are already significant – opting out of this
Mandatory meeting for all Students attending Sun Peaks with a Parent/Caregiver is set for April 5th 7pm in the gym
- Notice to be typed and sent out stating this, plus reminder all final payments are now past due, plus stay tuned for meal selection and legal forms (Nicole?)
- Please note that all trip payments are all past due. Please contact Mr Schill if you have not already done so.
**Individual student overpayments of fundraising (if any) due to amazing fundraising efforts will be refunded by cheque in May.**
Green Room chaperones for Spring concert, Care home concert dates for choirs TBA and decided upon at March / April meeting
District Jazz Event – March 29th – all day
Next Meeting: Tuesday, March 27th – 7:00pm Band Room
Music Parent’s Meeting Minutes
Monday, January 22nd, 2018
- Review and vote on December 14th meeting minutes
Minutes accepted; Chris motion; Lucy second
- Review Agenda & addition of new items; vote to approve Agenda
Agenda approved; Dave motion; Lucy second
- Principal’s Report for this month
Not available
- Treasurer Report (Christine)
- General Music Parent’s account balance: $5963.09
- Mr. Schill mentioned that the 50/50 earnings should be noted but not included in the account total as it is actually housed in the PAC account. $258 now noted and Parent’s account balance reduced by same amount. New total $5705.09
- Student’s account balances available online on Mr. Schill’s blog
- Balances include all fundraising and deposits logged up to Dec 31/17; does not include Spring Bulb, Fresh is Best, or January bottle drive totals
Old Business/Fundraiser updates:
Scheduled fundraisers:
- Gary’s Deli has been completed. Funds raised were: $1774
- Bottle Drives: Next Bottle Drive is January 13th for Brock East (Nicole and Misa organizing). – Completed
- Spring Bulbs (Christy & Shannon): Dec 19 – Jan 10; kickoff will occur at Christmas concert. Christy will create a label to go on catalogues instead of letter to go out with students. Bulbs will not be delivered until Late April/Early May. – mention that perhaps in future may need more reminders/communication with this fundraiser.
- Fresh is Best – Jan 8 – 16 (Feb 1 pick up) (Dawn and Kristi) Dates changed
- Noted that those purchasing were not aware that the tortilla chip bag was smaller this year ($3/155 gr bag); may want to note this on the order form or in communications in future year fundraising
- Dominos & Panago Pizza Coupons (Nicole and Kristi) – coupons will be available at Christmas Concerts, meetings, etc. Sales go towards individual accounts.
Choirs perform at Kamloops Wildlife Park 2017 “Wildlights on December 15th at 7pm
- Loads of work; short performance; mostly parents in audience; may consider alternate performance opportunities next year
- Music department Christmas concert: Tuesday, December 19th
- Excellent performance and turn out; noted that would like the parking/seat auction to go out earlier next year so we have more opportunity to bring the auction total higher
- Also noted that it would be great for students to watch their peers perform, but need to explain and enforce concert etiquette so students do not disrupt the concert for others in attendance
New Business:
Spring Concert: aiming for Wednesday June 13th at Kamloops Full Gospel; Mr Schill to confirm
Arts in the High Country Festival Performance:
March 6-8 (Tuesday-Thursday)
Likely chance of an evening performance for Choir Tues March 6th; Jazz Bands on Thurs March 8th; Band daytime on Wednesday March 7th; to be confirmed and finalized
Volunteers needed for shirt distribution for possible dates below?:
Tuesday March 6th:
Wednesday March 7th: Lucy Johnson
Thursday March 8th:
Performance Promo Trip to Rayleigh Elementary School: Date TBA – will be jazz band and choirs; A vehicle and driver for equipment transport will be needed…possible dates will be either February 6th, 7th or 8th
- Email to be sent asap once date is decided;
- Volunteer driver/vehicle: TBD
Sun Peaks Cantando Trip Update
- April 20 -22, 2018
- Nicole to email request for chaperones with a response needed by Friday January 26th; Male chaperones are especially needed; chaperones that have been selected will be notified early next week (by the end of January)
- Final payment from Brock to Affinity Group tours is due March 1/18; We have paid $50/student based on 92 attending but that number is low (likely closer to 105). Roommate selections completed. Meal selection needs to be early March – trip committee to look after
- First Trip committee will be on: February 8th at 7pm
- First Chaperone meeting will be decided by trip committee members (currently Shannon Olfert, Nicole Hale, Mr. Schill)
- T-shirts: $17 with Cantando logo; option to have school logo on back; at this time are opting to not pursue this as the additional cost to parents was not factored in and Mr. Schill recognizes that the financial costs are already significant.
Jazz Festival Kelowna Trip (Sr Jazz): possibly – dates are April 13th-15th; cost about $175 per student all in; Nicole has called all parents (15 students) and so far has some confirmed; some maybes and a couple no – will need an answer as to whether or not we have enough students to make the trip by Wednesday Jan 24th. Possible fundraising opportunities just for this group:
Epicure 3 dips/$20; $5 earned by student; extraordinary trio (3 cheese dip)
Gary’s Deli; Pizza Cards; Purdy’s (Easter) are a few suggestions if the trip goes ahead
Remaining Payment Schedule:
Wednesday, January 24th: $100 Deposit Due
Wednesday, February 14th: Final balance owing due
**Individual student overpayments(if any) due to amazing fundraising efforts will be refunded by cheque in May.**
Next Meeting: Thursday February 22nd at 7pm
Music Parent’s Meeting Minutes
Thursday, December 14th, 2017
- November 16th meeting minutes reviewed – Monica voted to accept minutes; Amy seconded; passed
- Review Agenda & addition of new items; vote to approve Agenda; passed
- Principal’s Report for this month – None for this month
- Treasurer Report (Christine) – as given to Mr Schill
- General Music Parent’s account balance: $_____________
- Student’s account balances available online on Mr. Schill’s blog
Old Business/Fundraiser updates:
Scheduled fundraisers:
- Gary’s Deli has been completed. Funds raised were: $1774
- Bottle Drives: Next Bottle Drive is January 13th for Brock East (Nicole and Misa organizing).
- Spring Bulbs (Christy & Shannon): Dec 19 – Jan 10; kickoff will occur at Christmas concert. Christy will create a label to go on catalogues instead of letter to go out with students. Bulbs will not be delivered until Late April/Early May.
- Fresh is Best – Jan 8 – 16 (Feb 1 pick up) (Dawn and Kristi) Dates changed
- Dominos & Panago Pizza Coupons (Nicole and Kristi) – coupons will be available at Christmas Concerts, meetings, etc. Sales go towards individual accounts.
Upcoming Performance Info:
- Choirs perform at Kamloops Wildlife Park 2017 “Wildlights on December 15th at 7pm (Pick up at 7:45). Please carpool.
- Students meet at 6:00pm on the main patio before they move towards the amphitheatre as a group.
- $10.08 (incl taxes) cost for adults with discount. Performing students are FREE. 5 parent chaperones are also free.
Dawn, Amy, Nicole,Cherylee, Gina
- Students may arrive as early as 5pm to enjoy the park
- Toques & Scarves volunteers: Amy & Dawn (need to sign out and sign them back in)
- Dawn, Amy & Nicole can also carpool if anyone is interested please reach out. We can finalize carpools next meeting
- Music department Christmas concert: Tuesday, December 19th at 7pm – Kamloops Full Gospel on Tranquille Road. Students & Volunteers to arrive @ 6:00pm please. Please bring bake sale items (CLEARLY MARKED WITH YOUR CHILD’s NAME) if you would like credit for Fundraising.
- Fundraisers and volunteers will be finalized at next meeting
Chaperon Roles Needed Filling:
–Beginner Band Chaperons (X2) ____________ & __________________
–Int/ Adv Band Chaperons (x2) _______________,__________________
-Choir Chaperons
(X3) Chris ,Walter ,Marg
-Shirt Distributors: Amy, Monica, Shannon
-Keep the Show “Flowing” Co-ord.Nicole Hale
-MC: Christa Lester
– Front of House (X2…money donation collection, program distribution):
Lucy & Kristi W
-50/50 Draw Co-ord. / seller – Lucy
-Bake Sale Co-ord. Oralie & helpers: Gene & Amy
-Gift Box Raffle Co-ord. / seller – Angie
*Beginner Band “Sweet Tooth”
*Int/Adv Band “Lucky Charms”
*Choir “Movie Night”
*Kamal Heer’s “Shopper’s” Men’s (X1) & Ladies (X1) gift baskets
-Parking Spot / Front Row Seats Auction Co-ord. Nicole & Kristi
-Multiple Set-up Volunteers (parents with or w/wout their kid) for 3:30 p.m. the night of the show (no need to help during clean-up:)
- 41st Annual BC Interior Jazz Festival – opportunity for Sr Jazz Band to attend. April 13 & 14
- Kristi & Nicole to look into details and present at meeting in January
Sun Peaks Cantando Trip Update
- April 20 -22, 2018
- A cheque for a $1500.00 initial deposit to hold our spot in the festival (and hotel rooms) has been sent
- Additional $50 per student is due Nov 1st (usually $100, but are allowing us $50.00)
- Student cost will be $300 – $310. May be able to bring down price a little if we can come up with any cost saving measures.
- Cantando Festival shirts? Mr Schill presented option to have shirts ordered for trip – we will discuss at first Trip Committee meeting in New Year
Remaining Payment Schedule:
Wednesday, January 24th: $100 Deposit Due
Wednesday, February 14th: Final balance owing due
**Individual student overpayments(if any) due to amazing fundraising efforts will be refunded by cheque in May.**
Next Meeting: Tuesday January 23rd 7pm
*note meeting day switched to Tuesday this month as a trial.
Music Parent’s Meeting
Thursday, November 16th 2017
Previous Minutes: Accepted. Motioned – Dave, Second – Christy. Carried
Motion to approve Agenda: Motioned – Kristy, Second – Monica. Carried
Treasures Report:
General account balance is the same as last month minus the $1500 trip deposit.
Student’s account balances are available online on Mr. Schill’s blog; numbers will be revamped soon based on epicure sales.
Old Business:
Brock Hoodies have came in and have been distributed.
Scheduled Fundraiser’s
a) Bottle Drives:
Next Bottle Drive is January 13th for Brock East (Nicole and Misa are organizing this). Kristy will be emailing parents with more details.
* Parents and students can drop bottles off to General Grants through out the year, just let them know its for the Brock Music Program. Any bottles dropped off will go into the general account to be used for the accompanist, financial support, and wish list items for class. The Money will NOT go towards the trip.
b) Spring Bulbs: 50% Proceeds
Christy and Shannon will head up this fundraiser. The dates will be December 19th – January 10th
Dave Motioned to include the selling of the bulbs to kick off at the Christmas concert December 19th Christy seconds, with an addition to the motion that all proceeds get evenly shared amongst students that participated in the fundraiser. Carried
Dave Volunteers to man the table with Kristy.
c) Gary’s Deli: November 24th – December 4/5th (December 13th pickup) {Nicole and Lindsey}
d) Fresh Is Best: January 12th – January 22nd (February 1st Pick up) {Dawn and Kristi}
e) Dominoes and Panago Pizza Coupons: Coupons will be available at Christmas concert, meetings, etc. Sales go towards individual accounts. {Nicole and Kristi}
Upcoming Performance Info:
1. Santa Clause Parade downtown , Saturday, November 25th Meeting place will be at, _______
a) Hot Chocolate and Donuts Volunteers: Nicole
b) Toques and Scarves Volunteer: Kristi
c) Truck for instrument case transport Volunteer: Kristi
2. Choir preforms O’Canada at the Blazer’s Teddy Bear Toss game on Sunday, December 3rd for the 3 PM game Students tickets are free but do not include popcorn. $14 for parents/staff (also not including popcorn)
a) Performance shirt distribution volunteers: Amy and Monica
b)Ticket Distributor Volunteers: Shannon and Nicole
3. Choirs preform at Kamloops Wildlife Park 2017 “Wild-lights” on December 15th @ 7pm, Pickup is at 7 :45 pm. Please carpool!
a) Students meet at 6:30 on the main patio before they move towards the amphitheatre as a group.
b) Preforming students are free and joining adults are $10.08 (tax included) 5 Parent chaperones are also free.
c) Students are welcome to arrive as early as 5pm to enjoy the park.
d) Toques and Scarves Volunteers: Amy and Dawn (Need to sign them out and sign them back in)
**If your child requires transportation to the park and you have exhausted all other efforts to find them a ride please contact Mr. Schill.
4. Music Department Christmas Concert: Tuesday December 19th at 7pm – Kamloops Full Gospel on Tranquille Road.
Beginner Band Chaperones: Monica and Chris
Int/Adv Band Chaperones: ______ and ______
Choir Chaperones: _____, ______, and ______
Keep the show “flowing” Coordinator: Nicole
MC: Christa Lester
Front of House: ______ and ______
(money donation collection/ Program distributor)
50/50 coordinator / seller _______
Bake sale coordinator: _______, ______ and _______
Gift Box coordinator / seller: _______
Beginner Band “Sweet Tooth”
Int/ Adv Band “Lucky Charms”
Choir “Movie Night”
Karmal Heer’s “Shoppers” Mens (x1) & Ladies (X1) baskets
Parking Spot / Front Row Seats Auction Coordinator __________
Multiple Set up volunteers (parents with or without their kid) for 3:30pm the night of the show
______ ______ ______ _____ _____ _____
5. 41st Annual BC Interior Jazz festival – Great Opportunity for Sr. Jazz Band to attend. April 13th and 14th Still checking prices before proposal to parents
Sun Peaks Cantando Trip Update:
~ April 20 – 22, 2018
~ A cheque for $1500 initial deposit to hold our spot in the festival (and hotel rooms) has been sent.
~ Student cost will be $300 – $310. May be able to bring cost down a little if we can come up with any more cost saving measures.
Remaining Payment Schedule:
Wednesday, November 29th : $100 Deposit Due
Wednesday January 24th : $100 Deposit Due
Wednesday February 14th : Final Balance Owing Due
**Individual student over payments (if any) due to amazing fund-raising efforts will be refunded by cheque in May**
Next Meeting December 14th @ 7pm (Music room)
Music Parent’s Meeting
Thursday, October 26th, 2017
Previous Minutes: Kristi motioned to approve, Shannon 2nd, passed unanimously
Motion to approve Agenda? 3 new items added
No Principal’s Report for this month
Treasurer Report:
- General account balance is the same as last month minus the $1500 trip deposit
- Student’s account balances are now available online on Mr. Schill’s blog
Old Business:
- Brock Hoodie orders due in November 1st. Yellow order forms available in Mr. Schill’s classroom.
- Scheduled fundraisers:
- Bootle Drives:
- Saturday September 23rd – raised $2017.50 = $24.53/ student or $49.06/student & driver
- Next Bottle Drive is January 13th for Brock East (Nicole and Misa organizing)
- Parents and students can drop bottles off to General Grants throughout the year and just let them know it’s for the Brock Music program. Any bottles dropped off will go into the General Account to be used for the accompanist, financial support, wishllist items for class. The money will NOT go towards the trip.
- Epicure Fundraiser: 34 students participated; 91 orders; sold $5517.60; raised $1254.44 (23%) pick up Nov 3rd in cafeteria from 2:45 – 4:00
- Need 3 helpers – Amy, Monica and maybe Dawn
- Spring Bulbs – 50% proceeds
- Christy and Shannon to lead fundraiser
- Preferred dates to run would be Dec 19 – Jan 10 – checking on dates, will report back next month
- Melissa brought forth motion to proceed with fundraiser, Devon 2nd, passed unanimously
- Gary’s Deli – Nov 24 – Dec 4/5 (Dec 13th pick up)
- Nicole and Lindsey organizing
- Fresh is Best – Jan 12 – 22 (Feb 1 pick up)
- Dawn and Kristi organizing
- Dominoes & Panago Pizza Coupons (Nicole and Kristi) – coupons will be available at Christmas Concerts, meetings, etc. Sales go towards individual accounts.
- Bootle Drives:
Upcoming Performance Info
- SD73 Honour Band/Choir Performance at Sagebrush Theatre on Monday, Nov 6th at 7pm…good to bring your kids to come and watch and be inspired…especially if they are in grade 7 or 8
- SD73 Choral Sharing Night @ Sagebrush Wednesday, Nov 15th @ 7pm…students meet in the Sagebrush main lobby for shirt distribution at 6:30pm.
- Parent shirt distributor: Amy
- Santa Claus Parade downtown, Saturday, November 25th. Meeting place TBD, time likely for meeting will be 9am.
- Hot Chocolate & Donuts Volunteer: Nicole Hale
- Toques & Scarves Volunteer: Kristi Williams
- Choir performs O’Canada at the Blazer’s Teddy Bear Toss Game on Sunday, December 3rd for the 3pm game. Student tickets are free, but do not include popcorn. $14 for parents/staff (also no popcorn included)
- Performance shirt distribution volunteer: Amy, Monica and Nicole 9need to be there 1 hour prior to puck drop – 2pm)
- Ticket Distributer volunteer: Shannon
- Choirs perform at Kamloops Wildlife Park 2017 “Wildlights on December 15th at 7pm (Pick up at 7:45). Please carpool.
- Students meet at 6:30pm on the main patio before they move towards the amphitheatre as a group.
- $10.08 (incl taxes) cost for adults with discount. Performing students are FREE. 5 parent chaperones are also free.
- Students may arrive as early as 5pm to enjoy the park
- Toques & Scarves volunteers: Amy & Dawn (need to sign out and sign them back in)
- Dawn and Amy can also carpool if anyone is interested please reach out. We can finalize carpools next meeting
- Music department Christmas concert: Tuesday, December 19th at 7pm – Kamloops Full Gospel on Tranquille Road.
- Fundraisers and volunteers will be finalized at next meeting
- 41st Annual BC Interior Jazz Festival – opportunity for Sr Jazz Band to attend. April 13 & 14
- Kristi Williams to look into details and present at next meeting.
- WholeNote Music Program
- $1000 music package for students, completely free
- Deadline to apply is October 31st.
- Email with full details to go out ASAP
Sun Peaks Cantando Trip Update
- April 20 -22, 2018
- A cheque for a $1500.00 initial deposit to hold our spot in the festival (and hotel rooms) has been sent
- Additional $50 per student is due Nov 1st (usually $100, but are allowing us $50.00)
- Student cost will be $300 – $310. May be able to bring down price a little if we can come up with any cost saving measures.
Remaining Payment Schedule:
Wednesday, November 29th: $100 Deposit Due
Wednesday, January 24th: $100 Deposit Due
Wednesday, February 14th: Final balance owing due
**Individual student overpayments(if any) due to amazing fundraising efforts will be refunded by cheque in May.**
Next Meeting: November 16th @ 7pm (Music Room)
Music Parent’s Meeting
Thursday, September 21st, 2017
Called to order: 7:01pm
Move to accept previous minutes: Dawn motions; Shannon seconds; passed
Principal introduced: Ms Mochikas – Thanks to Mr Schill; only school in District with full time music teacher; thanks in advance to parents who volunteer their time
PAC parent volunteers needed: Tibor – stated that last night’s meeting had a good turnout and all positions are filled. Parents are welcome to attend PAC meetings; they do not do fundraising, just make decisions where grant money goes
Positions that need filling:
President: Nicole Hale
Vice President: Lucy Johnson
Secretary (2 People): Sonya Anderson; Kristi Williams
Treasurer: Chris Poyzer
Communications: Kristi Williams
Fundraising Co-Chairs: Angela Moss; Nikki Craig; Kamal Heer
Performance Shirts/toques/Scarves Organizers (3 people min): Jennifer Seymour; Amy Patrick; Monica Williams; Lisa Orminston
Trip Committee: Mr Schill + 3 people min: Dawn Lord; Shannon Olfort; Nicole Hale; Lisa Orminston
Financial Update/ Treasurer’s Report: Music Account Balance is at $6365.48
- Deposit just made for Sun Peaks for $1500
- Brock Hoodie order – Jennifer Koopman
- Was a fundraiser for music program last year
- Hoodies will remain same price as last year $30
- Orders forms will go home with students in next couple of weeks
- Scheduled Fund Raisers:
- Bottle Drives: Saturday September 23rd (Nicole & Misa) & January 13th for Brock East (Nicole & Misa)
- Epicure Fundraiser: October 2nd 5-6:30pm school cafeteria (Nicole) Cooking class demo kickoff for parents and guests/family. Order forms will go home that evening and next day in class. Due back October 16th We receive 20-25% of total sales back in cash. Sales go to Individual Accounts.
- Gary’s Deli: Nov 24th –Dec 13th (Dec 4/5 pick up) (Nicole & Lindsey)
- Fresh is Best Salsa: Jan 12th – Jan 22nd (Feb 1 pick up) (Dawn & Kristy)
- Dominos & Panago coupons – Coupons will be available at Parent/Teacher interviews, Christmas concert, etc. Sales go towards individual.
- Poinsettias Sales – No, Parkcrest and Norkam doing this year, so we can support them
- Spring Bulbs – 50% profits; tabled until next meeting
No other fundraising ideas brought up at this time
- Sun Peaks Cantando Trip (April 20th – 22nd)
- A cheque for a $1500.00 initial deposit to hold our spot in the festival ( and hotel rooms) has been requisitioned and will be sent shortly
- Student cost will be $300-$310 May be able to bring price down a little if we can come up with any cost saving measures
- Financial assistance is available for students who would like to attend the trip, who have worked hard fundraising, but may come up short. A 10% tithe from all fund raising assists in this
- Chaperones selected end of February/early March. Free criminal record checks need to be performed (Mr Schill will give you a letter to take to RCMP) if you are asked to attend). Limited spots available. There is a 10:1 ratio student to parent chaperone.
Payment Schedule:
Wednesday, October 25th: $50 Non refundable Deposit Due
Wednesday, November 29th: $100 Deposit Due
Wednesday, January 24th: $100 Deposit Due
Wednesday, February 14th: Final Balance Owing Due
**Individual student overpayments (*if any) due to amazing fund raising efforts will be refunded by cheque in May.**
- Choirs perform O’ Canada at the Blazers’ “Teddy Bear Toss Game on Sunday, December 3rd for the 3pm game. Student tickets are free, but do not include popcorn this year. $14 for parents/staff (also no popcorn included).
- Choirs perform at Kamloops Wildlife Park 2017 ‘Wildlights’ on December 15th at 7pm. (Pick up is at 7:45pm). Please car pool.
- Students meet at 6:30pm on the main patio before they move towards the amphitheatre as a group.
- $10.08 (incl taxes) cost for adults with discount. Performing students are FREE. 5 parent chaperones are also free.
- Students may arrive as early as 5pm to enjoy the park
- Toques & scarves will be used
- More info to come
- Music department Christmas concert: Tuesday December 19th at 7pm @ Kamloops Full Gospel on Tranquille Rd.
Next meeting: October 26th @ 7pm
Meeting Minutes
Music Parent’s Meeting: Thursday, June 8th, 2017
Call to order: 7pm
Previous minutes – moved to accept by Dawn; seconded by Tibor; motion passed
OLD Business:
- “Spring Melodies” Concert – June 13
- Front Door Greeter/Direction giver – Nicole
- 2x Chaperone Beginner Band – Brenda C & _____
- 2x Chaperone Int/Adv Band – ______ & _____
- Chaperone Choir – Rae & _____
- Performance Co-ordinator – Nicole
- MC: Christa Lester has agreed
- Program Design: Jennifer Koopmans has agreed
- Shirt Distribution: Ian & Monica
- Water Bottles: Kristy; we have 110 bottles & will be purchasing 3 flats; kids will be reminded to bring their own bottle
- Front of House: Program Distribution, 50/50 sales, watch (entry by donation), donation jar – Lucy & Dawn
- Set up: Lucy, son Jayden, & Dawn (and others that show up)
- 2016/2017 Fundraisers
- If you have organised a fundraiser in that pat year please type up a brief summary including gross/net profit made, number of participants, dates, and suggestions, whether you would do it again, and any forms that were used. Please email them to so we may add it to the “G” drive so we don’t have to reinvent the wheel on these particular fundraisers next year.
- Additional upcoming concert dates:
- Tuesday, June 13th – ‘Spring Melodies’ – all ensembles performing at KFG
- Tuesday, June 20th, PEP rally, B block in gym. All groups, except beginner bands.
- Possible December 14th Wildlights performance for Choir and/or Band and/or small instrumental ensembles
- Grant applications: Mr Schill has applied for a rotary one and Rebecca is also working on another one
Updates – Jarrett’s Application: no response at present
Rebecca’s: No response until the Fall
NEW Business
- Financial Update: Music Parent Account $8125.19 & Student Account $0
- Principal report: None
- Sun Peaks ‘Cantando’ Festival Spring trip: April 20-22 (Fri-Sun), 2018
- Cost will be $300/student for 2 nights
- Setting up fundraisers in advance for next year:
- Gary’s Deli: Nov 24th –Dec 13th (Dec 4/5 pick up) tentative) (Nicole & Lindsey)
- Fresh is Best Salsa: Jan 12th – Jan 22nd (Feb 1 pick up) (Dawn & Kristy)
- Bottle Drives: Saturday September 23rd (Nicole & Lucy) & January 8th tentatively (Nicole & Lucy)
- Dominos & Panago coupons – Nicole explained: people could purchase the coupons at events and state which child they are for. Sales go towards individual. Rebecca motioned to accept. Lindsey seconded. Passed. Nicole will look into Dominos and will ask Kristi to look into Panago for September meeting.
- Epicure Fundraiser: Nicole explained: Will do a cooking class for a group of parents and guests/family. Orders will be collected from them and the higher the order the better. We receive 20-25% of total sales back in cash. The biggest fundraiser like this was Girl Guides and they had 21 orders and did $2000 in sales. Rebecca motions to hold sale prior to Thanksgiving and that sales go to Individual Accounts. Dawn seconds. Passed.
- Bulbs/Flowers/Poinsettias Sales added to September Agenda
- Mr Schill is proposing to use money from the Music Parent’s Account to buys pizza for the students who are cleaning instruments. Lindsey motions this to happen; Rebecca seconds. Passed.
- Mr Schill is considering taking the Sr Jazz band to Kelowna for the Interior Jazz Festival if it doesn’t fall on the same days as the Cantando. More information to come.
Next meeting set for September 21st at 7pm
Meeting adjourned at 8:12pm
- Fundraisers for next year:
- Gary’s Deli – before xmas – Nicole & Lindsay
- Fresh is Best – Before Superbowl (Feb 4th) – Dawn & Kristy
- Bottle Drive – Saturday, September 23rd – Lucy & Nicole
*will be doing another in January
- Community Coupon Book – Discussion and it was decided not to do it as it is over saturated.
- Suggestion to sell Dominos & Panago coups ongoing throughout the year (until trip) at various school events which could go to specific student accounts. Nicole & Kristy volunteered to find out details and to organize. Will present at next meeting.
*Still open for other ideas
Music Parent’s Meeting: Thursday, May 18th, 2017
Call to order: 7pm
Previous minutes – moved to accept by Lucy; seconded by Kristy; motion passed
OLD Business:
1. “Spring Melodies” Concert – June 13
Front Door Greeter/Direction giver – Nicole
2x Chaperone Int/Adv Band – _______ & _____
Chaperone Choir – ______
Performance Co-ordinator – Nicole
MC: Christa Lester has agreed
Program Design: Jennifer Koopmans has agreed
Shirt Distribution: Ian & Monica
Water Bottles: we have 3 flats left from Whistler that we will use; We will purchase 3 more
Front of House: Program Distribution, 50/50 sales, watch (entry by donation), donation jar – Lucy & Dawn
Set up: Lucy, son Jayden, & Dawn (and others that show up)
2. 2016/2017 Fundraisers
If you have organised a fundraiser in that pat year please type up a brief summary including gross/net profit made, number of participants, dates, and suggestions, whether you would do it again, and any forms that were used. Please email them to so we may add it to the “G” drive so we don’t have to reinvent the wheel on these particular fundraisers next year.
3. Additional upcoming concert dates:
Sunday, June 4th – Chrohn’s & Colitis ‘Gutsy Walk’ @Mac Park – Sr Jazz call time 9:15am at the mini golf parking location … set up nearby… same as last year.
Tuesday, June 6th – Riverbend – C block Choir
Wednesday, June 7th Overlander – H block Choir
Tuesday, June 13th – ‘Spring Melodies’ – all ensembles performing at KFG
Tuesday, June 20th, PEP rally, B block in gym. All groups, except beginner bands.
4. Grant applications: Mr Schill has applied for a rotary one and Rebecca is also working on another one
Wish list for instruments if obtained was presented (see Agenda)
NEW Business
1. Financial Update: (provided by Mr Schill in Lindsay’s absence)
We will be basically 100% on budget for the year one we have everything paid up from the trip (bussing came in $1000 over and van $100 over both due to unforeseen circumstances).
Information will be sent out to parents shortly regarding the over payments from the over payments from the fund raising/cash deposit accounts. Parents will need to respond to by June 14th in order to receive their refunds so please watch for this email or listen for this synervoice with details.
2. Principal report:
Financial Assistance/Hardship Policy Review:
i. School District has a policy that they follow when someone asks for Financial Assistance – there is a form that is filled out by the parent which is completed with the Principal. This form is completely CONFIDENTIAL.
ii. Other parent’s do not influence any decision as this process is completely confidential.
iii. More information about the Hardship policy can be viewed on the school BLOG.
Music Parent’s Account:
I. Final decision about how monies are spent from this account are made by Ms Mochikas & Mr Schill.
II. This is a transparent process and anyone is welcome to speak to them if they have questions.
III. The idea of this account is to keep school fees down.
Money Collection Procedures beginning 2017/2018
I. Instead of having parents collect money at the fish tank when we hold fundraisers, Stenos will now collect money for us in the office and write receipts for the students.
Presented idea: Seniors from Riverbend come to school at lunch 2x/week for Salad Bar. Suggested the Choir students could ‘entertain’ the 1x. Mr Schill will look into this starting ASAP until the end of the year.
3. Sun Peaks ‘Cantando’ Festival Spring trip: April 20-22 (Fri-Sun), 2018
Cost will be $300/student for 2 nights
4. Fundraisers for next year:
Gary’s Deli – before xmas – Nicole & Lindsay
Fresh is Best – Before Superbowl (Feb 4th) – Dawn & Kristy
Bottle Drive – Saturday, September 23rd – Lucy & Nicole
*will be doing another in January
Community Coupon Book – Discussion and it was decided not to do it as it is over saturated.
Suggestion to sell Dominos & Panago coups ongoing throughout the year (until trip) at various school events which could go to specific student accounts. Nicole & Kristy volunteered to find out details and to organize. Will present at next meeting.
*Still open for other ideas
March 16, 2017
Brock Music Parent’s Meeting
Previous Minutes passed by Lucy and Rebecca
- Spring Concert:
- June 13th, Full Gospel Church, 7pm begin, 6:15pm call for musicians
- We need the following volunteers:
- Front Door Greeter
- 2 x Chaperones Beginner Band
- 1 Chaperone Intermediate Band
- 1 Chaperone Advanced Band
- 1 Chaperone Choir
- 1 Performance Coordinator (Following program so that we know who is performing next)
- 2 x Bottle Water hander outs, a few coolers to keep the water cool
- Emcee – could be a student, parent, grandparent, etc…
- 3-4 x Shirt Distributors & Collectors after performance. Can Ian do this for us? (Lucy said she would help if absolutely needed)
- Moving grade 7’s to another room (not the daycare room)
- Moving shirt distribution to the front Lobby/Office area
- Programs – can Jennifer Koopmans do it again for us?
- Do we want to do a Seat Auction? – Thoughts were NO – keep it simple for this concert
- Interest in 50-50 Draw? – YES
- 1 for $2 or 3 for $5
- $10 Lottery License – Lucy to send link to Mr. Schill
- Mr. Schill to see if we need more tickets
- Charge for Bottled Water? Final decision still to be made. Choices are:
- Give out complimentary
- By Donation – just have a jar
- Encourage recycling, take back the bottles and keep money
- Charge $1.00
- Volunteers so far:
- Lucy Johnson – will handle front of house, 50-50 tickets, handing out programs
- Kristi Williams – Water distribution & will purchase water from Costco (6 cases of Kirkland brand). Kristi can provide 1 cooler (still need a couple more)
- 3:30pm Set up – Lucy Johnson & son, need more students and parents
- Gutsy Walk at Mac park for Sr. Jazz Band – June date TBA, more to come
- June Concerts for Choir
- C Block – Tuesday, June 6th 12:55pm – Riverbend
- H Block – Wednesday, June 7th 2pm – Overlander
- We need shirt distributors (2) for each concert
- Possible Fundraisers for Next Year
- Bottle Drive
- September 23rd
- Brock West
- Lucy Johnson to book
- Lucy and Nicole Hale will run this again
- Community Coupon Booklets
- Want for September distribution
- $10 Books, $5 goes towards band
- Purchase up front, but can return what is not sold
- Possibly selling during Parent/Teacher interviews?
- Rebecca Edgar looking into
- Pre Set 2017/2018 Fundraisers
- Parents give some thought to the fundraisers that we want to do, put ideas together for next meeting
- Put list out next meeting, vote in June and map out before heading into fall
- Gary’s – lots of interest
- Fresh is Best – lots of interest, different date – either before Christmas or Super Bowl
- Bottle Drive
- Applying for Grants:
- Rebecca Edgar drafting letters and looking into which grants we can apply for. Some that we have looked into:
- Lion’s Club
- Day Break Rotary
- Mr. Schill’s wish list – Xylophone ($2000-$4000) and Mark Tree (need estimate)
- Lucy Johnson will source instruments and quotes for grants
- Mr. Schill to give Lucy/Rebecca product types & numbers
- Prioritize needs by:
- Instruments we need
- Replacing damaged instruments
- Replacing borrowed instruments
- Instruments we want
- Rebecca Edgar drafting letters and looking into which grants we can apply for. Some that we have looked into:
- Trip Report:
- About 50 student packages in (April 4th deadline)
- We still owe:
- $5824 – Food
- $2108 – Bus
- $742 – TOC
- $500 – Gas
- Lindsey to send Tibor budget
- Roundtable Discussion:
- Need for a new Communications Person for next year. Sylvia has offered to train someone new before the end of the year.
- Kristi Williams volunteered to take it over
- New Committee Position – Financial Assistance Liaison
- Brought forward that next year we may want a parent to help facilitate the financial assistance that we offer students.
- One parent, all information kept strictly confidential, parent to work with Mr. Schill & Ms Mochikas directly to help as many kids as we can.
- Lindsey to talk to Ms Mochikas – is this an option?
- Brock – Norkam Open House Music Night
- Is there interest in this?
- Dates and further details TBA
- Need for a new Communications Person for next year. Sylvia has offered to train someone new before the end of the year.
- Next Meetings:
- April 6 – 6:30pm – Chaperon Meeting in Band Room
- April 20 – 6:00pm – Chaperone Meeting in Conference Room
- April 20 – 7:00pm – Gym – Mandatory Parent Meeting for all kids attending trip
- May 18 – 7pm – Parent Committee in Band Room
- June 8 – 7pm – Parent Committee in Band Room
Brock Music Parent’s Meeting Minutes
February 16, 2017
Called to order: 7:00pm
In attendance: see attendance sheet
Minutes from last meeting on January 5, 2016 reviewed and adopted
- Trip Deposit Collection
- Collection date is Feb 21st, 2017 ($100 or balance owing whichever is less). Need volunteers to collect money, write receipts & provide copy of deposit slip and list of photo of receipts sent to Lindsay so it can be updated into the accounts right away – Volunteers: Lucy, Monica, Shannon (tentatively). Lucy will forward info to Lindsay.
- Possible further deposit dates for those that need a bit more time and to possibly allow for further fund raising also added. After discussion, new date March 7th decided on. Volunteers: Lucy and Monica
- Infinity has pushed our deposit date back to March 21st now.
- Arts in the High Country Festival: Week of March 6, 7, & 8 – All ensembles will be performing (Sagebrush Theatre) during the school hours.
- March 6th – 11:15-12:15 Beginner Band & Beginner Jazz; 6:30-8:30 Senior Jazz Band & Intermediate Advanced Group;
- March 7th – Nothing
- March 8th – 6:30-8:30 – both Choirs
- Spring Concert – June 13th 7pm (musician call at 6:15pm) Kamloops Full Gospel; need to ensure water is cold; discussion about having bake sale and 50/50
- Possible further Fundraising ideas
- Bottle drive? Is there an interest? Need parent to volunteer to schedule and to organize March 4th and March 25th only available Saturdays – Discussions and consensus that there was not enough time to organize another full bottle drive at this point
- “Drive less Bottle Drive” Discussion had about this idea – a poster can be made up and sent out; bottles to be dropped off at General Grants with funds going towards Music Program – Decision made that we will go with this idea due to time constraints. Rebecca will take care of poster and information will be sent out to students and parents right away.
- Spring Plant Sale through Devry? Is there an interest? – May be difficult due to time constraints. May be a good fundraiser for next year with more time.
- Schedule Trip Committee Meeting – Tuesday Feb 28th 6:30pm-8:30pm in Band room.
- Round Table Discussion – none
- Whistler trip information Trip
- Confirm # of students attending (106)
- Lodging is at the Blackcombe Lodge in Whistler
- Students will be staying in rooms of 4 students/room (same sex) and chaperones will be staying in different rooms nearby, not in same room as students; some parents at meeting were unaware of this arrangement and there was a discussion about this. This has been the same arrangement for years. Mr Schill encourages parents/guardians to speak to him right away if there are any special circumstances regarding your child.
- There will be a meeting closer to the trip regarding the trip details, but if you have any questions or concerns, you are encouraged to call Mr Schill.
- Parents interested in being chaperone to email Mr Schill or put name forward at meeting
- Treasurer Report – none
Next meeting Thursday March 16, 2017 7-8pm
Brock Music Parent’s Meeting
January 5th 2017
Meeting called to order at 7pm.
* Pass on the previous meeting’s minutes
* 1) Bottle drive on Saturday January 7th, 2017 at 10:00
Nicole Hale is will be overseeing the latest bottle drive and the school will be open to allow for people to warm up. Additional volunteers would be appreciated.
2) Trip Deposit collection
* January 10th 2017 ($100 or balance owing whichever is less)
Jackie Friars, Melissa Smith and Lindsay Viala collecting.
* January 24th 2017 ($100 or balance owing whichever is less)
Jackie Friars, Melissa Smith and Lucy Johnson collecting.
3) Secondary Concert Band Festival Night
* Wednesday January 11th 2017 at the Sagebrush Theater in the evening.
* Performance is at 400 and hopefully everyone will arrive there no later than 330 to allow for setup and organization etc. (for E and B block (Int/Adv) bands only.
4) A reminder to all individuals using Gmail to check the spam filter settings and their junk folders as apparently a large number of emails are not being received because they are being recognized as junk or spam.
5) Capilano College Choir Performance at Valleyview Senior Secondary field trip.
* Friday February 10th at 10:00. Students are to bring $7.00 to help cover bus cost.
* A total of four chaperons are required( Jeff Miconi, Shannon Olfert, __________,__________)
6) Arts in the High Country Festival.
* Monday March 6th to Tuesday March 8th 2017 at Sagebrush Theater
* All ensembles will be performing during school hours except for beginner and senior jazz bands.
* Beginner and senior jazz bands will be playing on one of the two evenings.
7) During bottle drive fund raising there has been some confusion which students have brought drivers. Please ensure that prior to being given a map of their designated area of collection that students sign in and indicate on the sheet if they have brought a driver for themselves.
8) Any future fundraising events are to be decided on prior to Tuesday February 21st 2017.
* Possible Pogue Mahones pub fundraiser/raffle will be researched by Lucy Johnson and Tebor.
* Possible Fresh is best orders for fundraising will be researched by Donna Lord, Lindsay Viala and Nicole Hale.
9) A request for volunteers (and a reminder for those that have already volunteered) for assisting with field trips is to be sent out via email.
10) The next Brock Music Parent’s Meeting is scheduled for Thursday February 16th at 7:00 PM.
11) Chaperone decisions will be made on the Brock Music Parent’s Meeting scheduled for Wednesday March 16th 2017.
12) A request for large vehicle (twelve to fifteen passenger) and driver availability will be sent out via email.
Brock Music Parent’s Meeting Minutes
November 17, 2016
Called to order: 7:05pm
In attendance: see attendance sheet
Minutes from last meeting on September 22, 2016 reviewed and adopted
1. Trip Deposit collections: extra volunteers needed to collect– no volunteers at meeting – Everyone needs to pay $50 payment
2. Santa Claus parade: Saturday, Nov 26th 9:30am– We will all meet and warm up together at “Urban Systems”(286 St Paul). Hot Chocolates & cups (Sandy & Lisa) (Hot Chocolate co-ordinated with KISSM and Sahali Elementary. If Sandy and Lisa can call Kim Mangan 250 574-5437 to arrange stuff (don’t call until Monday, Nov. 21st). Mr Shill believes Kim can get us donuts and more all for free as well; Truck (Christy); Tuques & Scarves (Lucy) picking them up Friday 25th; Lucy will get tuques & Scarves to Melanie for Blazers game.
3. Blazer’s game “O Canada” performance: Saturday December 3rd –Mr Schill will call and see if tickets can be picked up ahead of time and arranged into family groupings. If so they can be picked up at Music Room at school on Friday 3pm if parents/students want. If not they can be picked up at Arena @ Parkside lounge doors at 6pm. Rae & Dawn to distribute tickets. Mr Schill will send out email confirming how & where to pick up tickets.
4. Gary’s Sausage Fundraiser is going on now; organized by Nicole Hale
– November 28 – money, order collection, receive invoice & Cheque and place order At Gary’s Deli on 29th (Jackie & Melissa)
– December 6 – pick up order from Gary’s (Lindsay)
– December 6 – orders to be sorted for students by 1pm in conference room; parents arriving after school (Melissa, Dawn after 3 pm, Sandy, Lindsay, Nicole E & Nicole H after 3pm )
5. November 30th Choir performance at Overlander – shirt washer volunteer – Melanie
6. December 8th Choir performance at Riverbend– shirt washer volunteer – Melanie
7. Christmas Concert: Tuesday, December 13th at ‘Full Gospel’ Church (1550 Tranquille Rd)
a. 7 Volunteers needed to supervise students @ 6pm
i. Front door greeter – Shannon
ii. 3 kids with beginner bands in the Sunday school rooms –Rae, Jackie, Rebecca (?)
iii. Intermediate & Advanced band – Sandy & Lindsay
iv. Choir – Susan & Nicole E
b. Jennifer has volunteered to do program
c. Lucy will sell raffle tickets for baskets & hand out programs
d. Bake sale @ intermission– kids can bring goods and drop it off at front table – Christina & Nicole H & Dawn
i. Christine will pick up bags and plates to package up baking and to price it
ii. Send notice to package cookies in containers/bags of 6 or less for easy selling
e. We need to set up chairs @ 3:30pm
i. Nicole E, Lucy, Sandy, Jennifer & Brian, Luke, Dawn (more volunteers needed)
f. Decision that donations from the door will be used to offset cost associated with renting the church
8. Christmas Concert Parking & Seat Auction
a. Tibor to send out an email after Santa parade to explain
9. Christmas Concert raffle off themed basket
a. Themes are: Beginner Band: Sweet Tooth
-Choirs: Movie Night
-Intermediate and Advanced Band: Lucky Charms
b. Students bring 1 item each for theme basket (Max suggested donation $10/ student)
c. GROUP fundraiser
d. Need to be in by December 8th
e. Lindsay, Sandy & Christine (Lindsay is picking up) will organize baskets and bring
f. to Christmas concert for raffle
10. Pizza cards – over saturated in community – tabled
11. Coffee House – Mandy Maher (student) presented idea of a student coffee house for band/choir/drama students. Opportunity for students to showcase their talents. Could be off school property, after hours. Looking for a venue. She also brought up that there is no food being sold at school dances and she sees this as an opportunity for a bake sale and fundraising. Discussion of possibly doing this for Valentine’s dance. Will need to talk with Leadership students. More discussion to happen.
12. Teacher Report – things are very busy with Christmas concert preparation. Reminder to check the Blog to stay up to date with information.
13. Treasurer Report – Fund raising spreadsheet has been posted in the music room. It has also been posted on the Blog by student number (students know their numbers if parents don’t).
Next meeting December 5th 7pm
Brock Music Parent’s Meeting Minutes
October 13, 2016
In attendance: See attendance sheet
Called to order at 7:05pm
1. Minutes from last meeting on September 22, 2016 reviewed and adopted (not viewed or voted)
2. Trip: – Whistler – was voted on via Survey Monkey and Whistler was chosen; email has been sent out to all parents with cost and break down of payment dates
3. Chair Rebecca brought forward 10% Tithe –“students helping students” – 10% of all fundraising goes into account for those that cannot afford items (instruments, reeds) can be requested privately; this can also be used towards trips as long as students have participated towards fundraising; funds can also be used for accompanist, etc; Mrs Mochikas and Mr Schill stated that all requests go through them; Discussion about variables – Ian motion to continue to accept Tithe as it was set out last year; Sandy seconds; voted; passed.
4. Chair Rebecca brought forward individual student fundraising amounts and if they can be carried forward from year to year if they collect more than what is needed for the Spring trip. Last year it was decided that students can ask for a refund or they can put it in writing that they would like to donate it to another child. Discussion happened. Mr Schill made decision to keep things the same as last year.
5. Upcoming events (see newsletter for full list):
a. Santa Clause Parade (Intermediate & Advanced band students only) November 26th – Hot Chocolates & cups (Sandy & Lisa); Truck (Christy); Tuques & Scarves (_______)
b. Blazers Game (Choir students only) December 3rd – $7/student; Tuques & Scarves (Melanie)
c. Christmas Concert (all students) December 13th – will discuss more at November meeting
6. Fundraising
a. Bottle Drive (Lucy & Nicole): Last bottle drive as a great success with over 40 students and 25 parents. Final numbers are not yet in, but should be shortly. Lucy will call to book January bottle drive for January 7th or 14th
b. Gary’s Deli Fundraiser (Nicole) – Order forms going out November 22; orders due back on the Dec 6th and Orders need to be picked up at the school on Dec 14th
c. Poinsettias – lots of other groups in the community are doing; Rebecca is going to look into this – tabled
d. Concert parking & seating auction – Tibor organized it 2 years ago – tabled
e. Gift basket for Xmas concert; last year there was difficulty with dividing up the monies; discussion about how to do this year; Discussion; voted and decision made that it will be a group fundraiser
f. Pizza cards – tabled
g. $10 coupon books – Discussion is that these are over saturated in the community and we will pass on the opportunity
h. Other suggestions?
i. Setting up a bottle account at General Grants; Lucy will look into this
7. T-Shirts Washing – Jackie to replace Brandy on this
8. Next meeting date – November 17th @ 7pm
Meeting Adjourned at 8:15pm
Brock Parent’s Committee Meeting September 22, 2016
New Positions for 2016/2017 school year:
Rebecca Edgar
Vice President:
Kim Jansen
Nicole Hale
Jeff Miconi
Sylvia Sherlock
Darlene Dyer
Treasurer & Money Collectors:
Lindsay Viala
Sandy Maher
Lucy Johnson
Money Gophers
Jackie Friars
Jeff Miconi
Lisa Tom
Monica Marks
Melissa Smith
Trip Coordinators
Mr. Schill
Kristi Williams
Lucy Johnson
Kim Jansen
Rebecca Edgar
Performance Shirts
Melanie McConnell
Brandy Richard
Monica Marks
Trip Options – Discuss Sun Peaks & Whistler further next meeting. Organize and get full trip costs together before sending out in survey monkey.
4 Fundraising Ideas
- Bottle Drive on Saturday, September 24. Lucy Johnson & Nicole Hale will organize bottle drive. Students get credit for showing up to work and also credit if a parent shows up to work.
- Gary’s Sausages. Nicole Hale will head up the fundraiser, with Dawn Lord, Melissa Smith and Jackie Friars and Melissa Smith and Sandy Maher all helping.
- Poinsettias – not yet discussed.
- Concert parking and seat auction – not yet discussed.
- Gift baskets for Xmas & Spring Concerts: Kamal Heer 250 574-5807
** Music Department Hoodies will be available to purchase soon!! This will be designed and organized by Jennifer Koopman. **
NEXT MEETING DATE: THURSDAY, OCTOBER 13, 2016 @ 7 pm in music room.
(Will discuss upcoming Concerts at October meeting)
October 30, 2014
Brock Music Parent’s Committee Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:03pm
Minutes from last meeting, October 15, 2014 reviewed and adopted.
Sun Peaks Spring Trip Details
Tentative cost of trip-$263.00 plus half day TOC for Mr. Schill plus cost of transportation to Sun Peaks
The Coast Sundance Hotel is where everyone will stay.
Students will be required to bring a bag lunch on Friday, the day they leave for Sun Peaks, and will need a bag lunch on Sunday, the day they return from Sun Peaks.
The students will leave Brock Middle School on Friday after lunch and will return on Sunday after lunch.
Lunches for students on Sunday can be made by parent chaperones with the supplies they take with them to Sun Peaks.
The company arranging the trip would like the first deposit by December 15, 2014 and final payment to be in their office by March 1, 2015.
Students will be required to bring first deposit of $100.00 on November 28, 2014 with a secondary date of December 5, 2014. Deposits will be collected between 7:45am to 8:30am at Brock Middle School.
The second deposit of $100.00 to be made on January 16, 2015 with a secondary date of January 21, 2015. Deposits will be collected between 7:45am to 8:30am at Brock Middle School.
The third deposit to be made on February 13, 2015 with a secondary date of February 18, 2015. Deposits will be collected between 7:45am to 8:30am at Brock Middle School.
Mr. Schill will require parent volunteers for the Choral Sharing at the Sagebrush Theatre on November 17, 2014 at 6:45pm.
Donations of white dress shirts or blouses (3/4 sleeve or short sleeve), black pants or knee-length skirts and shoes are needed.
The Santa Claus parade is scheduled for November 29, 2014 and students should be there at 8:30am. Four parent volunteers are needed to help Mr. Schill with hats and scarves, hot chocolate and organizing the students. Clint Morrow may be able to drive his truck for the Santa Claus parade. Twyla has his phone number.
The Christmas concert is scheduled for December 16, 2014 and students should arrive at 6:15pm. Volunteers are needed to help with set up and chaperone students. Volunteers need to arrive at 3:30pm to start set up. Twyla will bring volunteer sheet to next meeting.
Fundraising Projects
Gary’s Sausage will be the first fundraising project undertaken. All were in favor of this idea and Twyla will phone Gary’s to gain more information.
Sandy will phone General Grant’s to register Brock with them so bottle drive donations can be made directly to General Grant’s for Brock.
Sandy will phone to find out what dates are available for a bottle drive. Tentatively looking at dates between January 10, 2015 and February 13, 2015.
There will be a bake sale at the Christmas concert. We will need donations of baked goods.
A silent auction for front row seats at the Christmas concert will be conducted. Twyla will call Pastor Don to find out how many people can be seated in those seats.
A silent auction for the first five parking spots in front of the church is another suggestion.
A silent auction for three baskets with different themes will be conducted as well. Students to bring in one item each for baskets. Donations will be collected between 7:45am to 8:30am at Brock Middle School.
All items up for auction will be featured on a website to display them and generate interest.
Details and logistics of auction ideas and bottle drive to be discussed at next meeting.
Look into collecting Extra Foods receipts from parents to redeem for gift cards.
No fundraisers after final deposit.
Next meeting is scheduled for November 13, 2014 at 7pm.
Meeting adjourned at 8:05pm.
October 15, 2014
Brock Music Parent’s Committee Minutes
Meeting called to order at 7:01pm
Committee positions were discussed and filled.
President- Timia Warner | Vice President- Twyla Lambert |
ghj | Secretary- Sandi Jorgensen |
Treasurer- Lindsey Viala | Treasurer- Brent Woitas |
Fund Raising- Sandy Maher | |
Communications- Sylvia Sherlock | Communications- Rich Brew |
Trip Co-Ordinators- Candace Albrecht |
Trip Co-Ordinators- Shelley Spiker
The Sun Peaks Cantando was suggested for the Brock music students spring trip.
The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, October 30, 2014 at 7pm in the Brock music room.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:10pm